La'an: Missed Opportunity?

I think that they WILL reveal that La'an has Khan's abilities. But if they do, that is all the more reason not to have given similar abilities to Una.

Well, by your own account you've been wrong and disappointed in your expectations so far, so there's no reason to expect otherwise with predictions like this.

BTW, trying to support an argument with hypotheticals based on no evidence - "I bet more than 50% of viewers" - doesn't work.* Resorting to it actually weakens whatever point you thought you were making.

*Neither does, "my suspicions are based on people that I talk to and what I read" - ie, anecdotal evidence filtered through personal bias. People here talk about these shows a lot - go ahead, look around try to find any evidence that "more than 50%" think the way you imagine that they do.
BTW, trying to support an argument with hypotheticals based on no evidence - "I bet more than 50% of viewers" - doesn't work. Resorting to it actually weakens whatever point you thought you were making.

It's a bet in the abstract. There are no stakes. Go ahead and poll people here about whether they would like to have seen the trial be about La'an and not Una, if you'd like. The payout will be a No-Prize.
To those of us who have watched all of season 1, it makes sense that it was Una rather than La'an.
I'm catching up on the show, (I'm at S01E03). I suppose I cannot deny that Una's DNA history was set up early.

Mmmm.... still, I just don't see La'an's function as a character if they aren't going to exploit her Khan heritage to it's maximum extent. And if they do so later, then I don't see the reason for Una have the same issue.

(Hey: At least she isn't La'an Noonien Trump. Ain't no getting out from under from that family history.)
La'An's struggle with her heritage is a very important plot point in future episodes.

What exactly does she have to struggle with, though? That's the part I'm not getting. Yes, La'an raises the issue multiple times: "My great, great, great garndpappy was a tyrant... and also super sexy and awesome." Why exactly is this her cross to bear, except for manufactured drama?
What exactly does she have to struggle with, though? That's the part I'm not getting. Yes, La'an raises the issue multiple times: "My great, great, great garndpappy was a tyrant... and also super sexy and awesome." Why exactly is this her cross to bear, except for manufactured drama?
The former, yes. But not recalling the latter.
Because people use it to hurt her.
The former, yes. But not recalling the latter.
Because people use it to hurt her.'s pretty much thus.

Much of Trek drama is manufactured. Spock's parents, Kirk having to fight his friend, his son, his Starfleet hero, his friend again.

The only difference is looking for the manufacturer's marks on this story.
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I mean, it's pretty simple.

Una was directly and intentionally genetically modified by her parents/guardians, much like Bashir was, directly against existing laws.

La'an was not. Yes, she has distant ancestry to someone who was, but she herself was not modified in any way whatsoever even if she shares some DNA strands with someone who was. What's more, any modified DNA she does have (if any of it still exists in her after all these generations) was modified before the Federation even existed, let alone its laws against genetic modification.
I mean, it's pretty simple.

Una was directly and intentionally genetically modified by her parents/guardians, much like Bashir was, directly against existing laws.

La'an was not. Yes, she has distant ancestry to someone who was, but she herself was not modified in any way whatsoever even if she shares some DNA strands with someone who was. What's more, any modified DNA she does have (if any of it still exists in her after all these generations) was modified before the Federation even existed, let alone its laws against genetic modification.
Presumably some recruiter would have recognized the name at some point, so even if La'an still has some genetic modifications from Khan, Starfleet thought it was fine.
It's clear to me that the writers didn't really understand the material.

The SNW writers know exactly what they are doing. As they keep proving every week. Even when some of us doubted them two years ago.

There are more subtle ways to promote your comic. I am interested in seeing more of your work. Zebra stripes on a Cheronite is a great concept, something similar to an idea I once toyed with in a fanfic, but please don't use the discussion threads to promote your own work.

The personal footer link is sufficient, or use the TrekBBS section dedicated to fanfic.
I mean, it's pretty simple.

Una was directly and intentionally genetically modified by her parents/guardians, much like Bashir was, directly against existing laws.

La'an was not. Yes, she has distant ancestry to someone who was, but she herself was not modified in any way whatsoever even if she shares some DNA strands with someone who was. What's more, any modified DNA she does have (if any of it still exists in her after all these generations) was modified before the Federation even existed, let alone its laws against genetic modification.
You're paying attention to the show and applying logic instead of judging it based on preconceptions. I'm pretty sure that must violate some "rule of drama."
OP hasn't thought his premise through all the way, either. La'an hasn't hidden her family history. In any way. She still uses the name. Why would Starfleet suddenly put her on trial and try to remove her NOW? They've known who she is and who she's descended from FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.

Whereas Una has, in fact, lied about her family history and hidden the truth of who and what she is. In direct contravention of the rules she has sworn to uphold. While the trial was absolutely predicated on racial prejudices and the history of a people hurt by augments who have to bear the scars of those hurts, it's justification is that violation of a basic principle of order. Order which, by the way, Una is pretty much the living face of in her position as XO.
Do we even know if genetically enhanced individuals pass their modified DNA on to their descendants in the Trek universe? I mean, I don't recall La'an ever being shown as being enhanced in any way, not even a little. Nor can I think of any characters who were descended from them that were also enhanced.

That's also the key word in the discussion: Enhanced. It's genetic enhancements that are illegal, not necessary genetic modifications. The latter has plenty of valid uses in medicine, and I'm pretty sure (but cannot recall any direct examples off the top of my head) that we've heard Starfleet modifying genes in that sense at least a few times, particularly when coming up with a cure for something.

Una was enhanced and has even demonstrated some of her enhancements. La'an never was, nor has demonstrated any such enhancements. That's the end of it.
Una was enhanced and has even demonstrated some of her enhancements. La'an never was, nor has demonstrated any such enhancements. That's the end of it.

What exactly is the point of La’an being descended from Khan? I am not buying her “I bear the weight if his sins” bit. It feels incredibly forced if she isn’t also in the family business, as it were.