All about T'Pol

" not laugh"
I'm a third of the way through the first season and I'm starting to really like her. I kind of feel sorry for the positions she ends up in as the 'Vulcan' on the ship/mission, but she handles it well.

She's very interesting. Far more happens to her than ever happens to TOS Spock. There is a lot of character development.

Be warned though this thread will probably have major spoilers popping up everywhere.. and this character has a LOT of potential spoilers :)
I'm a third of the way through the first season and I'm starting to really like her. I kind of feel sorry for the positions she ends up in as the 'Vulcan' on the ship/mission, but she handles it well.

She's very interesting. Far more happens to her than ever happens to TOS Spock. There is a lot of character development.

Be warned though this thread will probably have major spoilers popping up everywhere.. and this character has a LOT of potential spoilers :)

I'm happy to read that there's more development in store for her character. I've heard people talk about how mean she is, but I think maybe she's misunderstood.

Thanks for the warning. :)

That I would not say. The poor dear is beset by a lack of meanness.

She's just.. defensive. When cornered.
Yeah, and I also think that she's conflicted at times too. She likes being there, but like is, as she would say, "a human emotion." :vulcan:

This a very complex character who, like 7 of 9, is often dismissed as being all about da tits. This is not the case (with either of them). I hope you stick with the series because T'Pol's story spans all 4 seasons :)
That's good to hear, and I liked 7 of 9 the most out of the VOY that I watched. Her personality and outlook on things was very interesting to me. They are both definitely more than just pretty faces. If the rest of season one stays at around the same level, I think I'll watch season 2. I'm actually pretty sure of it. :)
I am Surak, don't you understand the men want to wear the catsuits too. By denying them this you are being sexist.