AndyP's Trek building thread

Firstly, this bridge looks spectacular, great job! Very clean, precision modeling and good texturing (carpet looks bit flat at the moment, but Im sure youll get to that). Your lighting is great, hands down. And I think you nailed the color matching per the youtube video :)

Ok so now just for my personal opinion... The walls just *feel* to yellowish for my tastes. Too saturated... maybe the hue too, Im not sure.... I know, you matched the video and indeed you did it precisely imo. Its a point of debate about the colors of those side walls.... Trekyards did a youtube stream discussing how the colors seemed to change over the course of TNG (they showed lots of screenshots, its fairly obvious something was up). So... I don't know which variation is 'correct' per se. I just think the P3 bridge wall colors seemed too saturated from what I remember. Or preferred? :D

I guess this is one of those things that will just boil down to artist discretion. But Id encourage you to check out the trekyards video, and see if that changes your decision at the moment
@Jason_Adank I'll have to check out that trekyards video. EDIT- they made 3 of them.

I also agree that they feel too yellowish, the color palette I originally used felt closer to what I remember seeing in TNG, and closer to the palette that i've seen used by other's re-creating the set. I think the set might feel more yellow because the lighting is more closer to white, in the show the overhead lighting was softer?

Regarding the carpet, I have not yet started putting a texture on my carpet materials yet, so that definitely is one area that I can improve with my work.
@Jason_Adank I'll have to check out that trekyards video. EDIT- they made 3 of them.

The one Im thinking of was their first stream analyzing the P3 bridge right after EP10 dropped. Your probably saw it already, but I think it was this one:

Theres a collage photo they put up about 1/3 of the way through thats pretty interesting. in some shots the walls seem more yellow, and in other shots they seem more orange... I dunno, as I watch it they all seem foreign to me for some reason I always thought it was a less saturated beige... but apparently not? Anyways I suppose another possibility is the film grading in post or camera settings changing that shifted the temperature around a bit....

But whatever this is a super minor nit... your work looks really great!
I thought their colors were off. But that might be modern cameras/lighting. Did they say where they got their colors from? Approximation from reference images, or did they have vintage paint documentation from archives or something?
I was under the impression that they went out of their way to build the Picard bridge to how it appeared in TNG to how the actual sets as were built.

Okay fine.... I'll add a fabric texture to everything fabric :D Then as I revisit other sets, I'll update the materials there as well.


in P3, is the galaxy class supposed to be the same saucer section recovered from Veridian 3? Or was it a total recycle of some other ship the Geordi was renovating to be *like* the D? Was that ever mentioned in the dialog of the show?
in P3, is the galaxy class supposed to be the same saucer section recovered from Veridian 3? Or was it a total recycle of some other ship the Geordi was renovating to be *like* the D? Was that ever mentioned in the dialog of the show?

PICARD: The Enterprise-D. But... how?
GEORDI: Thank the good ol' Prime Directive. The saucer was retrieved from Veridian III so as not to influence the system. I've been restoring it bit by bit over the last 20 years. Engines and nacelles come from the USS Syracuse.​
I wonder why the bridge didnt have the Generations upgrades then....(the stations on either side of the ramp)

I guess it depends on what version of the E-D Geordi is restoring her to. At the time he also mentioned that he wasn't finished (port nacelle covering issues, etc.)
A lot of people have also brought up the fact that the Galaxy Bridge was modular and designed to be swapped out depending on the ship's mission, so one could assume he grabbed the bridge module from the Syracuse, or the pre generations module, or a module from a different ship.
The bridge from the series could have been a different module than the one in Generations, and could have already been set aside for display in the Museum. Rather than repair the destroyed Generations bridge, Geordi could more easily replace the whole module with the original and as a result, bring her back to how she was for the majority of her lifespan.
The bridge from the series could have been a different module than the one in Generations, and could have already been set aside for display in the Museum. Rather than repair the destroyed Generations bridge, Geordi could more easily replace the whole module with the original and as a result, bring her back to how she was for the majority of her lifespan.

Given that the exterior view inexplicably shows the E-E conference room from “First Contact,” I wonder if maybe that was part of the “Generations” upgrade (we never saw the conference room in that movie), and it was recycled into the Enterprise-E, and then eventually moved back into the Enterprise-D during the restoration (regardless of what happened to the -E, that conference room was renovated/replaced at some point, maybe before NEM, maybe at the same time the view screen was replaced before INS).
When I was a kid and saw Generations, I was annoyed that they destroyed the ship, so I wrote a letter to Rick Berman with an idea for how the next movie should start. We'd be with Picard and crew, on the Captain's Yacht, and we see that the registration is 1701-E. They're all talking about losing the last ship and how they have a new one which they then arrive to dock with, and it's revealed to be a new Galaxy-class ship that used the salvaged saucer from Veridian III and a newly completed spare secondary hull (I think this was something mentioned in the Technical Manual, IIRC). I hadn't thought about the Prime Directive at the time, but that's a good excuse to recover the saucer. It was a pretty cringey letter from the height of my fanboyism. :)
PICARD: The Enterprise-D. But... how?
GEORDI: Thank the good ol' Prime Directive. The saucer was retrieved from Veridian III so as not to influence the system. I've been restoring it bit by bit over the last 20 years. Engines and nacelles come from the USS Syracuse.​
Well damn, thats kinda a major plot hole. Im surprised not more people have mentioned this lil problem.

I thought the extra stations and more dramatic bridge lighting looked kinda cool... Weve seen quite a few people modeling the D bridge as of late... but I dont recall anyone taking on the Generations variant :)
Well damn, thats kinda a major plot hole. Im surprised not more people have mentioned this lil problem.

I thought the extra stations and more dramatic bridge lighting looked kinda cool... Weve seen quite a few people modeling the D bridge as of late... but I dont recall anyone taking on the Generations variant :)

I don't know if it is a plot hole that the Generations stations are missing as real life museum warships restore a ship to a specific version in history (or mix it up depending on what equipment is available). Geordi apparently went for a pre-Generations bridge configuration.
People are overthinking the entire bridge situation.....

The bridge was beyond FUBAR in Generations. Geordi restored this NOT to be a ship in service up to the highest standard, but a museum piece. So while rebuilding her, he just went for nostalgia and restored the bridge to how he remembered/loved it the most. For all we know he never liked that upgraded bridge.
He probably used any available bridge module he could get his hands on. Similar to how the Saratoga in the museum was the one from TVH, but re-fitted to look like the one from DS9's emissary (registry and all) and "featured restored sections of both era's of ships".

I'd image as long as the parts fit and it looks correct, it would be good enough for a museum, and if any parts differed from the original on the big -D they would put a little sign on it with information on it for visitors to read up on the differences between what was originally on the big-d and on the ship that whatever area of the ship happened to have came from.

Because when you think about it, the only requirement for a ship in a museum would be that it has life support, and looks pretty. Heck I imagine that Geordi did not bother fixing all of the trashed crew quarters, outside of the windows. Because I'd doubt that many civilians would be allowed wander around those halls, when they could have a few isolated area's for them to view.
Hey guys! It's not a huge deal, since the return of the Enterprise-D in season three of Picard has been heavily publicized and I'm sure there's not a ton of people who don't already know about it. But in order to keep the few who decided to stay in the dark for now blissfully unaware, I added a spoiler note to the thread title, just to be on the safe side. :)