Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

I tried to join that one, but it says it's closed to new members. :( So I figure I'm missing out on the really good ones only members get to see. :wah:

Maybe try mailing the admin, requesting membership, should they decide to open membership later? Can't hurt!

Meanwhile: I broke down and opened the thread, here.
Posted in the wrong thread. Oh well. So, yeah. Good pictures! I wonder if we'll see some, more close-up of Karl from the convention.
td, thanks! Karl gave them a lot to go on. He's a fan gem.

"After signing autographs all day, he then delivered a 45-minute presentation, starting from the aisle to the stage with his McCoy introductory speech from the movie ("Well, you were going to ask me to do those lines, weren't you?" he grinned), and then answering questions from the floor."
Urban I had never remembered seeing in squat, so I think that's what made it worse and really threw me. And although I'd bend Zach Quinto over and make him holler in a heartbeat, I didn't think he was that hot as Spock.

But I'm okay. I'd do Mc Coy in a heartbeat. But I'm having a little more trouble with my "dad."

Well I must have been ahead of the curve, because I've known Karl's work since Xena in the 90s, and he has been on my do list since then. Caeasar and Cupid, *fans self* LoTRs only helped in that regard. Star Trek pushed it way over... he's so freakin good looking and the scene with him on the shuttle is the best entrance of the movie.

Anybody seen Counselor Troi recently????

Yep, there was a time/space event and she's off with Dr McCoy... ;)
mythicdove or td or anybody, can you explain what the autograph says? I don't understand the cookies reference either.
mythicdove or td or anybody, can you explain what the autograph says? I don't understand the cookies reference either.


Me neither - we'll need mythicdove or Crusher Disciple to explain it to us!

"Oh no they didn't Star Trek" is the full name of the LiveJournal community that this was posted on.

GQMF is their term for sexy men - the GQ is from GQ magazine (which in itself I think originally was Gentleman's Quarterly), not sure what the MF bit is though.

And I have no idea about the cookies!
mythicdove or td or anybody, can you explain what the autograph says? I don't understand the cookies reference either.


Me neither - we'll need mythicdove or Crusher Disciple to explain it to us!

"Oh no they didn't Star Trek" is the full name of the LiveJournal community that this was posted on.

GQMF is their term for sexy men - the GQ is from GQ magazine (which in itself I think originally was Gentleman's Quarterly), not sure what the MF bit is though.

And I have no idea about the cookies!
Koala cookies are (or were -- there seems to have been a recall of these cookies in the US last year) a popular Japanese-brand snack food (made in China) with little pictures of koalas on them. They are apparently so full of win that posting a picture of Karl Urban holding up a package of them renders any opponent's position worthless.
td, cd and M'S... thanks. :lol: It's confounding sometimes; I need subtitles from other English-speaking countries, but watch telenovelas without them.
I didn't even realize that was him in LotR! Freaky, I like him better as Bones, but then I may be bias :)
I didn't even realize that was him in LotR! Freaky, I like him better as Bones, but then I may be bias :)

I thought he looked like a Norse God in LOTR with that flowing hair, and I don't even like long hair on men. :drool:
Have you kids seen this from trekmovie.com? Look at the end of the article. Needless to say I was laughing my head off but then I had some naughty thoughts. :alienblush:

But he looks so damn good in that jacket and sweater. :drool: He has this professor vibe that I would have a very hard time resisting.
I knew who he was the second I heard he'd been cast to play McCoy. Being the totally incompetent casting director that I am, I actually had the audacity to question the wisdom of that worthy. I had quite the thing for Eomer, definitely very Norse god. Somewhere between Baldr and Tyr :drool:. And I could so not see him as Bones.

*Hangs head in shame*
^It's okay. You are forgiven. Do you want a hug?

And I was one of those folks that actually got very excited when I heard Karl had landed the role. He looks like DeForrest and I just knew he could pull it off acting wise. He and Quinto had my vote at the word "go". The only one of the cast I seriously questioned was what's-his-face as Sulu. Actually I am still questioning it. He just doesn't "carry" himself like George does at all.
Wow, trekmovie.com must be watching our box-office threads; they decided to post a list, too. Karl is wearing a nice outfit, indeed; I think he's got that vest and jacket on with jeans. Thanks, Smurfie.