Klingon change for season 2?

Plus, you know, different. Sure sign of Klingonness, that.

Timo Saloniemi
There are tons of different Klingon ridges over the course of the franchise. Look just at Kahless' compared to modern Klingons, the Klingons in the Motion Picture also had radically different ridges. Colonel Worf and the other ST6 Klingons too. Even Worf's ridges altered over the course of his appearances. Given how old the Albino is, who knows if his ridges didn't alter too with age (Kor, Kang and Koloth only got their ridges in middle/older age, so their ridges would be "younger" than the Albino's).
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Heck, the three TOS Klingons may not have even gotten theirs for the very first time until after 2268. The Augment Virus may have resulted in all three being born with mostly human facial features and it wasn't until decades later that the cure activated their latent cranial ridges inherited from their immediate ancestors. We've also seen relatively few Klingons age from young warriors into aged, increasingly decrepit members of their species and the three most prominent examples didn't even have head ridges the first time we saw them.
They also never said he wasn't klingon.

So? We have no reason to believe that he was beyond the makeup being somewhat similar (and we have plenty of examples of aliens that look alike, from the Trills and Kirosians to the various human lookalikes). Novels aren't canon.

Remember, journey to babel said spock was an only child

I don't believe that that was stated there, but that's neither here nor there; That statement was contradicted in canon and both examples have or will allegedly have built in reasons why Spock was thought to be an only child or not talked about. There is zero canon evidence that the Albino was a Klingon, therefore no reason to die on that hill.
So? We have no reason to believe that he was beyond the makeup being somewhat similar (and we have plenty of examples of aliens that look alike, from the Trills and Kirosians to the various human lookalikes). Novels aren't canon.

I don't believe that that was stated there, but that's neither here nor there; That statement was contradicted in canon and both examples have or will allegedly have built in reasons why Spock was thought to be an only child or not talked about. There is zero canon evidence that the Albino was a Klingon, therefore no reason to die on that hill.
The official Star Trek website calls him a Klingon: http://www.startrek.com/database_article/albino-the
Okay, that's interesting to note, although still not canon. Wonder where they got that, given that apparently nothing in the original episode tied him to being one in the first place.
Well unless they do a time jump or its addressed in the Picard show (and it's hard to see what the reason for that would be), we're still way too early in the timeline for Discovery to conclusively tie Voq Jr. to the Albino.

Or... we get the bizarre scene of a toddler Klingon being told, "Henceforth, you shall be known as the Albino!" with the character winking at the camera after this (and a closed caption telling viewers to watch DS9: Blood Oath on CBS All Access). :klingon:
That's why I miss AfterTrek. They would have specifically said,
"Episodes to watch... TOS "Day of the Dove", TNG "Rightful Heir", DS9 "Blood Oath"
Prior to or following an advertisement break.
Then we would know.
Okay, that's interesting to note, although still not canon. Wonder where they got that, given that apparently nothing in the original episode tied him to being one in the first place.
I remember seeing something (not sure the source-possible a Trek encyclopedia) listing the Albino as a "Klingon criminal." So, it has been a part of the lore for a bit.
The novels have also made him a Klingon. His disfigured ridges and albinism caused by someone trying to fix the damage caused by the Augment Virus.

I think.
I remember seeing something (not sure the source-possible a Trek encyclopedia) listing the Albino as a "Klingon criminal." So, it has been a part of the lore for a bit.
The startrek.com link up above describes the Albino that way. Perhaps it just means he is considered a criminal within the jurisdiction of the Klingon Empire, much the same as planets within their space would be considered "Klingon planets."

The startrek.com link up above describes the Albino that way. Perhaps it just means he is considered a criminal within the jurisdiction of the Klingon Empire, much the same as planets within their space would be considered "Klingon planets."

While that could technically be the case, that would be like describing Harry Mudd as a Klingon criminal just because he spent time in their prison.
While that could technically be the case, that would be like describing Harry Mudd as a Klingon criminal just because he spent time in their prison.
I'd love to put "Klingon criminal" on my resume. That would be pretty metal. :klingon:
