News Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves

There is one thing I do remember from the book I read, The Legacy, that I wanted to ask about. Was that Menzoberranzan that they showed when Edgin & Co. were in the Underdark?
I read somewhere that the original concept had Drizzt and Menzoberranzan. They eventually used Xenk in his place.
Just finished watching this. Was aware of but never played D&D in high school back in the early 80s. Was worried I might be lost if there was too much “inside baseball” but nope. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Pine was great (haven’t liked everything I’ve seen him in but he’s never disappointed me in a performance). They were all great. Reminded me of Stardust a bit. Another movie in which I had no foreknowledge and thoroughly enjoyed. Each case because of an excellent cast and set of performances.
This is such a good movie and is going to become a fantasy classic. The entire cast is incredibly charming and the movie moves along at a great pace.
Yeah, I was in the mood to rewatch it on P+ the other night. Still a solidly enjoyable film. I think they struck a nice balance between the more serious elements and the sillier elements. I've gotten the impression from some of the BTS material that the cast had a lot of fun during production, and Sophia Lillis commented how the costume designers made a nice horned wig for Doric. The horn tips were magnetically attached to the bases, making the wig very simply to put on, but the drawback was they would pop off regularly whenever she did action scenes. :lol: