Spoilers Let’s talk about the destruction of Trek utopia…

The amount of violence/gore isn't dramatically increased over the last 40 years..the special effects have simply improved, but the intent remains the same.
Most of the difference is in the special effects with blood splattering and slow motion detailed torture scenes.

Not to mention the bad stories and bad acting.

I want good stories where I have to think to try to figure out what's wrong, who's the bad guy and such, not overkill of explosions and effects, blood splattering, political correctness and the constant doom-an-gloom.
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Spattering? It's a red mist that doesn't even leave behind a residue.

A Varon-T disruptor in TNG did more horrendous and disgusting damage, not to mention the body of Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick. I know Star Trek turning into a slasher film would not be a good thing but...come on. Let's get real here.
A Varon-T disruptor in TNG did more horrendous and disgusting damage, not to mention the body of Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick. I know Star Trek turning into a slasher film would not be a good thing but...come on. Let's get real here.
Never mind what the transporter could do.

Reading the comments one would think that Trek somehow became a horror franchise, instead of the brief moments that have occurred over the years, like Trek has always done.
ST:TMP was at the time a G-rated movie that turned two Starfleet officers inside out on the transporter platform and had them screaming in agony as they died. Just sayin'. Seven vaporizing someone in a mist of red is hardly groundbreaking and in a bad way.
ST:TMP was at the time a G-rated movie that turned two Starfleet officers inside out on the transporter platform and had them screaming in agony as they died. Just sayin'. Seven vaporizing someone in a mist of red is hardly groundbreaking and in a bad way.
Yup. TMP rates more horrible for me right now.
Seems more like deconstruction than destruction of utopia.

It's fun to bluster, but in two weeks the entire season is over and the scope of what kind of storytelling will have been revealed. Everything I've seen so far seems to lead up to a whole bunch of reset-buttoning and course-correcting. Every main character seems to have some deliberately placed tragedy in their life.

Does this series deal with tragedy that results of the political result(s) of Picard's action and consequences?
Or are these outcomes fluid and can be changed with a chronitron burst, or a snap of Q's fingers, etc?

We know for sure that season 2 features
Guinan, and she's the expert on alt timelines etc. I could see her having an exciting part of this story.
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Spattering? It's a red mist that doesn't even leave behind a residue.

A Varon-T disruptor in TNG did more horrendous and disgusting damage, not to mention the body of Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick. I know Star Trek turning into a slasher film would not be a good thing but...come on. Let's get real here.
Sorry for the wrong-spelling. Just me writing too fast sometimes.
I've edited the post now.
Otherwise I stand for everything I have written. Most modern series s***s big time.
However, I haven't given up totally on "Picard" yet. But so far it's a weak shadow of the masterpiece TNG.
"Weak shadow of the masterpiece TNG" isn't a very sensible frame for discussing a show when absolutely no one making the show wanted to make something like TNG.

You really stand by the statement that TV acting's gotten worse in general? That strikes me as being completely divorced from reality.
I think TNG had a large swathe of bland episodes punctuated by some absolute gems.

Star Trek Picard - I just don't think they've nailed down these characters and I find Kurtzman and the people in his general orbit have problems pacing their output properly. For me, it's either too slow or there's too much going on. And they are also trying to appeal to sci-fi indifferent audiences with swearing and senseless gruesomeness that more obstructs than adds to the quality of the show whilst popping out "Easter Eggs" in an effort to keep fans from spreading negative messaging..

I'm entertained by the show and I'm interested to see future episodes but whilst I might rewatch scenes, it's not atm good enough for me to bother to rewatch episodes or anything.
I love Picard, I think it's a great show and the story's are good, though as Seven of Nine says it lacks hope.
The one thing I relied on with Star Trek was that the Federation was an organisation that instilled hope and it just doesn't seem to giving that level to me and is a bit bleak, we haven't solved any problems and they're all still the ones we currently have.. or is that just me?