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Episode titles with double (or more) meaning


Red Shirt
There are a lot of episode titles that have several meanings decribing different aspects of the story. Sometimes they are not that obvious and one might miss them. Here is the occasion to discuss such titles what they mean and why you like them. I will start with one:

TNG "Lessons": Picard receives lessons in music and in leadership. Engaging in musical duets with other crewmen shall/will not interfere/conflict with his job as captain while playing duets in the sack might very well do so. This is the (non-musical)lesson he learns during this episode that I like very much.
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Where No Man Has Gone Before.

Traveling beyond the galaxy (and exploration in general).

Mitchell's transformation into a uber-being.
ENT- Damage : In order to deal with the heavily damaged Enterprise and being able to continue the mission, Archer will do damage to another ship by stealing a key component (warp coil) and will hereby violate/damage his (and starfleet's) moral standards.
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ENT-Proving Ground:
(1) Place for testing the Xindi-Weapon
(2) Place/action where Shran proves to Archer that the affirmation of T'Pol that Andorians often have a hidden agenda may be/is true.
In The Cards

Refers both to Jake's pursuit of a baseball card and everyone's anxiety about what may be soon in store for them.

And of course Brothers and Family refer to multiple brothers and multiple families.

The ship experiences heavy damage.

A psychiatrist with no formal command training, makes important decisions.

TNG - New Ground
(1) Testing of a new means of interstellar travel
(2) Worf's new role as a (real) father taking on responsability for his son
All Good Things, referring to the expression 'All good things must come to an end', both refers to the end of humanity and the end of the show.

Birthright refers to the birthrights of both Data and the captive Klingons.
Author Author

1 - The doctor's right to be seen as author of his holonovel.
2 - The doctor's right to be seen as author of his own life.
"Errand of Mercy".

Kirk's orders are to protect the "primitive" Organians from the Klingons. The Organians essentially carry out an act of mercy when they prevent the Klingons and Federation from being able to go to war.
The Gift- Kes's push and Seven getting her chance at regaining her true identity and Janeway getting an immediate daughter replacement.

ENT-Twilight A description of Archer's cognitive impairment and the seeming fate of humanity as the timeline unfolds.
DS9 - The Visitor:

Jake is visited:
1) repeatedly by his father snapping back from subspace
2) once by the girl (Melanie?) who wants to become a writer
DS9 -The Emperor's New Cloak
1) The Cloaking device Quark shall bring to the Emperor (cloak = device)
2) Word play on the fairy tale "the Emperor's new clothes" (cloak = garment)
TNG - Unification

The title represents both the hoped for in-story reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan peoples, but also the 'real life' unification of TOS fans and TNG fans through the use of the Spock character. Sure Bones had appeared in the pilot, but "Special Guest Star Leonard Nimoy as Spock" would've been the moment a lot of dyed-in-the-wool TOS fans finally opened their minds to TNG, and maybe finally came on board as fans of TNG as well. :techman:

It also represented the first time that TOS and TNG stood together in a 'unified' sense: prior to this episode, there had been an unofficial moritorium on revisiting concepts or characters from the original series, and "Unification" opened up the possibility for episodes like "Relics", "Flashback", "Trials and Tribblations" and "In A Mirror Darkly" (not to mention DS9's own exploration of the mirror universe.)
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Well wth does best of both worlds mean. It's not like Loctus, post assim, is sitting around with his fish and tea reminiscing about his cool Borg days.
^ Locutus is "the best of both worlds" to the Borg -- a conduit between the technofacism of the Borg Queen, and the 'human element' that Picard's knowledge brings them.

That's always how I've interpreted it, anyway. :p ;)
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