3D Master
Rear Admiral
Re: Douchebag characters considered "Nice Guys" - example 1: Xander Ha
!?!?!?? Did you even watch the same show?
Let's name just the two most blatantly obvious:
Buffy S2 - The Dark Age: Eyghon jumps into Angel, and we get to see Eyghon and Angelus, the two demons battle each other, jerking Angel and his body about as they clash. Angel is just along for the right, there is not a moment that Angel himself fights Eyghon. The demon is completely separate from Angel.
Angel S4 - Orpheus: Faith is in Angel's mind scape, where we see Angel and Angelus battle each other. And before we see Angelus remembering things completely different than Angel does: he is horrified at Angel saving a puppy.
Zero on screen evidence of a vampire demon existing before it was sired is no evidence that the vampire demon doesn't exist first off, but since there's no evidence similarly for the soul, it is doubly no evidence that the vampire demon doesn't exist.
The demon is born inside the corpse of the human and takes what is there to mold itself a personality; twisting everything good into evil, and making anything evil worse (if it can). The result is a demon that is a pure evil caricature of the person that inhabited the corpse before that person died.
It however does not mean, AGAIN, that the demon is the human. They are two completely different beings, with completely different personalities.
Liam --> dead, corpse.
Angelus animates corpse, molds itself a personality from Liam's as it is born.
Angel = Liam, the soul once more in the driving seat, with Angelus trapped beneath him.
Liam and Angel are one and the same. Angelus is the demon that took over Liam's corpse.
Which implies that there is a separate vampire spirit that exists separate from the body. There is almost no on screen evidence to support this.
!?!?!?? Did you even watch the same show?
Let's name just the two most blatantly obvious:
Buffy S2 - The Dark Age: Eyghon jumps into Angel, and we get to see Eyghon and Angelus, the two demons battle each other, jerking Angel and his body about as they clash. Angel is just along for the right, there is not a moment that Angel himself fights Eyghon. The demon is completely separate from Angel.
Angel S4 - Orpheus: Faith is in Angel's mind scape, where we see Angel and Angelus battle each other. And before we see Angelus remembering things completely different than Angel does: he is horrified at Angel saving a puppy.
No, it does not suggest that at all. Or if it indeed suggests that, we must by definition say that a person having a soul suggests the soul pre-exists a person being born as well. This too has had zero on screen evidence.Furthermore, it suggests that the separate vampire spirit preexists the body. There is zero on screen evidence to support this.
Zero on screen evidence of a vampire demon existing before it was sired is no evidence that the vampire demon doesn't exist first off, but since there's no evidence similarly for the soul, it is doubly no evidence that the vampire demon doesn't exist.
Whoever said anything that the new personality was derived from somewhere else? It indeed is NOT derived from anywhere but the previous human personality.While the corpse is being animated by something that is not human, there is nothing to suggest that there is any aspect of this new personality that is not derrived solely from the body's previous human personality.
The demon is born inside the corpse of the human and takes what is there to mold itself a personality; twisting everything good into evil, and making anything evil worse (if it can). The result is a demon that is a pure evil caricature of the person that inhabited the corpse before that person died.
It however does not mean, AGAIN, that the demon is the human. They are two completely different beings, with completely different personalities.
Nope.To express it in math equations:
Liam - soul + super strength & predatory instincts = Angelus
Angelus + soul = Angel
Liam --> dead, corpse.
Angelus animates corpse, molds itself a personality from Liam's as it is born.
Angel = Liam, the soul once more in the driving seat, with Angelus trapped beneath him.
Then there is no such thing as a conscience. Besides, you interpret that line completely wrong. That inner sense exists solely based upon the morality you adhere to.And again, give something as horrible as Angelus a conscience, he doesn't get sweet and nice, he gets worse. A conscience isn't absolute, it doesn't always point to some absolute direction of good. You teach a child that telling the truth is wrong and lying is right, that child will feel guilty when telling the truth. Hand Angelus a conscience, and he'll feel guilty he didn't torture to death the guy just ate because he was hungry. He'll be murdering and torturing even more than before.
This makes no sense. If anything, I would argue that a conscience is the exact opposite of how you describe it.
Indeed, I can point to many definitions @ http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/conscience?&qsrc= . For example, "the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action." A conscience is an absolute arbiter of good.
Wrong. Your conscience is what makes you feel guilty when you did something wrong. Your conscience arbiters right from long, based only on your learned morality. Someone who has always been taught that slavery is good, will never not once feel guilty for owning slaves. Someone who is taught that chopping the hand off of a thief is good, will never not once feel guilty for doing so. Someone who was taught that lying is good and the truth is bad, will feel guilty when speaking the truth.It's only limitations come from the imperfections in human perception to gather data about the surrounding world and the weaknesses in human character to act on it.
The example you describe with the child has nothing to do with the conscience. It has to do with learned morality.