Excellent work - I particularly like the way you've tied into the L-shaped panels above the Impulse Housing.
Having two Engine Rooms also fixes the problem of how to run a turboshaft through such a complex area.
One issue that arises with having major Engineering facilities in the saucer as well as in the Secondary Hull is that several times in the episodes a person is said to be in "Engineering" and our heroes know exactly where to go. If all the Engine Rooms are clustered together in the Secondary Hull this is not so much of a problem, but if the Engine Rooms are placed in different hulls then it could lead to some embarrassing moments when the Captain rushes into an Engine Room to find all the action taking place somewhere else! It was after watching Is There In Truth No Beauty the other night when precisely this situation occurred and it got me thinking. Granted, the Impulse Deck is an engineering facility but I'm gradually swinging round to the notion that all references to "Engine Room" and "Engineering" should point towards facilities in the Secondary Hull.

It goes without saying that I also don't have a problem with curved corridors in the Secondary Hull! Why? Onscreen evidence again :) : Deck 12 was shown in Mudd's Women and Enemy Within, Deck 14 was shown in Dagger Of The Mind. A long curved corridor was shown in Mudd's Women that was on a deck below Deck 12. Finally, curved corridors were shown leading to the Hangar Deck in Doomsday Machine and Immunity Syndrome.

Now, the only problem is fitting them all in... ;)
Now, the only problem is fitting them all in... ;)

LOL :D I'll watch those "long corridor" episodes and see what to make of them. Here is a mockup of a short and long curved corridor in the engineering hull.

The short corridor works fine for the hangar complex but the long one - ugh :devil:

I remember in some episodes they would make a distinction like "engineering, on the lower levels" or "engineering, on or near deck c", etc. I figured Kirk and crew would check with the bridge while in transit on the turbolift which one to go to ;)

I remember in some episodes they would make a distinction like "engineering, on the lower levels"
From the Enemy Within:
SCOTT: Mister Scott, sir, on the lower level of the Engineering deck. I've found a new trouble with the transporter.
or "engineering, on or near deck c", etc.
You're perhaps thinking of this line from Court Martial:

STONE: Finney.
KIRK; Localise that.
SPOCK: B deck, in or near Engineering.
KIRK: Seal off B deck, sections 18Y through 23D.
SPOCK: Acknowledged.
Incidentally, other than reference to a "Weapons locker on H Deck" in Conscience of the King at no other point in TOS are decks referred to by letter. Perhaps "B Deck" is the lower level of the engineering section?

I figured Kirk and crew would check with the bridge while in transit on the turbolift which one to go to

The scene in Is There In Truth No Beauty that I was thinking of occurs just after Marvick calls the bridge and rants to Kirk, who simply call for "security to Engineering". I suppose Uhura (professional that she is) could have relayed further directions to the Redshirts...:)

As for squeezing in those long curved corridors, it's just a matter of building what we actually see, not what we know is there. The corridor in Naked Time need not be a circle, thanks to the following camera cut:


If you want to include the view from court Martial (and make the corridor layout as symmetrical as possible) it might be arranged thus:


Perhaps not as elegant as a circular corridor, but it'll certainly fit in the Secondary Hull!
I imagine that the S1 Engine Room is near the top of the Secondary Hull. The Engine Room seen on Ultimate Computer I see in the middle. The long circular corridor can be made to fit by pivotting on the radial corridor by 12 degrees:

Here I've overlaid a block colour diagram on Casimiro's Secondary Hull, the blue sections are the ones which have moved:


The pivot is not that severe and could easily have been what we saw in the episode:

<click for larger image>

Anyway, that's enough page wasted! I'm sure you get the general idea. It's a solution, anyway ;)
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@Mytran - that is definitely food for thought. I zipped through Mudd's Women and even though Kirk's quarters are on Deck 12 I can see no obvious long curved corridor. Very clever with the camera cuts.

I'll play with those ideas and see how they fit in. I need to build out the S2 engine room to get a better idea on how much room that will end up taking :D
The curved corridor you mention was below deck 12 - the women walk along it after they leave the Transporter Room. The section of Deck 12 corridor adjacent to Kirk's cabin was filmed through the mesh, so its curved nature isn't particularly apparent (and thus ignorable, if you so wish).
Deck 12 would be smack dab in the middle of the dorsal.

Best to just chuck that reference into the same scrap heap that has "James R. Kirk" and lithium crystals.
@Albertese - Thanks. I'll put together something for the tapered pipe set with some measurements for you in the next day or so. Keep in mind that my model is a "best guess" so it isn't a final say on the dimensions of what that prop is :)

@Mytran - Here is a rough blocking out of what I think the primary hull engine room / impulse deck could look like. It takes the "twin jets" model but keeps it to a single engine control room. I tried to keep to what was seen on screen and expand out from it. It's subject to change as I watch more of the episodes (one by one!) :D

I've put it on Deck 5 and left enough room for the S2 Engine Room to poke up into Deck 3. There is a large gap on deck 6 below the engine room for the turbolift shafts and other access ways to go through.

I did bend the entrance a bit and retained that side corridor that Scotty runs to and from to get to a jeffries tube.

A power conduit (ala TMP) runs up from the mains to power the impulse engines and also distribute power to the primary hull. In "The Ultimate Computer", I figure M5 taps into this power bank ;) :D


That is simply awesome.
@BolianAdmiral and Tiberius - Thanks!

With scenes to look for from TIN_MAN and Mytran, I went back to the vertical pipe conduit and re-worked it a bit for a scene from "The Enemy Within". I think the proportions are alot better now (still not an exact match).


@Mytran - I got a chance to rewatch "Mudd's Women" and you are correct. The implication with the turbolift ride is that the long corridor is below Deck 12 (and also means there is a transporter room in the engineering hull.) But if that is so, then I would imagine there would be a transporter room in the primary hull also and we would have the same possibility for confusion like the engine rooms would have. In anycase, it would make sense for at least one transporter room in each hull though :D
If it helps, those triangular mesh supports around the large power pipe were borrowed from the briefing room from the First and Second Pilots.
blssdwlf, that is some excellent observation work you've done. I'd always assumed that the Briefing Lounge* (as USS Mariner observed) struts were arranged as simple partitions for Goodkirk and Evilkirk to walk around. It never occurred to me to arrange them around the conduit-thing, but it's undoubtably what was done in the episode.
Many many thanks for the correction!

*Briefing Lounge is what Kelso called it in the teaser - perhaps it's a multi-purpose room?
That looks great! keep up the good work.

P.S. IIRC there was a reference in TAS to "transporter # 2" so there were at least two Xprtrs on the ship.
I'm pretty sure there's a TAS reference to "Transporter Room 4" as well.

As for the impulse engines, as intriguing as that layout is, that's a helluva lot of room to be taking up. Especially since it seems to be only to account for piece of a set that wasn't necessarily meant to be taken entirely literally.
Thanks guys :)

@USS Mariner - yep, that's where I looked to get better views of it.

@Mytran - I wonder if that Briefing Lounge would still exist in-universe after the two pilots or did it get replaced by the conference room layout...

@Captain Robert April - Maybe alotta room, but I figure they'll get it back in TMP with the redesigned giant recreation complex :)
Indeed, tis a lot of room for the impulse engines.

I like the general arrangement, very creative. Not just a line with a bunch of smaller lines or some bubbles with a funnel. Great job on it, it's just huge for my sensabilities.

They got a lot of mileage out of those A-frame/Butress parts, didn't they?

I think a more interesting or creative possibility would to take that column structure and put it somewhere else - which several of those in the same room. The choreography of that scene would have been much cooler if that was the case. Think cooling systems or power converters? Or huge plasma injectors?

Just another avenue you could take with the poetic license of deck plans =).

Re: transporters - I rather liked FJ's setup of having several, and then having some cargo transporters and some evac transporters. Because our heroes always knew which way to go and which 'transporter room', I fankwank to say that only 1 main transporter was kept online at any given time while the other 2 or 3 were powered down, undergoing overhaul, or were being calibrated again to come online. I see it as one of those technologies that only has a certain number of 'cyles' before you have to do teardowns to see what's broken. And you'd want to limit the number of cyles each unit had - so you'd rotate - so all would be fairly ready if they had to be put to use at the same time (you wouldn't burn through 1 transporter and then go to the next, you'd want them to evenly wear like car tires).

So every duty shift knows what transporter would be designated as 'active'.
Regarding knowing which engine room or transporter to go to... I thought this was a funny bit of dialogue from SG-1 :D

Jonas Quinn: Hey, Major? How do I know what color to wear?
Carter: We call each other every morning.