CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

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but with prime-TOS warp nacelles
Not even that, they were modified designs, to look 'less advanced', but ended up IMO looking more advanced than the TOS Enterprise's nacelles.

The and USS Ares itself had even more detailing and design elements that would fit better post-TOS than Pre-TOS. Like Refit style phaser emitters and a glowing deflector dish. The rim windows are also straight from the Movie era. They didn't update the Constitution Class design in Prelude to match, so it just looks out of place.

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The and USS Ares itself had even more detailing and design elements that would fit better post-TOS than Pre-TOS. Like Refit style phaser emitters and a glowing deflector dish. The rim windows are also straight from the Movie era. They didn't update the Constitution Class design in Prelude to match, so it just looks out of place.
Yeah, it's particularly weird since a big plot point of Axanar is that the Constitution class is supposed to be the next great thing that will win the war for the Federation, yet the Ares ship looks way more advanced.
When I was active in the Axanar Facebook group, one time I asked AP with the amount of TOS sets that are available, why can't your captains receive a Constitution-class ship, and have it be the Constitutions that turn the tide of the war? AP replied that he had to have the Ares, and that he couldn't tell the story without the Ares. He thought of the Constitution as if it were the next model car up from the Ares. He also said he did not like the way the Enterprise looked in The Cage, and did not like The Cage lasers, so he was going to ignore it.
When I was active in the Axanar Facebook group, one time I asked AP with the amount of TOS sets that are available, why can't your captains receive a Constitution-class ship, and have it be the Constitutions that turn the tide of the war? AP replied that he had to have the Ares, and that he couldn't tell the story without the Ares. He thought of the Constitution as if it were the next model car up from the Ares. He also said he did not like the way the Enterprise looked in The Cage, and did not like The Cage lasers, so he was going to ignore it.
The exterior is eye candy. The interior is brain food.
It doesn't matter how many viewers show up if you can't feed them.
When I was active in the Axanar Facebook group, one time I asked AP with the amount of TOS sets that are available, why can't your captains receive a Constitution-class ship, and have it be the Constitutions that turn the tide of the war? AP replied that he had to have the Ares, and that he couldn't tell the story without the Ares. He thought of the Constitution as if it were the next model car up from the Ares. He also said he did not like the way the Enterprise looked in The Cage, and did not like The Cage lasers, so he was going to ignore it.
Ah, I see. So, if CBS ignores parts of Trek it's "not real Star Trek" and damaging the franchise. However, if a fan film chooses to ignore something it's totally fine.

Now I know. And knowing makes it even more confusing...:shrug:
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He could have gone with Axanar The Musical
He hasn't been able to do an audio podcast version which he promised some time in the dim, forgotten past. I would guess it turned out to be a lot harder than he thought that it would. As an aside, Starship Excelsior did a musical version and I can assure you one and all, that it was a stone cold bitch of a project, but we got it done. Go to our website if you want to hear it. :)
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He hasn't been able to do an audio podcast version which he promised some time in the dim, forgotten past. I would guess it turned out to be a lot harder than he that it would. As an aside, Starship Excelsior did a musical version and I can assure you one and all, that it was a stone cold bitch of a project, but we got it done. Go to our website if you want to hear it. :)
I still beam into Excelsior from time to time, some really good work goes into that. A lot of audio producers don't seem to comprehend that their medium is simply a canvas of the mind and their stories get lost with a simple "fade out, return to" because their audience are listeners not viewers.
I love how the top picture is a photo from the "unsuccessful" shoot with Paul Jenkins.
Despite how much Alex decries Jenkin's work, he continually uses video sequences and photos from that shoot...probably because looks good (and actually exists)
If we have to keep waiting like this for the project to be completed, it eventually will become a documentary about starships and pew-pew.
It may also end up like Fast and Furious franchise were shots are inserted from newer films into older ones and continuity gets a bit messed up as actors seem to age and de-age a decade between shots from the same scene. :) Filming has been going on for so long with these shorts wrinkles will appear and disappear between shots.
It may also end up like Fast and Furious franchise were shots are inserted from newer films into older ones and continuity gets a bit messed up as actors seem to age and de-age a decade between shots from the same scene. :) Filming has been going on for so long with these shorts wrinkles will appear and disappear between shots.
thanks for the continuous updates, but please, for the sake of my sanity let me know if I'm either drunk, or if you instead meant "shots are inserted from older films into newer ones" instead of the other way round or are you saying they are planning and filming scenes for a lot of those movies in advance and only release them after years which would be the only way to put shots from new films into old ones without using a time machine.

when Top Gun Maverick came out i watched such an atrociously bad low quality stream that it was completely impossible to tell which of the scenes in the beginning of the movie were parts taken from the original and which ones were new.
thanks for the continuous updates, but please, for the sake of my sanity let me know if I'm either drunk, or if you instead meant "shots are inserted from older films into newer ones" instead of the other way round or are you saying they are planning and filming scenes for a lot of those movies in advance and only release them after years which would be the only way to put shots from new films into old ones without using a time machine.

when Top Gun Maverick came out i watched such an atrociously bad low quality stream that it was completely impossible to tell which of the scenes in the beginning of the movie were parts taken from the original and which ones were new.
Yeah it is older scenes into newer ones when stuff from Tokyo Drift were retconned in later films:
Yeah it is older scenes into newer ones when stuff from Tokyo Drift were retconned in later films:
i'm ashamed to say i like some of the older ones. but some were directed by justin lin, right? and some star trek was directed by justin lin. so it's all good i guess :)