I once worked on a production of The Sound of Music, and have (mostly) fond memories of it.I'd argue that Alia with her other memories was effectively many thousands of years older than the ghola Hayt created from the reanimated and repaired corpse of Duncan Idaho in a Tleilaxu axlotl tank. I can just imagine Hayt and the Bene Gesserit sisters singing "How do you solve a problem like Alia?" in a musical version of Children of Dune*.
ETA: *That would, truly, be an abomination. "Climb every sand dune..." "I am sixteen going on 50,000..." "The lonely Muad'dib"
I'm strongly thinking of writing that crossover parody now, as the music is firmly etched in my mind even though it's been just over 40 years since we did that show.