Harley Quinn webseries (2019)

I finally started watching this. I’ve avoided the show because I heard it was really violent and crude, but I’ve seen glowing reviews of its character work and plotlines, so I finally decided to give it a try. It definitely is far more gory than I care for, and I avert my eyes a lot, but otherwise it’s a damn impressive show, with mostly effective humor and fantastic, nuanced character work. There have been some very funny moments, but also some incredibly poignant, moving, and dramatically powerful moments. It’s the first time I’ve liked Kaley Cuoco in anything; she’s surprisingly good as Harley. (But the last -- really, the only previous -- thing I saw her in was the original Charmed, which was 14 years ago, so long that they’ve already rebooted it.) Lake Bell is fantastic as the best version of Poison Ivy I’ve ever seen. And Diedrich Bader is easily the best Batman voice actor not named “Kevin.” I don't much care for the show's version of Jim Gordon, though.

The animation is also quite good -- I'd say it's even better than the animated movies DC's been doing lately. The character designs are excellent, especially Harley and Ivy. A good Batman design too. (I'm amused that Alfred is basically David Niven.) And the climactic action sequence this past week was really impressive.

I just wish I'd started a week later so I didn't have to wait for the season 2 finale. If that makes any sense.

Joker reminds me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it and it’s driving me a little nuts trying to figure it out.

Alan Tudyk seems to be doing kind of a Hans Conreid-ish sort of thing with his Joker voice. It's not exactly an impression, but it has similar elements.

I was pulling for ol' Kiteman. I like the chemistry of the Harley/Ivy friendship too much to ship them.

I never got the whole "romance ruins a friendship" thing. I'd think that friendship would make it easier to accept and forgive anything that went wrong with the romance. And I don't see how a romantic relationship can really work if friendship isn't part of it.
I finally started watching this. I’ve avoided the show because I heard it was really violent and crude, but I’ve seen glowing reviews of its character work and plotlines, so I finally decided to give it a try. It definitely is far more gory than I care for, and I avert my eyes a lot, but otherwise it’s a damn impressive show, with mostly effective humor and fantastic, nuanced character work. There have been some very funny moments, but also some incredibly poignant, moving, and dramatically powerful moments. It’s the first time I’ve liked Kaley Cuoco in anything; she’s surprisingly good as Harley. (But the last -- really, the only previous -- thing I saw her in was the original Charmed, which was 14 years ago, so long that they’ve already rebooted it.) Lake Bell is fantastic as the best version of Poison Ivy I’ve ever seen. And Diedrich Bader is easily the best Batman voice actor not named “Kevin.” I don't much care for the show's version of Jim Gordon, though.

The animation is also quite good -- I'd say it's even better than the animated movies DC's been doing lately. The character designs are excellent, especially Harley and Ivy. A good Batman design too. (I'm amused that Alfred is basically David Niven.) And the climactic action sequence this past week was really impressive.

I just wish I'd started a week later so I didn't have to wait for the season 2 finale. If that makes any sense.

Alan Tudyk seems to be doing kind of a Hans Conreid-ish sort of thing with his Joker voice. It's not exactly an impression, but it has similar elements.

I never got the whole "romance ruins a friendship" thing. I'd think that friendship would make it easier to accept and forgive anything that went wrong with the romance. And I don't see how a romantic relationship can really work if friendship isn't part of it.

It's about not being able to go back to friendship, because after a month of awkward disappointing sex that forces romance termination, its still only one of you that wants the sex to bogg off and die, so you usually have the girl trying to be a friend, but the boy keeps asking for a resumption of intercourse which makes basic friendship difficult.

Not every one can be as dead inside as Jerry and Elaine from Seinfeld.
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Worth necrothreading?

Batman oral sex scene cut from new DC series because ‘heroes don’t do that’
It’s incredibly gratifying and free to be using characters that are considered villains because you just have so much more leeway,” says Halpern. “A perfect example of that is in this third season of ‘Harley’ [when] we had a moment where Batman was going down on Catwoman. And DC was like, ‘You can’t do that. You absolutely cannot do that.’ They’re like, ‘Heroes don’t do that.’ So, we said, ‘Are you saying heroes are just selfish lovers?’ They were like, ‘No, it’s that we sell consumer toys for heroes. It’s hard to sell a toy if Batman is also going down on someone.’”
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Why are they talking about selling toys in connection with Harley Quinn, which is very, very adult? And why would they have less of a problem with the constant hyperviolence and death than with a bit of consensual pleasure?
Because Batman must be "protected" at all costs, doncha know?!?!

A slightly more serious take, everything is all about the toys, no matter what. Period.

Twitter has been having a field day since this story broke and the responses have been hysterical. :lol:
A slightly more serious take, everything is all about the toys, no matter what. Period.

Harley Quinn is not even remotely serious, but it is very, very R-rated. It has constant F-bombs and frequent bloody killings and dismemberments and King Shark eating people, all played for laughs, and a number of characters on the show have been depicted as having active sex lives. It's bizarrely incongruous to even bring up children's toys in connection with it. I doubt any 8-year-old buying action figures is ever going to have seen an episode of HQ unless their parents are very lax with the parental controls on HBO Max.
....aaaannnndddd you missed my point.

I didn't say the show was serious. I said my take on the situation was slightly serious.

But thanks for explaining to me what I already I know about the show.

(And, again, it's always about the toys. Always.)
....aaaannnndddd you missed my point.

I didn't say the show was serious. I said my take on the situation was slightly serious.

You said "A slightly more serious take" with no other context. Without a pronoun, it was impossible to tell you meant your own take rather than the show's. We can't read your mind, only your words, so word choices matter.

And the point stands either way -- this is not a show that children should be watching at all. If "it's all about the toys," then why does WB have no problem with the ultraviolence and heavy cursing and drugs and general sexuality, yet incongruously have an objection to this one specific sex act? If it were as simplistic as you claim, then surely they'd censor everything adult about the show.
This is so stupid. Of course DC is going to protect Batman, the HQ writers/producers/etc are just edgelords trying to get away with whatever they want. The bizarre desire to sexualize mainstream superheroes is just creepy. There are comics for people who want sex with their superheroes, basically half the books Image publishes and horrible shit like that Garth Ennis super prostitute comic. Plus, the internet in general/deviantart in particular exist if perverts really want to see comic/cartoon characters engage in sex acts.

Batman is a fictional character. He doesn't do any kind of sexual activity, because he doesn't exist. Hell, even his son was canonically not born through sex, he was grown artificially with Bruce and Talia's dna/genetic material. I'm tired of edgey assholes wanting everything to have sex shoved in it. Wanting Batman to do weird sex stuff isn't mature, its shit a stupid 15 year old boy would whine about online, and its kind of pathetic to see people over that age get all offended that DC had common sense and said no to a stupid joke the horrible HQ writers wanted.

Honestly, if I were WB/DC I'd fire the person who talked about this online, so much drama caused because a bad comedy writer and/or producer was bitter that their shitty joke wasn't approved. Then again, WB/DC should never have greenlit the HQ cartoon in the first place, and it definitely shouldn't have gotten up to a third season, so they kind of brought this on themselves by employing idiots to make a z grade adult swim style cartoon based on one of their properties.
This is so stupid. Of course DC is going to protect Batman, the HQ writers/producers/etc are just edgelords trying to get away with whatever they want. The bizarre desire to sexualize mainstream superheroes is just creepy. There are comics for people who want sex with their superheroes, basically half the books Image publishes and horrible shit like that Garth Ennis super prostitute comic. Plus, the internet in general/deviantart in particular exist if perverts really want to see comic/cartoon characters engage in sex acts.

Batman is a fictional character. He doesn't do any kind of sexual activity, because he doesn't exist. Hell, even his son was canonically not born through sex, he was grown artificially with Bruce and Talia's dna/genetic material. I'm tired of edgey assholes wanting everything to have sex shoved in it. Wanting Batman to do weird sex stuff isn't mature, its shit a stupid 15 year old boy would whine about online, and its kind of pathetic to see people over that age get all offended that DC had common sense and said no to a stupid joke the horrible HQ writers wanted.

Honestly, if I were WB/DC I'd fire the person who talked about this online, so much drama caused because a bad comedy writer and/or producer was bitter that their shitty joke wasn't approved. Then again, WB/DC should never have greenlit the HQ cartoon in the first place, and it definitely shouldn't have gotten up to a third season, so they kind of brought this on themselves by employing idiots to make a z grade adult swim style cartoon based on one of their properties.

Yeah, no.