Enterprise is a better show than Discovery

Some of the characterizations, Kirk in particular, don’t seem quite the same as TOS, but it’s no different than how the character of Picard changed from TNG to PIC.
18 months vs. how many years?

Sorry, doesn't sync for me. Many try to argue it and their arguments sound really good-here. Watching the show then the film? Nope, sorry.
Meh. The changes from TOS to TMP are a logical progression to me, both in-universe and IRL. It doesn’t bother me anywhere near as much as the line CBS is toting about their prequels. You are welcome to think differently.
Then why did they use footage from TOS in DSC Season 2 to explain Pike and Spock's history with the Talosians?

They're not trying to retcon TOS out of existence.
I believe the great Dukhat is stating that from a visual point of view they are trying to retcon TOS. Which is usually where these discussions break down along in these lines. The visuals are treated by different fans at different levels of importance. For some, like myself, they are set dressing, an interpretation of 23rd century tech by authors across the years (60s vs. 2010s). For others, it is literal history. This is how Starfleet technology existed in universe, so by updating any tech, look, or style, is to say the previous one is being retconned away.

Personally, i don't agree, but then I treat TOS as a much different animal than all the rest of Trek. TOS exists in kind of a bubble, influencing other Trek, but not existing by the same rules. I know many will disagree that TMP and TOS are not very well connected, but that's been my stance for a while. TPM feels completely different to TOS. It's a different interpretation of the 23rd century, and so allowances are made for characters, tech, and visuals. And don't really connect over to the 24th century save in broad strokes. Same for Enterprise. I don't see Enterprise connecting in to TOS very well.

But, that's me. I know many want Star Trek to all hang together like one big happy timeline. I'm someone who never found it held together very well to begin with.
I adore TOS, but the problem is, if Star Trek had come back after a decade off the air with a show that replicated the minimalist and kitsch 1960’s sets of that era, it would have looked like a parody. It was too stark a visual discontinuity although I recall reading that the studio passed a mandate that it match the visual style of the Abrams films. Who knows? SNW gets the balance right I think.
Then why did they use footage from TOS in DSC Season 2 to explain Pike and Spock's history with the Talosians?

Because from a storytelling point of view, they didn't need to reshoot those sequences, because their logic is that it's still the same universe despite what our eyes clearly show as different.

I believe the great Dukhat...

You don't need to artificially inflate my ego. I know I'm not great.

IIRC even Gene tried to ignore how TOS looked.

What Gene wanted is irrelevant. His want to ignore TOS lasted all of one movie and two seasons of TNG.

I adore TOS, but the problem is, if Star Trek had come back after a decade off the air with a show that replicated the minimalist and kitsch 1960’s sets of that era, it would have looked like a parody. It was too stark a visual discontinuity although I recall reading that the studio passed a mandate that it match the visual style of the Abrams films. Who knows? SNW gets the balance right I think.

My original point wasn't that DSC should have mimicked the visual style of TOS. I even mentioned previously that I would not want a show produced in 2022 to look like a show produced in 1966. My point was that DSC looked nothing like the show it was meant to be a prequel to. Someone could have said that The Expanse was a prequel to TOS, and it would have felt no different from saying that DSC was a prequel to TOS.
You don't need to artificially inflate my ego. I know I'm not great.
Bullshit. I think you're great.

I adore TOS, but the problem is, if Star Trek had come back after a decade off the air with a show that replicated the minimalist and kitsch 1960’s sets of that era, it would have looked like a parody. It was too stark a visual discontinuity although I recall reading that the studio passed a mandate that it match the visual style of the Abrams films. Who knows? SNW gets the balance right I think.
I think that SNW is close, but the balance isn't quite right. I think it's more the uniforms than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I think SNW looks great and for a 2020's production is among my favorite design elements. But, as you say, it would be difficult to replicate without that kitsch favor.
I think that SNW is close, but the balance isn't quite right. I think it's more the uniforms than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I think SNW looks great and for a 2020's production is among my favorite design elements. But, as you say, it would be difficult to replicate without that kitsch favor.

I do not care for the uniforms either. And as for the ship:




This is a fan-produced CGI model of an updated TOS Enterprise. It looks completely believable to me as something they could have used for a 2020's Star Trek production taking place in the 2250's. It is just one example of how people's arguments that the TOS aesthetic would look silly in 2022 is incorrect.
This is a fan-produced CGI model of an updated TOS Enterprise. It looks completely believable to me as something they could have used for a 2020's Star Trek production taking place in the 2250's. It is just one example of how people's arguments that the TOS aesthetic would look silly in 2022 is incorrect.
Engines good. Rest is less believable. Yes, I'll be incorrect, but I don't buy in to it. It stands out in a strange way to me.
I don't think it is any more or less believable than the Eavesprise that we got.
That's fair. I think it looks too plastic for my liking and strains verisimilitude for me. The current one is not perfect, but it has a texture to it that works way better than most. Heck, it works better than the TNG model for me.

Yes, I know, it's strange.
I find the Discoprise to be a good mid-point between the NX-01 and the TOS Enterprise. But as the NCC-1701 itself, I find the design dull, boring and uninspired. Unlike the interiors which, while looking nothing at all like the TOS interiors save for the chairs, at least have an inspired look to them.