I’m with you on that. It is necessary to show the serpents in paradise, and Trek has done it well many times. But I do think that these NuTreks are, unfortunately, too “drama forward”. Memorable dialogue and inventive sci-fi are taking a back seat to emotional intensity and CGI glitz.
To bring it back to “Ad Astra”, I think this is the weakest of the “Federation Values on Trial” episodes from across the multiple series. They didn’t effectively knit the sci-fi hook (genetic engineering) into the moral question of… well, what was the trial REALLY about? Immigrants? Gays? They threw everything at the wall and trusted in emotion to make it stick. In “The Measure of a Man”, we knew that what was at stake was whether humanity had learned the lessons of slavery, and there was even a patina of religiosity: Does Data have a soul?
I don’t think the writers of “Ad Astra” cared that much about the specific complicating questions of what genetic engineering could mean for society. The logic of this Federation policy needed to be interrogated a bit more, but the writers just couldn’t wait to drag in every kind of historical bigotry in order to make the point that bigotry is bad… something we already agree with. The consequence is that the story had no nuance and raised no profound questions for us to mull over IRL.