All about T'Pol

For the life of me I cannot understand why she was not selected for more high profile movies. She is a wonderful actor, has a great body, beautiful face and fun. I know she was in some grade B movies but she deserved some big rolls.
I agree that she's pretty good (as Polly at least; haven't seen her in anything else), but hot, pretty good actresses are a dime a dozen in Hollywood, and I can see many producers being wary of casting "that Star Trek sex object" in a prominent role (of which there are rather few for women overall) due to cultural baggage.

Unfortunate, perhaps, but agreeing to be on ENT probably doomed any chances of A-list stardom on her part. Still, it was more than most get.

She does have a unique charm about her.

It's a damn shame she hasn't been in more films, she's certainly more skilled (and prettier) than some of the other more famous actresses out there.

Oh and if anybody is wondering, she also has a big part in Starship Troopers 3.
Jolene was fun to watch in "Starship Troopers 3". The only other nice thing that I can say about 3 was it was better than "Starship Troopers 2". Not by much.
Jolene was fun to watch in "Starship Troopers 3". The only other nice thing that I can say about 3 was it was better than "Starship Troopers 2". Not by much.

"Starship Troopers 2" was god awful. At least Starship Troopers 3 had y'know...a plot lol.

It would be nice to see her in more stuff though. I'd love to see her do a T'pol cameo somewhere...ah wishful thinking.
Now that we indulged our senses of smell and taste, delighted our ears and mind with our lovely Vulcanesse's ability to tell a "story" one question remains:

What is your favorite T'Pol outfit? And no to stop you guys right in your tracks: nude is not an outfit:)

Mine has to be the yellow blouse ensemble T'Mir wears in Carbon Creek.
Hard to top her white jumpsuit.


Or the blue nightclothes.


Although the red ones aren't bad either.


I like all of her Season 3 & 4 jumpsuits, because they are so much more flattering than her Season 1 & 2 look. If you look closely, each one has different detailing.


My favorite is the purple, with the white a close second.
Thanks for the pic in the blue pajamas. I think they would have looked alot better as shorts.

I don't know I kinda like the pants, gives her a more dignified look. I you want her in shorts why not have her in her underwear? (Also a very nice outfit.)

The lady looks good in whatever she's wearing.
I wish they'd stop trying to sex up Star Trek. It's demeaning to women, and Gene Roddenberry's original vision for the future. I expect women in a service to dress the same as men, with uniforms that do not emphasize whatever feminine features the actresses might possess. A utopian vision of the future should aspire to an androgynous dress code.

I liked Enterprise in spite of T'Pol's attire.
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I wish they'd stop trying to sex up Star Trek. It's demeaning to women, and Gene Roddenberry's original vision for the future.
Did you ever actually see TOS? There were short skirts, skimpy outfits, cleavage, sexual innuendo, make out sessions with green skimpy outfits. Kirk was portrayed as the consumate womanizer and the women he womanized with were only to willing. All of the sequels and spinoffs have simply kept up the tradition that started with Gene's original vision.

Viewed from today's standpoint TOS probably seems tame and even somewhat "chaste", however, back in the mid 60's when it premiered this was some pretty racy stuff and that is what it was meant to look like.
Yes, I know the women were overtly sexualized in the Original Series. However, if I'm not mistaken, the outfits were a concession to the network, and in the original pilot (The Cage), the women were dressed in pants that were the same as those worn by the men. Gene Roddenberry had no choice but to "sex up" the women if he wanted his series aired. Even still, by the standards of the time, the Original Series was quite groundbreaking in its treatment of women (Uhura on the bridge, for instance), and in the movies the women wore the same uniforms as men.

He aspired to a world of gender equality, and later incarnations of the franchise should have taken that further and made good on the ability to do what he could not, instead of selectively confining themselves to the boundaries set by 60's network executives whenever convenient.
I believe we see far more male shirts off in ENT than we see any T'Pol flesh.

As to sexing things up.. Trek needs to be sexed up, but REAL sex/relationships, not just T&A.
Well, there are relationships but mostly inter-species. They do enjoy putting those up.
At this moment, I'm reading Titan series and if those book would've ever be made into series we wouldn't even talk about these things.:lol:
Yes, I know the women were overtly sexualized in the Original Series. However, if I'm not mistaken, the outfits were a concession to the network, and in the original pilot (The Cage), the women were dressed in pants that were the same as those worn by the men. Gene Roddenberry had no choice but to "sex up" the women if he wanted his series aired. Even still, by the standards of the time, the Original Series was quite groundbreaking in its treatment of women (Uhura on the bridge, for instance), and in the movies the women wore the same uniforms as men.

He aspired to a world of gender equality, and later incarnations of the franchise should have taken that further and made good on the ability to do what he could not, instead of selectively confining themselves to the boundaries set by 60's network executives whenever convenient.
I have never read anywhere that the network forced Rodenberry to "sex' things up. If you have a cite, I'de be more than willing to check it out.

Gene was the creator and executive producer of TNG (one of the later incarnations of the franchise), and that show had catsuits on all crew members and included the womanizing Riker, with his bevy of "the willing". Troi was the one in the little mini skirts when she wasn't in her catsuit.

Gene certainly had a vision of equality for women, no doubt, but I don't think it included turtlenecks in space.
From what I learned about Gene R. in the Justman/Solow book Inside Star Trek, Gene was the driving force behind all the sexiness and innuendo on the show. He regularly showed up for costume fittings and often told Theiss to raise the hemlines on the ladies' outfits to show more skin.

If he had been around for Enterprise, it would have been completely in character for him to give T'Pol a skintight catsuit to wear, with strategic holes cut in it to sex it up even more. ;) And without blinking an eye, he would have whipped up a reason to justify why a Vulcan would wear such an outfit.
Loved her character, hated how they degraded her through skimpy outfits or full on rub down scenes....ironically I only really hated it as she was Vulcan, and that kind of apparel was out of line for her race. If she had been human or whatnot, I would have just though 'sex sells' and moved on. As for the rub down scene, is it just me, or was that the first filmed 'boner' on trek? Don't blame the guy, but damn! That scene was a little uncomfortable