Anyone still build models?

Looking great.! Nice paint work.

Only crit is, the seams need work, gluing and sanding them down making them disappear.

Otherwise your doing great!
Very nice work. I like the hobby for the hobby, but these old eyes and hands never have been all that skilled. Regardless, it is fun. I do planes, ships and science fiction subjects. I have done a few cars and tanks (disasters).

Just sorta "winging it" with this one. We'll see how she goes.
Good gods! How long did it take to cut out and position all those tiny little bits of tape?!? :eek:
However long it was, it certainly looks like it was worth it.
Good gods! How long did it take to cut out and position all those tiny little bits of tape?!? :eek:
However long it was, it certainly looks like it was worth it.
Oh, it took a minute or two. Luckily, I had a bunch of pre-made window masks left over from my last build, so I just used those for the bottom saucer. Unfortunately, I've run out of those. So for the rest of the ship it will be done with hand cut masks......oh the fun.
Very nice!

They do make a Excelsior paint mask set if your looking..

Thats pretty easy stuff HotRod is doing, if he went the bought paint mask route.. he he.. ah.. good times..
Yeah, I looked into those. I went the full masking route with my Discoprise, but with Excelsior I just wanted more of a casual build, using only what I already have. Trying different things and seeing what works.
Thats pretty easy stuff HotRod is doing, if he went the bought paint mask route.. he he.. ah.. good times..
~ Yikes! That's what I was imagining (with lots of swearing and things been thrown across the room if I was doing it :rommie:). There's something to be said for the nice, smooth, panel-less finish of the TOS Enterprise.
Well you can go what i call "wall paper" decal route, where basically the model is covered in decal sheets for the aztecs etc. the smaller scale I don't mind, works okay, but larger 1/1000? I prefer to do the paint mask route as to me it looks "More Real" and you have more control in the paint scheme color.
Not often, but yes. Mostly trains and spacecraft (both real and fictional). Most recently, I painted and detailed a 3D-printed Crew Dragon. I have a TOS Enterprise I built while I was still in high school, with interior lights and flickering nacelles. It plugs into an external power supply base that (among other things) drives the flickering nacelles.

I also have a DC-3 that I built and decorated for "The Mrs. Grace L. Ferguson Airline and Storm Door Company" (from the old Bob Newhart standup routine). I mailed Newhart a set of pictures of it; he replied with a very nice letter that expressed surprise that his old routine was still getting laughs.