News CBS Making new animated shorts for the 50th Anniversary of TAS

Easily my favorite one, the others were just okay imo. Wish they’d gotten Rios so all of Trek could have been represented.

The last one will have Tendi observing the TOS Enterprise perhaps? With M’Ress going wild and Scotty playing the drums, and somehow Riker jazzing it up too? That’s my guess from what remains from the trailer. I’m wondering if it will be time travel instead of holodeck, since they just had a hologram episode. Anything else from the trailer we can expect in the final installment?
TOS was good fun. Something happened for TAS where, for some inexplicable reason to me, the over the top energy, charisma and awesomeness of Shatner became flat and dull in the audio booth.
Half power Shatner is still better than most things. Double power Shatner is actually a demonstration of the law of diminishing returns. I like my Shatner set somewhere around the Where No Man Has Gone Before / Corbomite Maneuver / Wrath of Khan (no, not that scene) settings.

People (including the actors) often underestimate what a different skill voice acting is than live action.

I thought about the fact that the TNG cast both here and on Lower Decks seemed very at home in voice over. Then I remembered that animation is where a number of that cast lived after TNG.
Half power Shatner is still better than most things. Double power Shatner is actually a demonstration of the law of diminishing returns. I like my Shatner set somewhere around the Where No Man Has Gone Before / Corbomite Maneuver / Wrath of Khan (no, not that scene) settings.

People (including the actors) often underestimate what a different skill voice acting is than live action.

I thought about the fact that the TNG cast both here and on Lower Decks seemed very at home in voice over. Then I remembered that animation is where a number of that cast lived after TNG.
And they did voice acting for star trek games.