Spoilers Let’s talk about the destruction of Trek utopia…

I find nothing depressing about freedom of speech. It's actions that concern me. And the actions of the Federation were never shown to be right in the show...ever. So, I can't find it depressing when we are literally told they are wrong and being manipulated in some manner.

Just like in Insurrection, inter Arma Enim Silent Leges, Homefront/Paradise Lost, The Undiscovered Country, among others. The Federation not willing to recognize the wrong and not reversing course would be depressing. That wasn't the case here.

Freedom without responsibility leads to destruction. The Federation is a (mostly) enlightened society where people are mature enough to handle their freedom responsibly (as opposed to us 21st century humans, but that's a discussion more suited for TNZ).
I never got the impression the Mars synths were sentient, just conditioned to respond in certain ways to their humanoid superiors and interact like, say, a modern AI system in a video game.
I never got the impression the Mars synths were sentient, just conditioned to respond in certain ways to their humanoid superiors and interact like, say, a modern AI system in a video game.
Are you suggesting that someone PROGRAMMED the AIs to revolt? Then again, that is half-implied in the show already.
That's how I understood it. She chose to be a hermit and live (relatively) primitively.

Which should be an individual prerogative in an advanced human society. The idea that we're going to MAKE you live a clean and sterile life free of danger and personal risk is abhorrent and smacks of the kinds of totalitarian civilizations officers like Kirk fought against.