News CBS Making new animated shorts for the 50th Anniversary of TAS

That Star Trek has had disgusting things before and this 3 minute short is no different. The thing I'm arguing is those disgusting things aren't the crux of the story and are only brief scenes. This was the entire 3 minute short, not to mention the other shorts are pretty much like this (Fart Humor and the like).
then you're simply wrong :shrug:
that this is what it immediately reminded me of (he spit in his hand and distributed the spit all around before offering it).


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So someone mentioned something that made it click for what all this "almost right but not quite" shtick like "Commanding Officer Bill Riker" actually is: It's not TAS. It's freaking Gold Key Comics! THAT was where Star Trek got weird.

Everybody who wrote TAS had actually seen (and often worked on) Star Trek.
These Very Short Treks are trying to capture the "wtf did I just watch?" aspect of TAS but they're going about it a different way. Results are... mixed. But I still say the holiday one where Spock said T'Pring has dumped him for other men on multiple occasions is amazing and 100% canon:lol:
I'm not minding these. First one was funny, but the rest becoming less so. But as fun, 3 minute little things, they're harmless enough.
Unlike TAS, I'm getting through these episodes, though!
Listen to TAS like it's a radio play. It's like the Star Trek equivalent of Big Finish. Unless you don't like TOS. Then I don't know what to tell you.

TOS was good fun. Something happened for TAS where, for some inexplicable reason to me, the over the top energy, charisma and awesomeness of Shatner became flat and dull in the audio booth.
TOS was good fun. Something happened for TAS where, for some inexplicable reason to me, the over the top energy, charisma and awesomeness of Shatner became flat and dull in the audio booth.
he wasn’t really invested in the project. According to him he ended up recording lines absentmindedly even while on the loo.
These Very Short Treks are trying to capture the "wtf did I just watch?" aspect of TAS but they're going about it a different way. Results are... mixed.

But that’s just it: TAS didn’t actually have a ‘wtf did I just watch’ aspect. That’s just a Mandela Effect brought on by these Very Short Treks. TAS was just a show for kids. It was no different than He-Man (which Scheimer also produced.) No kid watching these cartoons would think anything different about them than they would any other Saturday morning cartoon they watched.

I think the real issue here is that TPTB chose to honor the 50-year anniversary of TAS by basically making fun of TAS. What if, in 2043, TPTB made specials for DS9’s 50th anniversary by basically making fun of that show? That would be quite a disappointment for all of its fans, wouldn't you think?

Now I’m not saying that TAS had any of the popularity and following of a live-action Trek show. But that’s not the point. The point is that you don’t celebrate an anniversary of something by making fun of that something, unless it was something incredibly bad. And TAS doesn’t quite fit that bill.
What if, in 2043, TPTB made specials for DS9’s 50th anniversary by basically making fun of that show? That would be quite a disappointment for all of its fans, wouldn't you think?
You know, Lower Decks did a pretty great episode with DS9. It was very funny. That would be a GREAT way to celebrate DS9.

I know most episodes of LD have at least a slight TAS reference somewhere (or not so slight). But an LD episode going full TAS would be a helluvathing.

unless it was something incredibly bad. And TAS doesn’t quite fit that bill.
Absolute truth!
But that’s just it: TAS didn’t actually have a ‘wtf did I just watch’ aspect. That’s just a Mandela Effect brought on by these Very Short Treks. TAS was just a show for kids. It was no different than He-Man (which Scheimer also produced.) No kid watching these cartoons would think anything different about them than they would any other Saturday morning cartoon they watched.
I disagree with this part, having rewatched it about a year ago. A 50' Spock clone, Spock drawing a pentagram on the rec room floor and doing magic, Kirk shooting phasers out his fingers, white space with black stars... not all the episodes had it but a few certainly did! At least when coming to them with an adult's perspective vis-a-vis the live action Trek.
I disagree with this part, having rewatched it about a year ago. A 50' Spock clone, Spock drawing a pentagram on the rec room floor and doing magic, Kirk shooting phasers out his fingers, white space with black stars... not all the episodes had it but a few certainly did! At least when coming to them with an adult's perspective vis-a-vis the live action Trek.
This is the live action Trek with a 50 foot Apollo (the literal Greek God) and a Giant Green Space Hand and also a planet sized amoeba that makes physics work "backwards"? Not all of the episodes had it but a few certainly did! (I have no defense of The Counter-Clock Incident. It's the Turnabout Intruder of TAS. OK, I take that back. Turnabout is the worst. Counter-Clock is just stupid.)
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I disagree with this part, having rewatched it about a year ago. A 50' Spock clone, Spock drawing a pentagram on the rec room floor and doing magic, Kirk shooting phasers out his fingers, white space with black stars... not all the episodes had it but a few certainly did! At least when coming to them with an adult's perspective vis-a-vis the live action Trek.

But did all that constitute TAS actively trying to make fun of TOS? No. TAS wasn't meant to be a 'joke' show like what VST are trying to make it out to be.
I disagree with this part, having rewatched it about a year ago. A 50' Spock clone, Spock drawing a pentagram on the rec room floor and doing magic, Kirk shooting phasers out his fingers, white space with black stars... not all the episodes had it but a few certainly did! At least when coming to them with an adult's perspective vis-a-vis the live action Trek.
I think the VST are just leaning in to that absurdity part and going a little further.

As a TAS not and a little fun it's harmless.