Leaders that you would follow. (Multiple choice poll)

Star Trek leaders that you would follow. (Multiple choice poll)

  • Total voters


This is a multiple choice poll. Choose who you would follow, regardless of the situation.
IMO Archer, NuKirk, and Kira may get you killed while Sisko and Martok may get you killed but for a better reason.
^ Perhaps some of those leaders MAY get you killed, but as I see it, they won't get you killed needlessly. You follow a character like Jellico or Martok, and if you die, you can be sure that your death meant something. These are not leaders who waste crewmembers.

(Can you delete posts Mr. Laser Beam?)

Yes you can, just click on 'Edit' and then one of the options will be 'Delete'
(Can you delete posts Mr. Laser Beam?)

Yes you can, just click on 'Edit' and then one of the options will be 'Delete'
I don't see it.

Edit: It looks like some can and some can't.
If you have registered and are logged in, you may be able to edit and delete your posts (although the administrator may have turned off this option).

How does one get the ability turned on?
Jellico is at the top of my list. Literally the guy who will say "would you rather your men be tired or dead?" He may be overbearing and work you to the bone, but he'll get the job done and his people home.
How does one get the ability turned on?

You should have the ability for all posts of yours that you can edit. (A certain amount of time after you post, though, it becomes 'locked' and uneditable.) Clicking on the 'Edit' icon will produce four more clickable icons: Save, Go Advanced, Delete, Cancel.

Jellico is at the top of my list. Literally the guy who will say "would you rather your men be tired or dead?"

An excellent question!
Janeway. Unless I'm Joe Carey. Safe below decks for 7 years, only to be sent on an away mission and wasted.

How does one get the ability turned on?

Send $5000 in small unmarked bills to T'Bonz. No checks or money orders.

When in editing the post (advanced mode), I usually see an option for Delete above the body of the post. It's worked at least once for me.
I really thought Picard would take an early lead, he generally gets everyone out safely.
How does one get the ability turned on?

You should have the ability for all posts of yours that you can edit. (A certain amount of time after you post, though, it becomes 'locked' and uneditable.) Clicking on the 'Edit' icon will produce four more clickable icons: Save, Go Advanced, Delete, Cancel.
When I press edit I see the Save, Go Advanced, and Cancel options but not the Delete option. :confused:

Maybe it's a rank thing.
No Captain Decker? I'd follow him.


I hope you mean Willard Decker and not Matt Decker but I wish you reminded me of him in the Poll starter thread.
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When I press edit I see the Save, Go Advanced, and Cancel options but not the Delete option. :confused:

Maybe it's a rank thing.

Go to your User Control Panel page.

On the left side list, look for Settings & Options, and below that Edit Options.

Scrolling down that page, past Time Zones and stuff, you'll see Miscellaneous Options. Look at the Message Editor Interface. If you can, change that to Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing.

Those actions I described earlier are how I'm set up. I think the default only gives you the simple text editor box at the bottom.
^I already set it to that some time ago. I even tried selecting another choice and reselecting Full WYSIWYG Editing but no luck, I'm still unable to delete posts. Anyone else able or unable to delete posts?
I'd follow Archer half the time. He had a pretty good track record of keeping the crew safe up until season 3. I'd give him a half a vote, but since nobody else has voted for him so far I figured one full vote couldn't hurt. ;)
Maybe it's a rank thing.

It's not a rank thing... I'm not that far ahead of you and I've always had the ability to delete posts. That's odd, I'm not sure why some users would have it and others wouldn't. This might be a good question for the mod board.
I'm fascinated that Jellico is pulling votes. I was kind of joking when I suggested him for the list.