Harley Quinn webseries (2019)

Erm, as far as I'm aware Talia drugged and took advantage of Bruce.

Pre-New 52, Damian's original origin was that he was artificially grown from DNA of Talia and Bruce, which was Talia's doing. Post New 52, all I can find is that he was born of Bruce and Talia having a "fling", seemingly consensual, with Talia getting pregnant but not telling Bruce. I'd say its unlikely that Talia date raped Bruce to get pregnant, both the original origin and it happening just during one of their times together makes more sense to me, but DC is pretty grimdark right now so that may be either a third origin or a "reveal" related to his second.

Still, I only knew about the artifically grown origin until looking it up, its not like I can stomach Snyder era and later Batman stuff, so I can't speak much to that, just what I know of his original origin and what I can find online about later stuff:shrug:
Great post Kai. Sadly it looks like those two dears had a falling out in the series…but I haven’t kept up.
Well, you might have misunderstood, or at least this reply reads that way. The pic I posted is the cover and solicitation info on the upcoming tie-in comic set after the season 2 finale.
Just finished watching the first season marathon which aired on Adult Swim last night (and I recorded upon my DVR). More accurately, I watched 12 of the 13 episodes. For some reason [AS] did not air "The Final Joke", the season finale as it displayed on the listing but instead repeated the 4th story, "Finding Mr. Right". Times like this I wish I had one of those novelty foam rubber bricks marketed to throw at, but not damage, one's TV when one gets angry. Most likely it was just a stupid programming error and I'm sure Cartoon Network/Adult Swim has been flooded with e-mails, texts and whatnot on the matter. Still, it left me with a feeling of a "bait and switch", even if not intended.

On the positive side, what a wild and crazy ride that was! Yes, this was my first time watching any full episodes other than the premiere which was posted on YouTube legally by the IP owners, DC and Warner Communications when series debuted.
I love this show! I can't wait for season 3!

A few quick things:

I'm glad DC said no. I don't get the story or comedic value of seeing Batman performing that act. At best it comes across as being edgy or shocking just for edginess's sake and then it becomes a meme that exists forever on the internet. A few years back there was some hubbub about a rooftop sex scene between Batman and Catwoman in a Judd Winick's New 52 Catwoman issue and it seemed more people, or at least a vocal group, were against that, and now it seems like the opposite, and that was only a handful of years and what accounts for that difference? I've seen both Harley Quinn seasons and the series has enough in your face, rude and crude, humor as it is. The Bat/Cat scene would've done nothing more than just been a sight gag.

I remember seeing that New 52 and being horrified. Not because of the sex, but because of the sexism - it was all about Catwoman's T&A. There is a line between sexy and sexist - walk down Artist's Alley at any Con. Between that and turning Starfire into a bimbo, I chose to not read any of the New 52 stuff.

Most of these characters have sex in the comics. I've been reading Tom King's run, and Bruce and Selina are having sex pretty much as often as you'd expect two very fit people in love to be having it. Maybe more. :hugegrin: Depending on the specific scene, it's sexy, or funny, or sweet, etc. Just like real life.

Even as a kid, it was pretty easy to figure out that certain characters were hooking up. But with the advent of the direct sales market, comics for an older audience were more available from the Big Two. The New Teen Titans #1 (1984) showed Dick & Kory waking up in bed together and obviously naked. Oh, the hullabaloo! I seem to remember George Perez commenting, "I don't know what you were doing when you were 19, but I was having sex!"

Pre-New 52, Damian's original origin was that he was artificially grown from DNA of Talia and Bruce, which was Talia's doing. Post New 52, all I can find is that he was born of Bruce and Talia having a "fling", seemingly consensual, with Talia getting pregnant but not telling Bruce. I'd say its unlikely that Talia date raped Bruce to get pregnant, both the original origin and it happening just during one of their times together makes more sense to me, but DC is pretty grimdark right now so that may be either a third origin or a "reveal" related to his second.

It's weirder than that. Back in 1987, Mike W. Barr and Jerry Bingham did a graphic novel called Batman: Son of the Demon. In it, Talia and Bats are married by Ra's (only her consent was required) and nookie ensues. Talia gets pregnant, Bats gets protective and risk-averse, Talia lies and says she miscarries, the marriage is dissolved, a boy is born and adopted out. This was never intended to be in canon. But writers have used bits inspired by it all over the place.

Fast forward to 2006, and Grant Morrison creates Damian and ties it in to said non-canon graphic novel.

Clear as mud? :crazy:
Seriously, when it comes to superhero fims, most of the movies are meant to be seen by kids and for international markets. It is easier to remove any reference to sex than to worry about how an Indonesian censor or a US Bible Belt pastor might react. And even if you want to imply some sexual act, if you show it while the hero is in costume it becomes something too much like some fetishism. And you know, heroes don't have sexual fetishes!

I never got the whole "romance ruins a friendship" thing. I'd think that friendship would make it easier to accept and forgive anything that went wrong with the romance.
*Sigh* If only it would be so simple...
Watched some clips of this show on YouTube……will be looking for the blu rays. Don’t know how I missed catching even so much as a clip over the last year or so but I loved the stuff I saw! Their take on characters like Bane are hilarious. Not sold on Cuoco as Harley yet, and would’ve preferred the original actress or Robbie, but I’m sure she’ll grow on me.
Officially renewed for season 4, despite all the shit going on at WB/D and HBO Max. New showrunner in Sarah Peters, while Justin Halpern & Patrick Schumacker are stepping down.