AndyP's Trek building thread

Added some décor to the engineering corridor.
That's a good screenshot! Thanks for sharing that!

Since I am not going for 100% screen accurate, and I like the panels where they are, I am going to leave them. But if I were to say, change these sets to a more Movie era, I'll probably remove them.
I built the cargo bay / holodeck doors today. the first is in the engineering corridor opposite the furniture. Eventually I will build the isolation door that was used on the show to block out engineering. The second location is where the cargo bay would be had this been stage 9. My version is a more simplified layout.

Also a huge shout out to @Redgeneral as I've been referencing his blueprints a lot on this set.

What's left on the TNG corridor:
Add a holodeck programing control panel
Build the isolation door
Build the table that goes between the chairs in the "engineering" corridor
Place the red set labels.


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I hope everyone had a good holiday!

@Rekkert , @Santaman Thanks guys!

@137th Gebirg they certainly do look candy like. I've gone back and modified the doors. Now instead of a single bevel, they are rounded edges, bringing them closer in appearance to the show.

In other updates on this set:
-added set labels
-Created lcars texture for the Holodeck Programming based off of screencaps
-built isolation door
-adjusted color palette from screencaps to hopefully bring the colors closer to what is seen on the show




@Santaman - Thanks! The lighting is a plane with a spherical gradient applied to it, and then I used a brick texture to simulate the grid plastic grating that was used on the set.

@137th Gebirg - I was planning on making that change regardless :D

I've started working on engineering. I have not created the MSD for the galaxy class ship, and for some reason I feel like it's going to be a huge undertaking. Currently I have a basic schematic in place of the MSD. Today I worked on the plugs for the hallways.

The engineering office area is very rough right now, and does not feel very accurate to me. Part of me wants to build the engineering office area, but use the consoles that were built for Voyager.




@batboy853 Thank you for explaining, do you also play with the light temperature? back when TNG was aired I was watching it on a CRT screen TV, nowadays it's of course an LCD which seems to be a bit cooler/blue, I remember TNG being a bit warmer and saturated, could be that I misremember though.. Do you work from memory or from what you observe now?
@Santaman I've played around with light temperature using the blackbody node in the past, but I've found that I that I like the light to be white more than when I've played with the color temperature.

When trying to get the colors correct recently, I referenced screenshots from the later seasons as well as from Enterprise "These are the voyages". I took a number of swatches and then averaged them out.

But yeah I often look towards the HD screenshots but mostly for whatever I'm modeling that particular day.
^^ Cool. :mallory: nice to get a little insight in the process, in any case, keep doing what you're doing, it does look awesome.:techman:
The engineering office area is very rough right now, and does not feel very accurate to me. Part of me wants to build the engineering office area, but use the consoles that were built for Voyager.

Looking good! I'd say go for it modifying the office, I never liked how they reused the TMP consoles there, it's so out of place IMO.
@Bernard Guignard Thanks!

@Rekkert I think for now I am going to continue building this trying to keep in the TNG style. However that being said I am going to take inspiration from Voyager for how to model the ceiling as it was never fully developed for TNG. Once I have the TNG version built, I might go back and rebuild with the voyager consoles, and then can call the build either a late DS9 galaxy class, or I could even use it as a basis for a different galaxy-esque style ship.

Updates since last post:
-modeled pool table, not sure if I have the dimensions correct or not, sill needs to be textured
-started working on the structure around the warp core, basing off of the blueprints found on the archive. as not all measurements are legible I am guestimating on the height. I need to update the main level floor shape around the warp core, currently its just a copy/paste from the upper and lower levels.
-Started working on the warp core. Measurements are also guestimate. Built this based off of images from the TNG technical manual for rough shape.




@Santaman All the powwaah!!!!

We have things to make it go.

Updates since last posting:
-Added additional details to the warp core, animated the lights, and modeled the deuterium conduit behind the warp core. I'm using a brick texture to add the pattern on the fabric that the conduit is wrapped in.
-modeled the railing on the upper warp core surround, I also duplicated it for the main level as a placeholder until I model that levels rail
-modeled in the panels that are on the walls




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