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Facts About Captain Robau

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Darth Vader: Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've created. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force, and the Force is insignificant next to the power of Robau. Chuck Norris is somewhere up there too, so your cute little Death Star is quite a few steps from the top of the awesomeness ladder. I'll admit I like the vending machine you have in the break-room, though.
Robau managed to empty an already empty Recycle Bin. After that, he uninstalled it, together with My Computer.
Robau recycles by glaring at trash until it bursts into flames, being reduced to its elemental components.
Robau troubleshoots computer software by busting the computer into a thousand bits.
A woman Robau has sex with can only get pregnant if Robau wills it to be so. He doesn't need protection. Likewise, Robau cannot get STDs because they are too scared to enter his body, being terrified of an encounter with his immune system.
Captain Robau looks proudly upon what will be the final 25 facts about His Greatness.

Captain Robau has a bigger penis than you.
Captain Robau would like to congratulate all those brave souls who DARED to post in HIS thread. His reward will be to deliver us a swift and devastating ass kicking. And we will be thankful that the Robau has noticed our efforts.
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