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I don't like this news about SNW season 3 from Screen Rant

If a similar plot had been done in TOS (in inimitable TOS fashion), would fans have liked it more or less?
I'll go a step further and guarantee that Subspace Rhapsody could be the exact same episode that we've seen, but if the credits for the episode had "Written By Terry Matalas" everyone who currently hates the episode would instead be madly in love with it.
If you asked people to guess what show that technobabble explanation was from, and made it easier for them by giving them just two groups to pick from, which group would they choose?

Group A:
For All Mankind, Strange New Words, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, The Expanse.
I can easily see a musical episode with that technical explanation happening on Stargate.
I'll go a step further and guarantee that Subspace Rhapsody could be the exact same episode that we've seen, but if the credits for the episode had "Written By Terry Matalas" everyone who currently hates the episode would instead be madly in love with it.

I can easily see a musical episode with that technical explanation happening on Stargate.
Stargate and SNW do not belong in group A. No Trek show belongs in Group A.
Leaning into absurdity? Like Alice and the White rabbit? Abraham Lincoln in space, sitting in a chair no less? A giant god hand holding the Enterprise in place? Michael Forest in a skirt?
Why won't this show respect the hard serious drama of Star Trek? You know Vulcans playing baseball, cross-dressing Ferrengi's, or horny crewmembers getting their rocks off in a holodeck?
People are free to hate the musical episode as much as they want but it's silly to act like it's an insult to the hard sci-fi sanctity of the Star Trek franchise when stuff like Spock's Brain and Threshold and a hundred other incredibly stupid unscientific episode premises exist. I feel like you need to be able to laugh at the stuff you think is stupid and move on.
People are free to hate the musical episode as much as they want but it's silly to act like it's an insult to the hard sci-fi sanctity of the Star Trek franchise when stuff like Spock's Brain and Threshold and a hundred other incredibly stupid unscientific episode premises exist. I feel like you need to be able to laugh at the stuff you think is stupid and move on.
The science might be more sound than a lot of Trek episodes. :lol:
Why won't this show respect the hard serious drama of Star Trek? You know Vulcans playing baseball, cross-dressing Ferrengi's, or horny crewmembers getting their rocks off in a holodeck?
It wasn't an anomaly that made people play baseball, they just wanted to play baseball. I'm fine with science fiction where people do stuff because they want to.
People are free to hate the musical episode as much as they want but it's silly to act like it's an insult to the hard sci-fi sanctity of the Star Trek franchise when stuff like Spock's Brain and Threshold and a hundred other incredibly stupid unscientific episode premises exist. I feel like you need to be able to laugh at the stuff you think is stupid and move on.
Yeah, but then I'll complain about a different episode later on and people will say "It's silly to act like this is an insult to Star Trek when Subspace Rhapsody exists"! If you keep using bad episodes to forgive more bad episodes you end up with a bad TV series.
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