Spoilers Let’s talk about the destruction of Trek utopia…

I'm just not able to understand your point. Are YOU the same person you were 20 years ago? I know I am not. He IS the same character, just older. What did you expect? Still in command of a starship? Maybe an admiral doing paperwork all day?
If Trek future's response to someone choosing to be an addict is the same as modern day then that is extremely bleak. If the sciences have advanced then there should be something, anything that makes it better than today. And if not better then I would like to see it at least be somewhat different from today. I'm not looking for a strict utopia just a little bit of hope

Free will still existing is bleak?
Given that the series is basically built on the return of JeanLuc Picard, you don't think that Picard being substantially a different character is not a problem?

Again, Picard is the "hook."
Given the fact that Patrick Stewart said the only way he'd reprise the character of Jean Luc Picard was if they did something new with the character that he never played; and the fact that Patrick Stewart himself and everyone involved with the production was letting the fans know this as the production moved forward; no I don't consider at a problem and I don't consider that fandom should have been surprised.
If Trek future's response to someone choosing to be an addict is the same as modern day then that is extremely bleak.
May I ask why? People always have choice and what I find more interesting in Picard is the fact that the characters allow Raffi's choice, even if they don't agree with it.

Should Raffi be forced in to treatment? I would be curious as to what code of ethics would apply to force someone in to a treatment program without their consent.
After summing up the first 8 episodes of Picard, I think it is safe to say now that it is showing dystopia, or some elements of it. There's a lot destruction (mars attack, Romulus destroyed) lawlessness, senseless murdering. And then there's conspiracies, and apocalyptic paranoia.

And a general glum attitude everyone has. I mean, Everyone is glum. That fact that the glumness is connected to the main story involving the Synths and paranoia, that actually puts it further into the dystopian category.

Saying it's a little dystopian, is not destroying Star Trek or it's canon, but it is showing some elements of it.
That's exactly what I feared it would be.

it must be those crazy times we're living in. Everything must be dark, gloomy and filled with murder,torture, anxiety and darkness. No hope, just doom-and-gloom.

Just look at the entertainment today. The music s**s, the movies s**s, the TV-series s**s.

And don't judge me as some grumpy old man. In fact, Ive been along for a while and found lots of gold nuggets when it comes to music, movies, TV-series and such in the 80's, 90's, and 2000's. But after 2010 it seems like everything has hit a wall.

And sometimes I have a feeling that we are bringing bad luck over us with that constant doom-and-gloom, especially when I look at the world today and what is happening right now.

And what is wrong with those d**n producers of today? It seems that the only thing they can do is destroy. Sort of; "Oh well, I'm the new producer of Star Trek. What can we destroy today? I know, let's destroy some classic Star Trek races planets. Then we can add some magnificent explosions". Or "lets kill off some character from a previous series in some splattering torture scene". Or "Lets screw up established Star Trek history". Or #Let us destroy the Klingons by making them some sort of Mutant Ninja Turtles from hell."

What happened to good stories and exciting episodes? Now it's just doom-and-gloom, series where the characters dark sides and personal problems seem to be more important than telling a good and exciting story.

In recent time I've watched a lot of TOS and even older series and movies from the 50's, 60's and 70's and those things were GOOD despite the lack of today's technology and when it comes to music, nothing beats the music of the 60's and 70's. Just compare Jimi Hendrix with Justin Bieber and you'll see what I mean.

We're really living in the dark ages right now.

So why spend the time watching all this current dystopia when there are tons of TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, CSI, Clint Eastwood movies, James Bond and similar stuff to buy on DVD, download or watch on Netflix.
And ENT. :shrug:

Anyone who lumps all of VOY into the watch list and omits any of ENT...I mean...come on now.
That's exactly what I feared it would be.

it must be those crazy times we're living in. Everything must be dark, gloomy and filled with murder,torture, anxiety and darkness. No hope, just doom-and-gloom.

Just look at the entertainment today. The music s**s, the movies s**s, the TV-series s**s.

And don't judge me as some grumpy old man. In fact, Ive been along for a while and found lots of gold nuggets when it comes to music, movies, TV-series and such in the 80's, 90's, and 2000's. But after 2010 it seems like everything has hit a wall.

And sometimes I have a feeling that we are bringing bad luck over us with that constant doom-and-gloom, especially when I look at the world today and what is happening right now.

And what is wrong with those d**n producers of today? It seems that the only thing they can do is destroy. Sort of; "Oh well, I'm the new producer of Star Trek. What can we destroy today? I know, let's destroy some classic Star Trek races planets. Then we can add some magnificent explosions". Or "lets kill off some character from a previous series in some splattering torture scene". Or "Lets screw up established Star Trek history". Or #Let us destroy the Klingons by making them some sort of Mutant Ninja Turtles from hell."

What happened to good stories and exciting episodes? Now it's just doom-and-gloom, series where the characters dark sides and personal problems seem to be more important than telling a good and exciting story.

In recent time I've watched a lot of TOS and even older series and movies from the 50's, 60's and 70's and those things were GOOD despite the lack of today's technology and when it comes to music, nothing beats the music of the 60's and 70's. Just compare Jimi Hendrix with Justin Bieber and you'll see what I mean.

We're really living in the dark ages right now.

So why spend the time watching all this current dystopia when there are tons of TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, CSI, Clint Eastwood movies, James Bond and similar stuff to buy on DVD, download or watch on Netflix.
We're all adults here, you don't have to censor yourself.
So why spend the time watching all this current dystopia when there are tons of TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, CSI, Clint Eastwood movies, James Bond and similar stuff to buy on DVD, download or watch on Netflix.
Because its not all dystopia, despite that being the buzzword nowadays.

Just compare Jimi Hendrix with Justin Bieber and you'll see what I mean.
And this right here is why it can never satisfy (Cue Rolling Stones). There is no satisfaction if we are constantly comparing past products to today. Oh, if only it was like "back in my day" when TV was good and fun, and we didn't have all this doom and gloom. Granted it wasn't great for every demographic but it was great for someone!

Yeah, a little bit of hyperbole. But, that is how it comes across. It is taking all contemporary production and tossing it in to the trash bin labeled "Not my entertainment."
Or #Let us destroy the Klingons by making them some sort of Mutant Ninja Turtles from hell."
That's not destruction. That's an overreaction by a huge margin.

These are not just robots who mindlessly churn out mass entertainment that is cookie cutter. These are people with their own artistic imaginations, and visions. And reimagining something is not destruction.

"Doom and gloom?" I'm sorry that I want characters to actually go through challenges and crises. That's what I deal with in my life even if not on the same scale. I like seeing characters who actually are struggling, who need help, or maybe fail from time to time.

Yes, it is uncomfortable. And you know what? I want that. I'm tired of being told that there is this happy world where no problems exist and if they do they can be solved within 45 minutes. That there is a freedom from consequences, a freedom where we can just runaway from our problems because nothing bad will ever happen again.

That's a fantasy world. And that's fine for me when I was younger. And that's fine if I am with my children. But, Picard isn't for my kids;it's for people like me who struggle, and fight, and failed, and faced depression and anxiety on the daily because life is hard. It's the kind of optimism that I have had in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. That there is light even when I can't see it.

Give me those stories. If I need the safe stories I know where to find them.
Just look at the entertainment today. The music s**s, the movies s**s, the TV-series s**s.
Crap or "s**s has always been the norm. I doubt it's any higher now than it has been in the past.
"Four-fifths of everybody's work must be bad. But the remnant is worth the trouble for its own sake."- Rudyard Kipling -1890
"Ninety percent of everything is crap." - Theodore Sturgeon- 1957
Just compare Jimi Hendrix with Justin Bieber and you'll see what I mean.
Why would one compare Bieber to Hendrix? Hendrix was never a teen idol. Bieber was never a guitar genius. Bieber is a David Cassidy, a Frankie Avalon, a Bobby Sherman. Someone like Gary Clark is comparable to Hendrix, not Beiber. Do you also compare a Big Mac to a burger from a top Chef?
Why would one compare Bieber to Hendrix? Hendrix was never a teen idol. Bieber was never a guitar genius. Bieber is a David Cassidy, a Frankie Avalon, a Bobby Sherman. Someone like Gary Clark is comparable to Hendrix, not Beiber. Do you also compare a Big Mac to a burger from a top Chef?
I had the same question. Really, there is much to be said about personal expectations and managing them if one is comparing Jimi Hendrix and Justin Bieber. O_o