Giving STO Another Try

The game really has improved in recent years. Playing on my new new ryzen laptop the environments really shine.
The new summer event started 7 days ago, so there is still 4 days left to start it to reach the 20 days needed to claim the free T6 event ship before it ends on 28th July.
I've just completed my first 'Task Force' mission.
I feel I need to take a break and actually look around the hub my character has been assigned to and work out the game a bit more before I continue.
Just got the summer event ship and wow, another overpowered ship, the console you get with he ship is great, 20% for disrupter, fire and radiation, then if you add the two consoles from the last two klingon event ships you can take that fire, cold, elec, dis, radiation and DOT to new levels.......and as another bonus the weapons that come wih the ship can be upgraded, and they have a nice vibrante green disruptor another nice event ship and the fire attack is great looking. ha
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New season starting in 2 weeks

Not mentioned here, but was mentioned on the dev stream last night. The Infinity Modulator from Elite Force 1 is part of the Event ground set
^^^Yeap, last day today to grab the ast of the extra dil from the event before the next one who thinks the EF2 shotgun will also appear. lol
New update is out. Some more Borg changes. The Borg Cubes have been knocked up a difficulty level, and they added the Assimilator from Star Trek Armada in their place.

So most places where you'd see a Cube that isn't hand placed, will be an Assimilator now.

You no longer need to carry a basic remodulator around, it's an innate ability. It will pop up above your power bar when on maps with Borg enemies (except the Tutorial, they don't adapt). However there will still be special remodulators that will alter how remodulating will work.
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Curious how the Assimilator will work in-game exactly, but I like the remodulator upgrade. Like the auto-spacesuit capability added earlier (which kind of acts oddly at the Nukara LZ), they're starting to think less about inventory micromanagement and more about streamlining actual game play.
Get over to alienware and grab the free assimilation bundle key as it comes with a very unique romulan borg boff, but remember you must claim it on a rom toon to get the Rom borg, or else you will get a plain old standard borg some borg keys so do not dilly dally, very limited boff that has only appeared twice before....
Get over to alienware and grab the free assimilation bundle key as it comes with a very unique romulan borg boff, but remember you must claim it on a rom toon to get the Rom borg, or else you will get a plain old standard borg some borg keys so do not dilly dally, very limited boff that has only appeared twice before....
thx for that, now my Rom toon finally has one
The possible end of STO seems to be in sight.......:(

Update: A spokesperson from Cryptic Studios has confirmed "personnel changes" at the company to As a result of Embracer's restructuring, the Star Trek Online developer will be operating under DECA Games going forward.

The spokesperson did not clarify the number of people impacted.

"As part of the Embracer Group’s comprehensive restructuring program, Cryptic Studios will now operate under DECA Games," they said. "In addition to this organizational change, our commitment to Embracer’s directive to reduce costs requires us to undertake difficult personnel changes, including separating from some team members.

"Cryptic Studios will provide job assistance and support those impacted to smooth this transition. Cryptic remains dedicated to supporting its cornerstone free-to-play games and the communities behind them."

Original story: Cryptic Studios appears to be the latest Embracer-owned company to be impacted by layoffs.

The extent of the redundancies is unclear at this stage, but narrative director Winter Mullenix posted on social media that yesterday marked the end of her tenure at the Star Trek Online developer "due to a reduction in workforce." reached out to Cryptic Studios and Embracer for more information and we will update this story when we learn more.

Since the announcement of its restructuring programme in June, Embracer has laid off staff at Crystal Dynamics, Gearbox Publishing, Digic, Beamdog, Zen Studios, and more. It also shut down veteran studio Volition Games, and Campfire Cabal.

This follows years of an aggressive M&A strategy that had seen the company increase its value by almost five times to around $9.4 billion.

As of October 7, it was estimated that over 6,100 jobs had been lost this year due to layoffs and studio closures across the industry.

I work in the games industry and I've been through this a couple of times. First time I was called into a meeting room to be told everyone in this room is safe, everyone outside is not. The second time I was on holiday and the first I knew about it was when I started receiving commiserations from random people on Linkedin.

The point being is that in the aftermath there was always about 6 months where what was left of the studio would continue to haemorrhage staff. People were understandably angry, they'd want better job security, sometimes their mates who'd been let go would pull them over to the cool new studio where they'd just got a job. The challenge will be to stablise what they have, especially if they can't actively hire.

I think this still has some time to play out and I'm sorry to all those who got caught up in this. It's always the suits who walk away from this richer than when they started.

I've logged more hours on this game than any other, I'd be sorry to see it go.
This is horrible news. Feels like the late-90’s and early-00’s all over again. I’ve been in a number of situations like this as well during the course of my career and it’s never easy, either for those who go or for those who remain. I hope it continues but it sounds like getting any more new content might be difficult if they continue to cut staff. :(