Something fun from an "alternate" Federation!

Death Ray

Red Shirt
I am working on a comic pitch for a major publisher that is a parody/homage of Star Trek. Here is a piece of art from it, featuring my take on a Gorn. Enjoy!

Captain Kirk and the Gorn, only this time it’s a lady Gorn, if ya know whatta mean. :barf2::barf:

Seriously though, I buy the hell out of anything that featured characters drawn like this. This looks amazing!
Both your art style, and the subject you chose are wonderful. What have you created before with these characters?

The one you've drawn there looks like a cool, adventurous person: How about a scene in ten forward, with your character setting up a disco/DJing, with lots of flashing lights, much to the chagrin of the reserved and staid TNG bridge crew. Data and Riker looking forlornly at their violin and trombone? :)