News CBS Making new animated shorts for the 50th Anniversary of TAS


I'm impressed! So funny!

After pooping and farting humor, we now get booger humor. What a development!

What a way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Animated Series.

Welcome to the second golden age of Star Trek...
They seem to be thinking that dropping in these little intentional inaccuracies is a TAS thing. Like calling Riker "Commanding Officer" Riker or "The Federation of Planets" or Saru's incorrect uniform. (Hilarious, of course.)

Can someone point out the TAS analog of this? The closest I can think of would be either Shatner mispronouncing words or Kyle's mustache (which was weird but was intentional).

TAS made mechanical mistakes. Flipping an animation cell or leaving off an element. Script-wise they were pretty solid. As solid as anything else in Star Trek.

Oh, and why the disco music? Wrong part of the 1970's, surely?
I'm still not liking these. This one was too disgusting to be funny. Maybe I'm not understanding what these are supposed to be, but I'm not apprciating the disgusting humor, fart jokes, and all that stuff in what I thought was Star Trek.
I wasn’t angry about it, but it made little sense in context. Way more head-scratchy than angry.
It's like that time in TAS where they called Spock's mom "Amanda GRAYSON" (Amanda didn't have a last name, we know) or said Kirk's middle name was "TIBERIUS". TAS made up crap like that all the time.
It's like that time in TAS where they called Spock's mom "Amanda GRAYSON" (Amanda didn't have a last name, we know) or said Kirk's middle name was "TIBERIUS". TAS made up crap like that all the time.

I’m not seeing the similarity. ‘Bill’ was a one-off first name for Riker which was never used again, like “James R. Kirk.” The examples you give are things first established in TAS which they chose to continue with in the canon.
I’m not seeing the similarity. ‘Bill’ was a one-off first name for Riker which was never used again, like “James R. Kirk.” The examples you give are things first established in TAS which they chose to continue with in the canon.
"Bill" was actually in the writer's bible. After all of the Wills that we'd gotten I was a little disappointed it fell out of use so fast..
there was only one good scene in that episode and it was when the guy tried the whiskey and his reaction and facial expression to it was funny. The rest of the episode sucked and I’m not sure you’re making a strong point here.
what point do you think i'm making...
what point do you think i'm making...

That Star Trek has had disgusting things before and this 3 minute short is no different. The thing I'm arguing is those disgusting things aren't the crux of the story and are only brief scenes. This was the entire 3 minute short, not to mention the other shorts are pretty much like this (Fart Humor and the like).