ENT miniseries announced!

Wow, looks like my prank got immortalized :lol:


It really stung in 2004 (this thread) because we all were hoping and praying that ENT wouldn't get shit canned!
On the face of it, I guess you could go, 'Aw, maaan..!' without bursting a gut over it...but, if you're a STE follower, as I continue to be, it does sting a tad..To para-quote the Romulan Cmdr. in ''Balance of Terror'', ''In another reality..we might have had more Enterprise...''
I think it would be more likely if Mr. Sussman and Manny Coto did any new Enterprise mini series or DVDs since 24 was cancelled. One can only dream....
I think it would be more likely if Mr. Sussman and Manny Coto did any new Enterprise mini series or DVDs since 24 was cancelled. One can only dream....
I'd gladly let Braga back on board too. Fixing the *finale* himself would be almost like poetic justice or something...
Sussman, Coto, the Reeves-Stevens partnership, add in Mangels and Martin...

Hell, yes, I want this for real. Still.
Who would make a mini series out of this show....
Who would go into a forum dedicated to a television series just to trash said television series?

This person has been coming into Enterprise threads and doing drive-by snipings for a while now. It's getting old...and annoying. :rolleyes:

Sorry but for an April fools prank that was pretty transparent and for the record I hate snipers and guns of all sorts....not really sure if you could attain the accuracy necessary to snipe individuals in a moving vehicle.
This person has been coming into Enterprise threads and doing drive-by snipings for a while now. It's getting old...and annoying. :rolleyes:
Aquarius, you're not helping. Making accusations in-thread of inappropriate behavior is itself inappropriate. If you have a problem with another member, please make use of the NM button.

Sorry but for an April fools prank that was pretty transparent and for the record I hate snipers and guns of all sorts....not really sure if you could attain the accuracy necessary to snipe individuals in a moving vehicle.
Saquist, the phrase in question is a figure of speech, not a literalism. Pulling a Spock and interpreting it literally isn't winning you any points, either.

This is a joke thread. Joke? Get it? April Fool's Day? Hello?
Nice try, but next time don't be so blatant with the news item, it's too obvious. Something along the lines of "Manny Coto in talks to write Enterprise Miniseries" or "Bakula has been approached to reprise role of Captain Archer for Enterprise 10th anniversary tv movie"

Sorry but I knew that there was a pie in the face waiting at the end of that one.
You know what the real joke is?

An Enterprise miniseries shouldn't even be incredulous to begin with. Many TV shows have reunited the cast after the fact. The only reason we'll never see one is because
Paramount is making a killing pushing NuTrek exclusively
but I digress as it is April fools, and we don't have to take things seriously.

Or do we?

This person has been coming into Enterprise threads and doing drive-by snipings for a while now. It's getting old...and annoying. :rolleyes:
Aquarius, you're not helping. Making accusations in-thread of inappropriate behavior is itself inappropriate. If you have a problem with another member, please make use of the NM button.

Sorry but for an April fools prank that was pretty transparent and for the record I hate snipers and guns of all sorts....not really sure if you could attain the accuracy necessary to snipe individuals in a moving vehicle.
Saquist, the phrase in question is a figure of speech, not a literalism. Pulling a Spock and interpreting it literally isn't winning you any points, either.

This is a joke thread. Joke? Get it? April Fool's Day? Hello?

Sorry, ma'am I thought a witty attempt at vulcan humor would be better than starting an off topic argument.

This person has been coming into Enterprise threads and doing drive-by snipings for a while now. It's getting old...and annoying. :rolleyes:

Sorry, I know I'm harsh on the show.
I'll let you guys get back to the humor.
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Paramount is making a killing pushing NuTrek exclusively
That shouldn't be the problem, really. ENT is already THE connecting point between nuTrek and classic Trek.

A miniseries could feature a completely revamped ENTERPRISE, starting from the NX-01 refit (with a Trek09 style window viewscreen and some nice shiny consoles and displays on the bridge), redesigned uniforms, updated going-to-warp effect...

Hell, the part of the series could even take place on Earth, in San Francisco. An opening scene involving the grand opening of the new Starfleet Academy (imagine Archer cutting the ribbon), just like the one seen in ST XI (that building looked pretty old anyway).

The possibilities are endless, all it takes is a few good men. :D