All about T'Pol

Yes, and I have also read T'Pol described as "elfen". Say what one will about her acting, Jolene brought two things to T'Pol that made the character unique; a Vulcan with vulnerability and ultra femininity.


The ears do make her look a little elfish, but her mannerisms are very feline. Just watch the way she fights with Phlox in "Bounty," VERY feline.
That's a great one I am Surak! I loved her mother and I think they brought us some nice insights into T'Pol with the writing.
Was nice to get sense of where rebellious spirit came from. Am still curious who her father was though.
Doesn't she help him fix his collar buttons or something? I also find those 'close' moments between characters charming.
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Doesn't she held him fix his collar buttons or something? I also find those 'close' moments between characters charming.

Yes I think she straightens his tie! Or it might have been his collar. And yes they are charming.
Or it could be because he;s a romulan!.... dun dun dun lol. Seriously though it I think that was the arc they were planing.
I'm a third of the way through the first season and I'm starting to really like her. I kind of feel sorry for the positions she ends up in as the 'Vulcan' on the ship/mission, but she handles it well.
You can look forward to the beginning of season 2 and an episode called Carbon Creek.
I really like the early episodes where T'Pol is still different and finding her way to be one of the gang as compared to the seasons 3 and 4 where she really is an integral part of every story line.
Picture below from "Deadstop"
