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La'an: Missed Opportunity?

That damn orchestra has been following Starfleet crews around since "The Cage". Blame the Talosians.

...given how much English has evolved in the last 300 years, it's safe to assume that in another couple of centuries it might be unrecognizable to us, so the music is likely a base part of language by that point in time, and what we're hearing is essentially a translated version of what the characters are actually verbalizing. The music is part and parcel. :p
First you claim Star Trek now is catering to women, and now you've used "queer this thread"?

I think I've heard all I need to hear.

In all fairness, “queer the pitch/deal” is 19th century British slang, in common use over 100 years before “queer” came to take on the meaning people are going to infer now. I’ve been familiar with that usage since early adolescence, when I read a lot of British literature. To “queer the ______ (whatever word fits the occasion)” meant to spoil/undermine/ruin it.

Perhaps he used it to bait people who wouldn’t know that and would make an obvious assumption, but this is like getting offended over someone using niggardly as a descriptor because you don’t know what it means.
In all fairness, “queer the pitch/deal” is 19th century British slang, in common use over 100 years before “queer” came to take on the meaning people are going to infer now. I’ve been familiar with that usage since early adolescence, when I read a lot of British literature. To “queer the ______ (whatever word fits the occasion)” meant to spoil/undermine/ruin it.

Perhaps he used it to bait people who wouldn’t know that and would make an obvious assumption, but this is like getting offended over someone using niggardly as a descriptor because you don’t know what it means.

I'm familiar with the term and its antiquated meaning. Only an idiot would use it in 2023 and not expect to be called on the carpet for it.
I'm familiar with the term and its antiquated meaning. Only an idiot would use it in 2023 and not expect to be called on the carpet for it.
Taking offense at something for meaning something it doesn’t, when you know better…is just feeding the troll.
In all fairness, “queer the pitch/deal” is 19th century British slang, in common use over 100 years before “queer” came to take on the meaning people are going to infer now. I’ve been familiar with that usage since early adolescence, when I read a lot of British literature. To “queer the ______ (whatever word fits the occasion)” meant to spoil/undermine/ruin it.

Perhaps he used it to bait people who wouldn’t know that and would make an obvious assumption, but this is like getting offended over someone using niggardly as a descriptor because you don’t know what it means.

As others said, in this day and age, if you're using the words "queer" or "niggardly", it's unrealistic to think that you're not going to run into people who don't know what they mean and might draw the wrong conclusions, especially in the broader context of Death Ray's post and this thread overall.

Much as I had to tell someone that choosing "Coonie" as a nickname for himself, even when it was apparently derived from a family friend, probably wasn't going to go over well with people in general.

Of course, if Death Ray had wanted to disabuse me or others of the understandable concern regarding his use of the term "queer", he had opportunity to do so.
Well, my days of taking this seriously are certainly coming to a middle.
Mal. Every time that man was on screen I just….
If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my bunk.

in this day and age, if you're using the words "queer" or "niggardly", it's unrealistic to think that you're not going to run into people who don't know what they mean and might draw the wrong conclusions
Which is why I said something, because no one else had and I didn’t want anyone else swallowing the bait.
...given how much English has evolved in the last 300 years, it's safe to assume that in another couple of centuries it might be unrecognizable to us, so the music is likely a base part of language by that point in time, and what we're hearing is essentially a translated version of what the characters are actually verbalizing. The music is part and parcel. :p

The humpback whales have always known this.

In all fairness, “queer the pitch/deal” is 19th century British slang, in common use over 100 years before “queer” came to take on the meaning people are going to infer now. I’ve been familiar with that usage since early adolescence, when I read a lot of British literature.

Words do fall out of fashion.
That's now. Like, REAL NOW.
We reach.