Alien, Predator, AvP (news)

I didn't say IT should be big, or a big monster movie monster. I said it should GO big

In fact, come to think of it, it occurs to me we've never had a Predator preying in an actual war zone. If you want to do a prequel, set it in like '68 in Vietnam, & have it wipe out whole companies on both sides, & the only survivors are 1 Viet Cong & 1 American who only make it because they're tunnel rats, & have to work together, once they figure it out, & if you really want to work that diversity angle, have the Viet Cong be a woman, like the sniper in Full Metal Jacket, hard as nails, & when the whole thing is over, she just looks at the American & says "Now go home" & he just... does. Roll credits.

Shoot, why not have a Predator movie set underwater, where it has to hunt down a Great White Shark pack caught in a tornado or waterspout, something like that?

Also while he's huge and strong doesn't mean he's fast so to me it's believable that a nimble fighter might get a hit or two in before the Predator can land a hit on his own ( which will then cause a big dent in the opposing fighter).

He's plenty fast. Did you see him pursuing them through the grass in the chase scenes? Based on their strength and the way they move, I've always gotten the feeling that Earth is a 'low-gravity' environment for them. Not only are they larger and stronger than humans, I'll bet their muscle and bone density is a lot higher as well- meaning they'd weigh a lot more than they look like they do, and hitting one would be like hitting a proverbial brick wall.
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He's plenty fast. Did you see him pursuing them through the grass in the chase scenes? Based on their strength and the way they move, I've always gotten the feeling that Earth is a 'low-gravity' environment for them.

He's fast as a heavyweight boxer is fast. Put such a fighter against a fast middleweight or lightweight fighter they will get hit many times more than they will hit the lighter fighter, they just won't take much damage ( unless the lighter fighters have weapons). This is what i meant - one good hit by the Predator or the heavyweight fighter is enough to seriously affect a light fighter though.
Shoot, why not have a Predator movie set underwater, where it has to hunt down a Great White Shark pack caught in a tornado or waterspout, something like that?

Dude, that would be awesome! A whole movie down there might get dull, but it's a good idea to have in one. In fact, there's really nothing to say those things aren't amphibious. I'd make it an Orca though, & then it gets outwitted by dolphins, & some Jacques Cousteau type dude. lol
Human hunters shoot all kinds of crap, don't see why Predators can't.
Cuz imho human hunters are booooooring, & in many cases, lame assholes. Even hunting humans is kind of dumb. (See any of those dumb movies with like Rutger Hauer where they hunt homeless guys or whatever) unless it's an alien that's doing it specifically because we're the intelligent species on this planet, & it's going around doing that to any planet with intelligent life. Then maybe you got something for my poor old sci-fi fan heart.
Yeah, but it's not as though the movie was about the Predator hunting those animals. It was two short scenes.
I shouldn't tell you the story I heard from a hunter bow hunting mountain lion and being hunted by a second lion. Super boring...
In a movie. In a sci-fi movie it's boring. Just like playing golf is a fun time. Watching golf on TV? Zzzzzzzz... lol
Yeah, but it's not as though the movie was about the Predator hunting those animals. It was two short scenes.
As far as The Predator is concerned, it's like throughout the whole 1st act though. The other stuff with the characters was good enough, but the portrayal of the Predator did nothing for me, & I got the feeling they instead thought it was super cool... Enough that they bothered to include that stuff.

I'd have been fine with them just cutting all that, but then they don't get to feature they're alien guy on a wilderness stroll. Frankly, I've never considered The Predator itself to be a featured player anyhow
Think about it like this. Jaws is a movie where guys hunt a man-eating killer great white shark. We do not bother seeing that big bastard hardly at all, especially not doing some banal shit like hunting/feeding on some small prey. Why would you waste our time with that? You're undermining your premise with it... Sapping your mojo out of the gate imho
In a movie. In a sci-fi movie it's boring. Just like playing golf is a fun time. Watching golf on TV? Zzzzzzzz... lol
Mileage thing here. Scifi isn't all wizzbang poppers for me.
Think about it like this. Jaws is a movie where guys hunt a man-eating killer great white shark. We do not bother seeing that big bastard hardly at all, especially not doing some banal shit like hunting/feeding on some small prey. Why would you waste our time with that? You're undermining your premise with it... Sapping your mojo out of the gate imho
And I don't like Jaws. So, mileage will vary.
Of course this brand of sci-fi isn't all the sci-fi I enjoy, but that's this one's brand imho
Of course this brand of sci-fi isn't all the sci-fi I enjoy, but that's this one's brand imho
Predator is probably one of the odder brands in terms of scifi. Yes, it's about a hunter species, but sometimes it hunts humans and other times completely ignores them To me, adding some measure of differences between different Predators would go a long way to having them feel like an actual creature, vs. just a monster that "goes bump in the night."

Not that it matters much to me. I'm sure you'll get more your preference than I'll get mine in this particular brand. This one just happened to appeal to me slightly more than past films. Mileage will vary. :beer:
I think I'll give my ratings

Predator: It's a classic, even with the over-the-top cheesy machismo
Predators: Appealed quite well on a sci-fi level for me. There was a lot to keep me interested
The Predator: Only slightly better than Prey, mainly because it's got more sci-fi.
Prey: Its character stuff is actually better than The Predator. If the predator itself hadn't let me down some, it would move up the list
Predator 2: It really is incredibly silly, even though I kind of love Danny Glover looking too old for this shit lol

Edit: Oh, given the thread title, I'll say that AVP really kind of stunk worse than any of them. So much so, I still haven't watched AVPR