For All Mankind Trailer - Apple TV- SPOILER

Yeah.. There's no way Danny doesn't take the fall for this. The testimony of the Astronaut who left him at the console should seal the deal. In the real world, Ed would also take the blame for giving Danny so many chances, so we'll see how that shakes out here. I do ultimately feel either Danny or Ed (or both) might not make it home, so who knows.
Yeah.. There's no way Danny doesn't take the fall for this. The testimony of the Astronaut who left him at the console should seal the deal. In the real world, Ed would also take the blame for giving Danny so many chances, so we'll see how that shakes out here. I do ultimately feel either Danny or Ed (or both) might not make it home, so who knows.

Er how exactly is the astronaut going to give that testimony?
This was much-needed character development for Danny, but it came too late.

Storyline could've been better if Danny had been the one to see the disaster coming but no one would listen to him because he's a pill-popper who was stripped of his duties, and now they think he's responsible for it. Instead, a bunch of astronauts are dead because of writing stupidity on top of more writing stupidity.
Yeah.. There's no way Danny doesn't take the fall for this. The testimony of the Astronaut who left him at the console should seal the deal. In the real world, Ed would also take the blame for giving Danny so many chances, so we'll see how that shakes out here. I do ultimately feel either Danny or Ed (or both) might not make it home, so who knows.

The astronaut with Danny inside when the drill exploded was killed. He's the one that Aleksei digs out of the ground and has the face shield busted open.

Also I didn't realize the other astronaut who died was actually part of the Soviet team because of her name. She was Cuban so that's actually two Cosmonaut deaths that Danny is culpable for besides the member of his own team.
The astronaut with Danny inside when the drill exploded was killed. He's the one that Aleksei digs out of the ground and has the face shield busted open.

Also I didn't realize the other astronaut who died was actually part of the Soviet team because of her name. She was Cuban so that's actually two Cosmonaut deaths that Danny is culpable for besides the member of his own team.

Oh crap. I didn't realize that was the same guy. My bad. But perhaps there's video?
I really loved the part where all the engineering teams came together to find a solution - that besides good personal drama ( Danny excluded of course) is what drew me into the show and kept me watching.

Loved Margo's smile at the end when she sees the table in chaos where engineering work took place and where they saved lives - this is the core of her life and she loves it. Too bad that her devotion to solving problems will be also her doom because she was too shortsighted to factor in real world poltics as we now know that Aleida has her in focus.

I assume Danny was about to reveal his affair with Karen before the explosion hit but i doubt he'd get out scot free once the crews have calmed down and begin the investigation how this could happen. It'll be hard to prove it was him as i don't think there records of who did what at what precise moment and the person who could tell is dead but if they find out with proof Ed might go truly medieval on Danny.

The Soviets now know and will wait for instructions - radical idea? Abortion but that is one very nasty option and i doubt Kelly will agree, it's all she has left of Alexei.

Pretty great episode.
So, I've only watched season 1 once, just before season 2 came out, so it's not at all fresh in my mind, but I'm curious if there's any evidence for or against Danny bullshitting Ed about being the secret ringleader of his and Shane's hijinks?

From the interview in this week's podcast, it seems we're supposed to take his confession of shame for getting Shane grounded and, thus, killed at face value, but with as alternatively manipulative and disconnected from reality as Danny has been, I'm curious if I'm forgetting anything we saw first-hands of the boys' pre-teen mayhem or if was always just Karen arriving at school after-the-fact and we didn't see any of the dynamic at all first-hand.
I don't think we ever saw the kids alone without the main characters around other than the time Shane was riding his bike.
So, I've only watched season 1 once, just before season 2 came out, so it's not at all fresh in my mind, but I'm curious if there's any evidence for or against Danny bullshitting Ed about being the secret ringleader of his and Shane's hijinks?

Danny admits it to Karen in season 1 right after Shane's death, so unless Danny was self-depreciatingly lying already as a kid, I think we're supposed to take it at face value.
Danny admits it to Karen in season 1 right after Shane's death, so unless Danny was self-depreciatingly lying already as a kid, I think we're supposed to take it at face value.
Thanks! That’s what I get for not doing a pre-season recap binge.
Dead astronaut is going to end up taking the blame. Which will undoubtedly eat at Danny even more given his confession about the Shane stuff.
Danny will likely end up staying on Mars for some reason, but stay-at-home stevens is gonna wake up to nonsense and end up programming something that’s actually useful for the trip home.
Spent part of last episode literally speaking to the screen saying ‘don’t sleep with the other one karen’.
Danny will likely end up staying on Mars for some reason, but stay-at-home stevens is gonna wake up to nonsense and end up programming something that’s actually useful for the trip home.
Spent part of last episode literally speaking to the screen saying ‘don’t sleep with the other one karen’.

I'm wondering if Kelly will have to stay there with some kind of "child born in lower gravity" so it can't handle Earth type storyline.
It’s what I would consider doing, but the Helios ship has gravity.

Yea. When we first discussed the chances of her getting pregnant I remember saying as soon as she was found out she should be on the Helios ship in that gravity area because the fetus needs to develop in the gravity. I think the longer she is in low gravity and the fetus is developing the less of a chance of 'switching' to Helios becomes possible though.

Although then there's also possible strain on her own body since she travelled on a Nasa shuttle without gravity and is now on Mars with low gravity to suddenly transfer to Helios and have near Earth gravity.
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Yea. When we first discussed the chances of her getting pregnant I remember saying as soon as she was found out she should be on the Helios ship in that gravity area because the fetus needs to develop in the gravity. I think the longer she is in low gravity and the fetus is developing the less of a chance of 'switching' to Helios becomes possible though.

Although then there's also possible strain on her own body since she travelled on a Nasa shuttle without gravity and is now on Mars with low gravity to suddenly transfer to Helios and have near Earth gravity.
While the Helios ship does have gravity, the problem now is that they have no way of getting off world. The Helios lander, the only one they had, was destroyed. I suspect that what is going to happen is that they will have to wait for some form of lander to get deliver, and that will take too long.

While I generally hate the Jimmy and Danny storylines, I will say that it’s interesting that it took Jimmy having a conversation with Karen to give Danny actual depth. Danny is a yes man, a pleaser, but he’s also not very good at it and probably not that good of a person deep down…so his attempts fall apart. But because of who he is and his connections, he’s been allowed to fail upwards by badly doing what other people tell him to do.
Remember me please, why Jimmy doesn't believe in the official version about his parents' death (well he's partially right) ? And what does he believe it happened?
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Remember me please, why Jimmy doesn't believe in the official version about his parents' death (well he's partially right) ? And what does he believe it happened?

Mostly he is just a reflection of the times… this was x-files era conspiracy theory era in our world, and the subcultures might pop into being for different reasons (no watergate..) but they were strong back then. They also have a much more evolved internet than we do, and in a way, he’s being sucked into that.
Fundamentally though, he’s looking for someone to blame.