CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

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That's why they've gone to doing auctions. Donations aren't enough anymore. It looks like AP is selling off warehouses of his personal collection to keep afloat. While that will likely give him a quick front-loaded infusion of cash, it is a finite resource.
I can't imagine there can be much money left to squeeze out of Axanar fans, one would have to think even the most hardcore would have said "that's enough until they show me something" by now.
Sunk cost fallacy really sucks, as well as the belief that Peters was right the whole time, while CBS is wrong and evil for picking on him.
Rent must be due then.
Reading this current version of "the truth" whilst knowing what AP used to claim is quite the risk of getting whiplash.
For instance, I was clearing out some old folders yesterday and came across a screenshot of him defending receiving a salary, something he ardently denies these days:
"1) Be nice. Always take the high road." I know the term is overused but I actually literally laughed out loud at that one and didn't go any further down.
Reading this current version of "the truth" whilst knowing what AP used to claim is quite the risk of getting whiplash.
For instance, I was clearing out some old folders yesterday and came across a screenshot of him defending receiving a salary, something he ardently denies these days:
It would be interesting to see his response if you posted a screenshot of that on his page. Would it be 1) dismissed as "fake" 2) claiming someone else posted it 3) attacking you as a "hater" 4 ) ignoring it (which his track record shows he most likely would not) Mind you, I'm not suggesting you do any such thing of course. :)
I think at this late date the best I can do is ignore him altogether, and proclaim publicly that in reality he only exists in the minds of the True Believers who conjured him from some pagan ritual that opened a giant sucking black hole in the universe that drains bank accounts and forces his minions to sacrifice tires and sushi to His Majesty, Savior of All Things That Benefit His Majesty. :techman:
That got my blood pressure up. Good for him that his remaining supporters are have a MAGA level of intellect. They'll never do any research.

Way to lump a bunch of people into a group of deficient intelligence with no facts because they believe in America; very open minded! Way to go!! Keep carrying on Gene Roddenberry's vision!!! Yay!!! :barf::rolleyes::shrug:

Please keep your skewed political views to yourself here. I can watch the news if I want to hear this shit.
That got my blood pressure up. Good for him that his remaining supporters are have a MAGA level of intellect. They'll never do any research.
Way to lump a bunch of people into a group of deficient intelligence with no facts because they believe in America; very open minded! Way to go!! Keep carrying on Gene Roddenberry's vision!!! Yay!!! :barf::rolleyes::shrug:

Please keep your skewed political views to yourself here. I can watch the news if I want to hear this shit.
The mod for this forum is out, so I'll fill in on this since I'm online.

King Daniel, that remark had nothing to do with Axanar or the lawsuit, so please don't inject political matters into the thread.

Feek, if you have a problem with something he said, then just report it instead of commenting yourself.

Please return to your regularly scheduled discussion without the political stuff. Thank you.
I think at this late date the best I can do is ignore him altogether, and proclaim publicly that in reality he only exists in the minds of the True Believers who conjured him from some pagan ritual that opened a giant sucking black hole in the universe that drains bank accounts and forces his minions to sacrifice tires and sushi to His Majesty, Savior of All Things That Benefit His Majesty. :techman:
There's an old saying that it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they've been fooled. :vulcan:
Funny, I read that on another (unrelated) forum just this morning. :techman:
It would be funny if Zuckerbook would clean out his plasma conduits once in a while. Joking that Abe Lincoln said "don't believe everything you read on the internet" earned me a free 2 week say in cyber jail.
One of the reasons I won't be found on that humorless garbage site any longer.
Kind of amazed this guy has a patreon and gets paid for literally doing nothing. Does anyone believe the Axanar shorts are going to happen at this point? I recall during the lawsuit part of the defence was that Axanar didn't exist yet. I'd get a huge kick out of, on release day, Paramount coming down on them for every single settlement violation.

But I don't think he exists on their radar anymore. Too small fry, too few zeroes on his income.