I'm building the entire Starship Enterprise interior at 1:25 scale

Unfortunately, as he builds, he's going to face the reality that "gravity works". His stated materials of construction are going to bend and sag under 1G. Weight will rapidly become his enemy....

But @Mike Nevitt can manage that with a support structure. He has the skills for this.

The big problem is going to be display space. He said the full model would be all in one place for a temporary time, and then the pieces would have to be sold off, IIRC. He's going to have to rent a commercial space, like a vacant storefront unit in a shopping plaza. In essence, he wants a pop-up art gallery for this one work.

Best case: a rich Star Trek fan steps in as his patron. Also good: can he crowd fund the project on Kickstarter or GoFundMe? Either solution would make the whole thing work.
I admire his enthusiasm, but if I were doing this I wouldn’t be using FJ’s plans except to help fill in certain blanks. I’d start with any number of excellent exterior drawings that have been done. I’d start with recreating the known sets and then go from there.

Thing is there is a lot about the interior layout thats a blank canvas.

If we assume that most of the TMP sets showed spaces we never saw in TOS, those sets - properly redressed to match the Phase II/TOS style - could offer a bunch more spaces and a clue to how the TOS spaces varied and were laid out.
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If we assume that most of the TMP sets showed spaces we never saw in TOS,
Maybe not so:
  • DECKER: Admiral, this is an almost totally new Enterprise. You don't know her a tenth as well as I do. (Implies ~90% of the ship is new/changed.)
  • KIRK: Yeoman! Turboshaft eight? (Kirk is lost in the ship!)
  • McCOY: And ...they've probably redesigned the whole sickbay, too. I know engineers. They love to change things. (And they did.)
Conceptually, its appears that there is sweeping changes to the internal arrangement of the TMP ship. As you have done in your designs (which I love), using TAS fills in new spaces better than TMP. YMMV :).
If we assume that most of the TMP sets showed spaces we never saw in TOS, those sets - properly redressed to match the Phase II/TOS style - could offer a bunch more spaces and a clue to how the TOS spaces varied and were laid out.

The TMP Enterprise had a massive disconnect between the dialogue and the visuals. We are told that this is a refit of the original ship, but every section of the new miniature is a different shape. And I think some of the interiors were too big in any case. Nothing that movie did would lend itself to a serious TOS modeling effort.
The only thing that I know Roddenberry Himself commented on was that the TOS Enterprise did not have a space large enough to assemble the entire crew.
Watching the video I made a startling discovery. @Mike Nevitt is using the FASA plans! They copy the layout of the FJ plans, but I bet any discrepancies from deck to deck are coming from the translation of a translation.

I've never tried looking at them side by side but they are shaped quite a bit differently!

Here's the FJ: https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/star-trek-blueprints.php

Here's the FASA: https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/uss-enterprise-fasa-15mm-deck-plans.php
Great find!

There was a thread here he may have an interest in:
Watching the video I made a startling discovery. @Mike Nevitt is using the FASA plans! They copy the layout of the FJ plans, but I bet any discrepancies from deck to deck are coming from the translation of a translation.

I've never tried looking at them side by side but they are shaped quite a bit differently!

Here's the FJ: https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/star-trek-blueprints.php

Here's the FASA: https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/uss-enterprise-fasa-15mm-deck-plans.php
Maybe using the FASA plans because they’re larger and already have a grid to make things easier for laying out the physical model.
He is radically expanding the hangar facilities and I can’t say I agree with his idea. But it’s his project.
A larger hanger facility is consistent with TMP but given how little the shuttles were used in TOS compared to the Transporter, I also tend to lean towards a smaller size
New video. I understand what he is doing, but I just don’t agree with it. His approach ends up with a lot of wasted space.

Not that the FJ plans are perfect, but that mismatch he talks about on the shuttle storage was the one that was drawn by FASA. They had many fine qualities. A hyper focus on detail wasn't one of them.

I see what he wants to do. And it makes sense. I'd have to see what gets pushed around elsewhere, really. The upside of getting rid of the secondary bridge is that it might give room for actual machinery for the deflector. The downside is that that bridge is (I think) meant to command the secondary hull in the event of saucer separation.

Same goes for the crew quarters. Although I would think if there is ever a place even in Roddenberry's Star Trek where people would be in bunks or hammocks it would be then.

I definitely see what he means about throughput for the shuttles. OTOH the elevator isn't just a Franz Joseph idea it's a Matt Jefferies one!
I kinda like where Mike Nevitt is going with the redesign. It is almost tracking like the open space that we see in TMP.

Should be interesting where he ends up placing engineering facilities :)
I definitely see what he means about throughput for the shuttles. OTOH the elevator isn't just a Franz Joseph idea it's a Matt Jefferies one!

More than that - the hatch on the fantail lines up exactly with deck 20. It has to mean something. He put a lift in the floor of the flight deck, and a hatch right in front of that turntable. AND… if you look at his earliest construction plans as reconstructed by David Shaw, he originally didn’t have a fantail. He had an upper AND a lower set of clamshell doors.
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I can't say why, but the fantail is one of my favorite features of the Enterprise. It's majestic. It gives dimension and visual interest. The refit copied it beautifully. Even The Fat One (the Galaxy) did it nicely. The Sovy is merely OK.

More than that - the hatch on the fantail lines up exactly with deck 20. It has to mean something. He put a lift in the floor of the flight deck, and a hatch right in front of that turntable. AND… if you look at his earliest construction plans as reconstructed by David Shaw, he originally didn’t have a fantail. He had an upper AND a lower set of clamshell doors.

Wait, I just re-read this. You mean the rectangle on the underside of the fantail matches the turntable? Seriously?
Wait, I just re-read this. You mean the rectangle on the underside of the fantail matches the turntable? Seriously?

On designs with the flight deck made to start after the nacelle pylons the turntable usually ends up above that rectangle on the underside of the fantail. The turntable's square is wider than that rectangle. The space between there is pretty cramped for shuttlecraft and turntable elevator machinery though.
Wait, I just re-read this. You mean the rectangle on the underside of the fantail matches the turntable? Seriously?

Not exactly vertically but there is a substantial overlap. When I designed this space, drawing on what I knew about what Jefferies intended and what lining up the cutaway with the model gets you, I made it for smaller craft - workbee equivalents and such. They then don’t tie up the main flight deck.


This angle really reveals the connection:
