I'm building the entire Starship Enterprise interior at 1:25 scale

Guys, I'm not on the internet all the time... My post was done with a ticking clock. I knew what images I wanted to include, but I couldn't find the last one (from 2014) on my site, so I threw up a version I had on my system I was playing with a couple years ago (hence the quick-n-dirty description in the original post).

The Phase II drawings are Jefferies' with the line weight increased to match the writers guide version (which had been noted in the 2014 version). A couple years ago I was playing with adding in the cross-sections, which is what I had on this computer which is not where I do most of my work. I also note when I have re-drawn something and when I've cleaned-up something (removed background noise).

For those who can't see the images, you have a browser that hates the original internet (http) and wants everything to be secure (https). My site has been around since the late 1990s and is a repository of information and resources for NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP/Rhapsody operating systems, and their only browser (OmniWeb) does not work with https. Switching to https would also break 20+ years of links to my site, which is not happening.

I have shared a ton of information on this stuff, and at this point I'm not going to waste what little time I have left on this planet to hold people's hands through the minutia of where it came from when it has been covered on this site many times before. Most posters around here don't put in the time and energy I had to present detailed images (with a share-alike license). And if the work I've done in researching this subject isn't good enough, there is nothing else I can do to change that at this stage.

All of this was a gift to the community, but please feel free to ignore it.
All of this was a gift to the community

Thank you and I appreciate the effort you put into it. It was the "quick-n-dirty" comparison that perhaps was too good at replicating the original callouts and line-style which lead to me asking if they came from a new source. Specifically the cutout from TMOST didn't have a shuttlebay drawn in. I've been also looking to see where the Phase 2 callouts are from as well as they were not present from the images from Phil Broad's site.

Edit: image in question:
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(Does some searching...)
The last time @Shaw visited the Phase II E in a thread was ten years ago yet we are supposed to be familiar with his stuff enough to know what is his and what is MJ's without holding our hands. :rolleyes: Or, you know, he could just make that clear when he posts something that's unlabeled in that regard.

His last post in that thread looks eerily familiar; apparently his time back then was too valuable too. :guffaw:
I must be one of the few not overly taken with MJ’s Phase II refit. I like the TOS E much better. And I think the TMP refit looks better than the Phase II version.

My humble opinion is that Matt Jefferies’ Phase II refit modified with Richard Taylor’s TMP pylons, nacelles, and torpedo deck, is a very successful modification of the original. Not superior, but successful.

As for Shaw, anyone having the pretense to critique his work or internet manners should try doing one one hundredth of the research he has done, with nothing being given in return but uninformed grief from complainers who don’t have the energy or initiative to do the work themselves. If they don’t know what is Matt Jefferies’ and what is Shaw’s, that’s their problem, not his. Unless, you know, they are paying him. Otherwise, they are really just trashing the poster instead of the post.
There has never been a bigger fan of my humble efforts than James Dixon, yet I couldn’t talk reasonably with him. He once claimed that because my nom de plume was aridas sofia, I was a girl and he simply would not accept it was not so. Some times you just put up with what you gotta put up with, because the output is so damned impressive that you’d rather, than go without. Whether it’s a deep history of Matt Jefferies’ work, an umpteen gazillion page fanon chronology, or a forty-foot fully-realized starship, you go with the flow, because the flow is worth it.

It might not make sense from the standpoint of consensual civility, but consensus falls in the middle, and genius is often an outlier.
And I consider myself a fan of Shaw's work. Have tons of it archived because even his crudest illustration had a fuck-ton of value. Heck, the reason I was able to drop all these links to his past threads so quickly is because I have those threads bookmarked.
But one should be able to ask for a clarification about one of his works without a mercurial, over-the-top reaction on his part.

Anyway, probably said more that I should on the subject. How about that 40ft starship?
There has never been a bigger fan of my humble efforts than James Dixon, yet I couldn’t talk reasonably with him. He once claimed that because my nom de plume was aridas sofia, I was a girl and he simply would not accept it was not so. .

What Does "aridas sofia" mean anyhoo?
Thank you and I appreciate the effort you put into it. It was the "quick-n-dirty" comparison that perhaps was too good at replicating the original callouts and line-style which lead to me asking if they came from a new source. Specifically the cutout from TMOST didn't have a shuttlebay drawn in. I've been also looking to see where the Phase 2 callouts are from as well as they were not present from the images from Phil Broad's site.
aaww, a 404. I wanted to see the drawing