Harley Quinn webseries (2019)

It does show the disconnect in American society about sex and violence. Violence has been somewhat normalize, or has been able to be used comedically for ages. Sex...not as much.

The limits of censoring sexual items tends to be more strict than violence. Though it is usually violence that gets brought up when it comes to cartoons, since more is allowed.
The limits of censoring sexual items tends to be more strict than violence. Though it is usually violence that gets brought up when it comes to cartoons, since more is allowed.

Although, of course, Harley Quinn is a TV-MA cartoon for adults, in a totally different category from something like Batman: The Animated Series or Young Justice. Its violence and profanity would put a Tarantino movie to shame. And it does have a fair amount of sexual content, as I mentioned. Which is why it's so strange that they singled out this one particular sex act. Or maybe it's to do with the fact that it's Batman doing it instead of another character. One of the articles I read about the issue suggested it's more to do with reluctance at showing superheroes being sexual, as opposed to villains or civilian characters.

Still, I agree, Americans do have a bizarre double standard about sex vs. violence. You have shows like HQ that go all-out with graphic gore, but won't show a single bare breast.
Yeah, it's an old observation but no less true, that America is much much much more weirdly squeamish about sex than violence. I once saw Starship Troopers on broadcast TV, and all the graphic violence was intact, including people being literally torn limb-from-limb, but of course the shower scene was censored. It's completely bizarre and surreal and irrational.
So I've been totally sleeping on this show and just now decided to give it a go. I just finished the first episode and my lungs are burning from laughing so hard.
Because Batman must be "protected" at all costs, doncha know?!?!

I kind of sympathize with DC on this one. I can immediately call to mind three separate instances where the internet recoiled in horror/cringe at Batman and sex being anywhere near each other (the New-52 rooftop hookup, the comic where you could make out Batman swinging hog while he was hanging out in the Batcave naked, and the animated adaptation of "The Killing Joke"). If I were a suit there, I'd absolutely have gotten the impression that the people fuckin' hate Batman fuckin', so let's just stop trying to make it happen. I'm pretty sure if they hadn't put the kibosh on it, the exact same thing would've happened after the episode aired. Of course, thanks to it coming up in the interview, it's happened anyway. Death, taxes, people getting riled about Batman's sexuality.
It shouldn’t be too surprising to anyone who has grown up with American television and boundaries and mores. We have a survival show called Naked and Afraid that blurs everything but butts.:borg:

I do think in trying to protect Batman that you have to consider more than just HQ viewers directly watching it. Especially in the internet/YouTube/Facebook/etc. age something like that can become some viral clip or meme or late night fodder and influence perception beyond the intended audience. Even beyond just offending people it could risk “coolness” of a billion-dollar brand that is built on it. Look how long Aquaman has had to redeem the character from the old cartoon “guy who talks to fish” image.

So I've been totally sleeping on this show and just now decided to give it a go. I just finished the first episode and my lungs are burning from laughing so hard.
I think it gets even better as they build up the supporting cast.
It shouldn’t be too surprising to anyone who has grown up with American television and boundaries and mores.

Something doesn't have to be surprising to be a perennial source of bewilderment or annoyance.

I do think in trying to protect Batman that you have to consider more than just HQ viewers directly watching it. Especially in the internet/YouTube/Facebook/etc. age something like that can become some viral clip or meme or late night fodder and influence perception beyond the intended audience.

Which would explain why they don't object to the crazy sex and violence with the other characters on the show but are more sensitive when it's Batman, I guess. But as we've seen, their efforts to avoid drawing attention to Batman's sex life have backfired enormously. It probably wouldn't have been an issue at all if they hadn't made it an issue.
I'm not convinced it really is just about showing Batman have any kind of sex. I mean, just five years ago*, Superman got into a bathtub with naked Lois in a major movie release.

*It's been five years since BvS?! Realizations like that really make me feel old.
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This is so stupid. Of course DC is going to protect Batman, the HQ writers/producers/etc are just edgelords trying to get away with whatever they want. The bizarre desire to sexualize mainstream superheroes is just creepy. There are comics for people who want sex with their superheroes, basically half the books Image publishes and horrible shit like that Garth Ennis super prostitute comic. Plus, the internet in general/deviantart in particular exist if perverts really want to see comic/cartoon characters engage in sex acts.

Batman is a fictional character. He doesn't do any kind of sexual activity, because he doesn't exist. Hell, even his son was canonically not born through sex, he was grown artificially with Bruce and Talia's dna/genetic material. I'm tired of edgey assholes wanting everything to have sex shoved in it. Wanting Batman to do weird sex stuff isn't mature, its shit a stupid 15 year old boy would whine about online, and its kind of pathetic to see people over that age get all offended that DC had common sense and said no to a stupid joke the horrible HQ writers wanted.

Honestly, if I were WB/DC I'd fire the person who talked about this online, so much drama caused because a bad comedy writer and/or producer was bitter that their shitty joke wasn't approved. Then again, WB/DC should never have greenlit the HQ cartoon in the first place, and it definitely shouldn't have gotten up to a third season, so they kind of brought this on themselves by employing idiots to make a z grade adult swim style cartoon based on one of their properties.

Damien isn't the fetus from Son of the Demon?
I'm glad DC said no. I don't get the story or comedic value of seeing Batman performing that act. At best it comes across as being edgy or shocking just for edginess's sake and then it becomes a meme that exists forever on the internet. A few years back there was some hubbub about a rooftop sex scene between Batman and Catwoman in a Judd Winick's New 52 Catwoman issue and it seemed more people, or at least a vocal group, were against that, and now it seems like the opposite, and that was only a handful of years and what accounts for that difference? I've seen both Harley Quinn seasons and the series has enough in your face, rude and crude, humor as it is. The Bat/Cat scene would've done nothing more than just been a sight gag.
To hold us over till season 3:
I think women everywhere would like a word with you.

The Snyder “canon” bit of artwork was quite tastefully done. The animated series was probably going for a more relaxed less vampiric take than Snyder’s rooftop scene. I remember a hardcore book on porn from the early 70s that had erotic art from all eras…forgot the title…

Great post Kai. Sadly it looks like those two dears had a falling out in the series…but I haven’t kept up.

I’m surprised they got away with Karkull in Superman TAS.
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