Anyone still build models?

I still build models from time to time. I'm not especially prolific, and sometimes it can take quite awhile to finish something, but I plug away at stuff as I can.

Some recent efforts...

My unfinished pre-TMP Enterprise model (collecting dust while waiting for me to get back to it)...

My work-in-progress TOS Exploration set (with my quarter studio scale Galileo)...

And here are the masters for my set of scratch-built Lifting Body models (all at 1/24 scale)...

The last model I actually finished would be my scratch-built studio scale Enterprise from 2019... here is how she looks today...

I'm something of a greeble hoarder---always looking for odd parts that look to lend themselves to starship kits.

Vape pen bits for nacelles and such (I don't vape).

A recent find at a dollar store is this LED TAPER CANDLE:

It is the same width as a 1/1000 Enterprise nacelle but longer. Got one for a buck and change.

One of my greatest finds was the Steadtler highlighter pen, now long out of production. It made awesome nacelles:

Then there's your basic squarish highlighter for less sexy ships:
A very rare Event Horizon ship

From the posts:
It's 3d printed. I downloaded the file from a now defunct website-around a decade ago.I have no idea who the original artist was, but it is the most accurate model of the ship I've ever found. It was originally a lightwave file-not for printing. I spent the best part of three months converting it and fixing faults. That was a nightmare-but it ended up being worth the trouble. I learned a lot about 3d programs and modelling, during that time.The small Lewis and Clarke, I made myself.I think it gives a bit of scale to the main model.

Having run the workshop on event horizon this must have come from a scan of the original at some point the detail is too good.

So for those of you who have something in Lightwave and want it exported into the real world---these are your guys.

The last model I actually finished would be my scratch-built studio scale Enterprise from 2019... here is how she looks today...

This individual is building a Constitution from the comix:
I bet he might do a 3 footer as a 1/1000 -----he is quite talented and you might want to contact him.
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Its been a minute, but progress has definitely been made. Paint is just about finished. Still got a lot of little things to do, here and there. Light blocking has been a challenge on this thing, but it's coming along. Should be able to get her finished in another week or so.


Couldn't resist setting her up, if only just to see how she's looking.
Spacedock worthy.

Excelsior always looked the biggest Starfleet ship. E-D I pictured as a Diplomatic/Hospital Ship/Liner…mostly harmless;)
I've also been following your posts on Facebook. I'm assuming that blue color is from whatever lighting you're using, and not from a paint job. :)