All about T'Pol

Pop quiz. You're locked in a room with T'pol, she's covered in sweat, running around in in her underwear, and trying to mate with you. What do you do?

1. Get my cameras. For evidence.

2. As Picard would say: "Engage!!"

Crazy girls can be the most fun.
You don't acquiesce. You attack.

On a related note:
Since Vulcan blood is copper-based. Does T'Pol taste like pennies?

I Agree with 1 and 2 lol.

I doubt it, Human blood is iron-based and we don't taste like iron.

Also there isn't much copper in modern pennies, they're mostly zinc.
^^ Ditto.
The part you lick is copper. I hope that you washed them first before you licked them.
And I've got about a $1.00 worth of pennies stacked on my desk in front of me.
^^ Ditto.
The part you lick is copper. I hope that you washed them first before you licked them.
And I've got about a $1.00 worth of pennies stacked on my desk in front of me.

Correct, they are copper plated with a zinc core.

I have several dollars worth of pennies distributed around my desk, I'm not licking any of them lol.
Guys - the pennies together with my neverending supply of T'Pol pics, a still warm chamomille teabag and my granma's wig make the illusion nearly perfect. I got all the senses covered......
Guys - the pennies together with my neverending supply of T'Pol pics, a still warm chamomille teabag and my granma's wig make the illusion nearly perfect. I got all the senses covered......

Ah if only Gene could see us now...Arguing over whether or not Vulcans taste like pennies.

Seriously, how did you amass such a collection? (The T'pol pics, not the other items.)
A health issue gave me a lot of free time. Downloading T'Pol pics was about the only thing I was able to do:)
Strangely I never cared about any other celebrity or fictional character before or since.
That vulcan vixen in her office carpet catsuit did it for me the moment I saw her in Broken bow........
A health issue gave me a lot of free time. Downloading T'Pol pics was about the only thing I was able to do:)
Strangely I never cared about any other celebrity or fictional character before or since.
That vulcan vixen in her office carpet catsuit did it for me the moment I saw her in Broken bow........

Yeah... happened to me too. :vulcan:
cannot let thread die....

T'Pol will never die. She will only become legend, and altars of her repressed loins-fire will be erected all over the world.
Just curious. How many of you now know what pennies taste like?

So would T'Pol be too old to have any more kids after Vulcan blew up? You know she's still around.
Just curious. How many of you now know what pennies taste like?

So would T'Pol be too old to have any more kids after Vulcan blew up? You know she's still around.

As a child I suspect at one time I knew what pennies tasted like, but I've since forgotten.

I doubt she'd still be having kids at that point. She'd be at least a 170 years old.
For the life of me I cannot understand why she was not selected for more high profile movies. She is a wonderful actor, has a great body, beautiful face and fun. I know she was in some grade B movies but she deserved some big rolls. Have you seen this interview with Tom Green:
The movie Jolene was refering to in that video had to be "Shadow Puppets". Which I saw a couple of weeks ago. It was horrible. It's only worth watching to see Jolene and her other female cast mates running around in the underwear.
Has anyone seen "Slow Burn"? Apparently Jolene was spraytanned excessively so she could portray a black woman (?). I saw a pic of her on the movie's IMDB page and she looks really odd. She's complete with black braids.
So would T'Pol be too old to have any more kids after Vulcan blew up? You know she's still around.

I'm sure she still could. She would be about 170 years old, which is considered late middle age in Vulcan society.

And before anyone brings up E2, the reason she looked so ancient in that episode can be attributed to Trellium poisoning.
So would T'Pol be too old to have any more kids after Vulcan blew up? You know she's still around.

I'm sure she still could. She would be about 170 years old, which is considered late middle age in Vulcan society.

And before anyone brings up E2, the reason she looked so ancient in that episode can be attributed to Trellium poisoning.

Do we know when Vulcans go through menopause?, do they even have a menopause?, I would think that they do but I'm not exactly an expert.
For the life of me I cannot understand why she was not selected for more high profile movies. She is a wonderful actor, has a great body, beautiful face and fun. I know she was in some grade B movies but she deserved some big rolls.
I agree that she's pretty good (as Polly at least; haven't seen her in anything else), but hot, pretty good actresses are a dime a dozen in Hollywood, and I can see many producers being wary of casting "that Star Trek sex object" in a prominent role (of which there are rather few for women overall) due to cultural baggage.

Unfortunate, perhaps, but agreeing to be on ENT probably doomed any chances of A-list stardom on her part. Still, it was more than most get.