Ghostbusters 3 back in development hell?

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Brandonv, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. john titor

    john titor Captain

    Jan 12, 2009
    the universe
    The reason GB2 sucked so much was precisely due to it being more of a superhero film and not having enough jokes. If GB were to go down that route it would be terrible. Thats the reason kick ass is such a good movie, its not conventional and its a comedy. Superhero movies are generally crap.
  2. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    I lasted all of the first 12 minutes watching Blues Brothers 2000.
  3. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Amother problem with GB2 was that it was trying to play-off the the "fame" the franchise had gotten from the cartoon series and, thus, tried to lighten up some -even though the cartoon was fairly dark many times in the early seasons.

    And the Ghostbusters rap? :rolleyes:
  4. LitmusDragon

    LitmusDragon Commodore Commodore

    Sep 27, 2002
    The Barmuda Triangle
    So the source for this info is the National Enquirer's gossip columnist? Is that reliable?

    I'd still like to see this movie but honestly at this point I am sick of talking about it. :lol: Just do it already or don't.
  5. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    GB3 should try to get Peter MacNicol's character to return. He was the funniest thing about GB2.

    "Why am I drippings with goo..."
  6. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
  7. Reverend

    Reverend Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2002
    I was just about to say the same thing, but then I noticed they claim that "a source" told them all this, so it must be true!
  8. BlackestPanther

    BlackestPanther Lieutenant Commander

    May 20, 2008
    You lasted longer than I did. Bad movie. Good soundtrack.
  9. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
  10. Silent_Bob

    Silent_Bob Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 15, 2001
    ...In 3D!

    But did Ghostbusters 3 ever really leave development hell? We've heard there's a script on the go for years now, then the videogame came and went with a brief resurgence in interest but we are still at the exact same stage of development as we were a decade ago.
  11. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    ^ There was more movement on the project in the last two years then at any point after the sequel so it got fans (including me) excited about this actually happening. In the interviews above Bill states that he'd consider doing one if the script was great (paraphrasing) which begs questioning what does he consider great? Being killed off at the start of the movie and returning as a ghost later on?
  12. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    It can never be said enough how much of a full-of-himself prima donna Bill Murray is. The guy may be brilliant in some ways when it comes to his comedy and acting, but he's more full of himself than a black hole.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  13. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    ^ Agreed. I love his movies and his acting but he does come across as being very off standish and ego driven. If he can get into his Venkman uniform for "Zombieland" I don't see why he can do it again for the real thing.
  14. Reverend

    Reverend Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2002
    Not to gainsay, but I'm pretty sure Woody was wearing the authentic costume in 'Zombieland', Murry was just running around with a vacuum cleaner pretending to be Ray Stanz no less. ;)
    I have to ask though, is Murry really that full of himself or is it just mostly shtick? With some comedians it can be very hard to tell.

    As for his recent comments, I'd say he's considerably more upbeat that some people seem to be claiming. What I got from it is that he's encouraged by the interest but annoyed that it's all just talk and no action. We've heard that a script is being developed, but that doesn't mean he's read it or even knows it's done.
  15. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Yeah, Tallahasse had on the uniform and the prop back.

    And from the GB1 commentary Ramis makes it fairly clear that Murray was a bit of a bitch during the shooting of the film(s). I think he really is full of himself.
  16. Aeon

    Aeon Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 12, 2010
    I remember reading somewhere that Ramis and Murray had a major fall out after they did Groundhog Day. I might be wrong though.
  17. FordSVT

    FordSVT Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 17, 2001
    Atlantic Canada
    If there is ever another Ghostbusters movie, it will be a reboot with a new cast. At best there will be cameos from a few of the originals, that's all. The direct sequel with the original cast in starring roles will never get off the ground.

    It's the same reason there is no market for another Trek movie with the original or TNG cast, there aren't enough original fans who could support the movie all by themselves, and they need to attract a younger audience that wasn't even born in 1984 to ensure the $100+ million they end up spending on it will be recouped. They can't make "Grumpy Old Ghostbusters" and attract a huge audience, and you just know the accountants are going to want at least one sequel out of the deal.
  18. Cmndr J Crichton

    Cmndr J Crichton Commodore Commodore

    Oct 18, 2004
    They could have another GB franchise in either another part of the country, or world. There are sooo many haunted places in England, and France. Imagine a GB HQ set up in the Eifel Tower? They could even be getting advice from one Egon Spengler via Web Cam.
  19. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    Murray basically stated in one of the interviews that I posted that the studio wanted to reboot the franchise. While I don't think you need to do that I like the idea of the Ghostbusters ushering and mentoring a new quartet and starting a new series of movies with a new cast with maybe Ramis and Ackroyd remaining as Executive Producers. It seems Bill is preventing this from happening too...or am I over stating the kind of veto power he has?
  20. Aragorn

    Aragorn Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Dec 30, 2002
    The studio doesn't need the old crew to usher in a reboot -- just like the 50 other remakes that came out in the past few years, they'd just start anew with new younger actors in the old roles.