Lower Decks Crossover Episode

It'll be their Spock's Brain, their Shades of Gray, their Move Along Home, their Threshold, their that one where Trip gets pregnant and grows a nipple on this arm.

You're mixing a show with a serious tone with a slapsticky/stoner comedy cartoon. It's oil and water.
Lot of assumptions there. It's an episodic format which will be easily dismissed and have no impact on my view of the show, anymore than I regard TOS as lesser for Spock's Brain.
Lot of assumptions there. It's an episodic format which will be easily dismissed and have no impact on my view of the show, anymore than I regard TOS as lesser for Spock's Brain.

I've seen LD and I've seen SNW, they're completely different looks, tones, and approaches to the storytelling and universe. They can't click together without one turning into the other or both having to sacrifice something to find a middle ground.

But, mostly, I just don't like LD, what it calls "humor" and it's need to constantly make call-backs and references to the point the characters talk like Trek Fans more than they do characters in the world (actually referencing episodes by name.) LD should just be on its own plane. But, nope, let's put it in with SNW.

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I've seen LD and I've seen SNW, they're completely different looks, tones, and approaches to the storytelling and universe. They can't click together with our one turning into the other or both having to sacrifice something to find a middle ground.

But, mostly, I just don't like LD, what it calls "humor" and it's need to constantly make call-backs and references to the point the characters talk like Trek Fans more than they do characters in the world (actually referencing episodes by name.) LD should just be on its own plane. But, nope, let's put it in with SNW.

And that's...bad and harmful?

Sorry, but I grew up with Scooby-Doo and Batman and Robin, and Clue Jr. And other such things. SNW has demonstrated a willingness to be a broad sandbox like TOS/TAS. If I don't Ike it I move on. No harm, no foul. No runs, no hits, no errors.
And that's...bad and harmful?

Sorry, but I grew up with Scooby-Doo and Batman and Robin, and Clue Jr. And other such things. SNW has demonstrated a willingness to be a broad sandbox like TOS/TAS. If I don't Ike it I move on. No harm, no foul. No runs, no hits, no errors.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Is it something I would've done in the grand scheme of things? Probably not. But the creative staffs of both shows are humming, I see nothing wrong with giving it a shot.
I bet Mariner will point out all the ways Pike's Enterprise doesn't look like the one from TOS. I suspect there will be hijinks.

Mariner: “This looks nothing like all the pictures and recordings at Memory Alpha, this bridge is to big and shiny”.

Boimler: “shhhh” elbows Mariner nods his head in the direction of an animated Kurtzman with a furrowed brow.

Mariner: “oh yeah”. “Woah I can believe we are on the bridge on the original Enterprise, look it’s Captain Pike”. Big wink to the camera.
Mariner: “This looks nothing like all the pictures and recordings at Memory Alpha, this bridge is to big and shiny”.

Boimler: “shhhh” elbows Mariner nods his head in the direction of an animated Kurtzman with a furrowed brow.

Mariner: “oh yeah”. “Woah I can believe we are on the bridge on the original Enterprise, look it’s Captain Pike”. Big wink to the camera.

Well, Mariner's first line is LD style humor. The presence of an animated Kurtzman intimidating Boimler into getting Mariner to toe the party line and Mariner's knowing wink to the camera isn't. That's more Simpsonesque.

Perhaps I should actually try doing drugs before watching LOWER DECKS, since I seem to have missed all this alleged "stoner humor."
It'll be their Spock's Brain, their Shades of Gray, their Move Along Home, their Threshold, their that one where Trip gets pregnant and grows a nipple on this arm.

You're mixing a show with a serious tone with a slapsticky/stoner comedy cartoon. It's oil and water.
It'll be their I Mudd, Trouble with Tribbles or A Piece of the Action.

That was often a problem with the Berman Trek era in that they never trusted the audience enough to do a real comedy episode where yes, not everything was to be taken so drop dead seriously.
Yeah, I haven’t had a drink in 10 years or hit a joint in 20 (and weed is legal here) and I love LD. It’s the best of all the Kurtzman era series.

Not into drugs at all, although I do drink like a :censored:ing fish.

That being said, I do think LD is funny. Just not for that reason.

And part of the reason I'm looking forward to seeing LD in live-action - if that is indeed what is going to happen here - is the opportunity to see if it can take itself seriously for a time.
Maybe it’s crazy but….the fun is the point?


If we didn't include fun or crazy in the franchise, we'd never have gotten...

The Big Goodbye
A Fistful of Datas


Just to name a few. We'd also never have gotten, or would be completely different...

Spock/McCoy banter
Will Riker
Lwaxana Troi
Jadzia Dax
O'Brien/Bashir friendship
Vic Fontaine
Tom Paris

Fun is a part of the adventure. Even ENTERPRISE in season 1 and 2... for all the faults those two seasons have, they had fun because it was all new to the crew. That sense of wonder showed, and they had fun with that.

Fun is ingrained in the heart of the franchise. It's something that has been missing from shows (and not just STAR TREK) for a long time. We, as the audience, can't be depressed and doom and gloom ALL the time. Balance is the key, particularly with a show about exploration.