Alien, Predator, AvP (news)

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard

Red Shirt
With Disney having bought 20th Century Fox; has anyone heard of any news on a new Alien, Predator, or AvP movie?

Last I heard was that Ridley Scott was moving forward with a third prequel, possibly with the engineers as the central plot.
I imagine the alien and predator franchise are on the back burner at Disney and their priorities are Star Wars, Marvel, Disney plus and Indiana Jones. Ridley Scott is making a movie about Napoleon next so it would be a long while if he is going to Direct another alien movie.
It's dead, Jim. At least for the time being. I imagine it gets rebooted somewhere down the road...
I assumed that the Prometheus prequels pretty much removed AvP from Alien canon.

Unless there's a way to reconcile Charles Bishop Weyland (AvP) with Peter Weyland (Prometheus)? I don't see how two different precursors to Weyland-Yutani could both exist in the same continuity.
I imagine the alien and predator franchise are on the back burner at Disney and their priorities are Star Wars, Marvel, Disney plus and Indiana Jones.
These movies belong to 20th Century Fox. Why buy a film studio if they're not going to let then make movies?

It's dead, Jim. At least for the time being. I imagine it gets rebooted somewhere down the road...
Please, let's not go down the braindead lazy remake route. I call it braindead, because Prometheus opened up the Alien world to do so much more than just the xenomorph. Like I said, it's normal for us to wait some 5-7 years between sequels.

I assumed that the Prometheus prequels pretty much removed AvP from Alien canon.

Unless there's a way to reconcile Charles Bishop Weyland (AvP) with Peter Weyland (Prometheus)? I don't see how two different precursors to Weyland-Yutani could both exist in the same continuity.
AvP was supposed to get a third movie set in space that would cap off the trilogy and lead directly into Alien. Ridley Scott thought AvP concept was dumb, so his prequels effectively ignore those two movies. After AvP2, the third Predator film neither acknowledged nor contradicted AvP. The fourth and new Predator film made references to AvP.

AvP is ignored by Alien prequels, but still canon by the new Predator film. It's weird.

The easiest way to do AvP is to "reboot" and try to tie into the newer Alien and Predator films.
These movies belong to 20th Century Fox. Why buy a film studio if they're not going to let then make movies?
Because they have other franchises that are a bigger prioity, like the Marvel movies, now including former Fox properties like X-Men and Fantastic Four, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and Avatar.
These movies belong to 20th Century Fox. Why buy a film studio if they're not going to let then make movies?
As JD said, they have other franchises which are turning more of a profit than the last entries of Alien and Predator did. I'm not saying they won't make more but I don't think it will be for a while. They probably haven't decided a direction to take yet. When they do it will be a very large scale project.
Well, the latest news on Alien and Predator is that their comic licences recently went from Dark Horse over to Marvel.
Not surprising, inevitable really. First they lost Star Wars and now Alien and Predator. What does Dark Horse have left now?

Growing up in the late 80s and 90s movie licenses was the bedrock of Dark Horse’s reputation. They were the forerunners of taking inactive properties and turning them into comics. It’s not just losing their big names other comic companies have followed their example. Dynamite, IDW and likely others I can not keep track off.
Dark Horse also lost the Buffy, Angel, and Firefly licenses a while back.
I looked through their 25 most recent releases on Comixology, and the licensed comics in the list are Bill & Ted, Overwatch, Disney (Disney Princess and Incredibles), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cyberpunk 2077, The Orville, and Stranger Things. It's not included in that list, but I just double checked and they also have James Cameron's Avatar, but since that's a Fox property, I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually ended up at Marvel too. Another one I remember not on the recent releases list is The Witcher.
James Cameron probably had a good contract with Fox over Avatar, so that he gets a say on licencing. He also presumably doesn't want to turn Avatar into a quantity-over-quality licencing franchise like he probably views Star Wars and Marvel Heroes, and Marvel may not have an interest in it if they can't turn it into two or three books per month, especially not with such a small library. Same might be true for The Orville. The first thing Marvel is doing with the Aliens licence is releasing an omnibus of Dark Horse material.
The problem with Avatar is that it was a hugely popular movie that has no real fandom around it whatsoever.
That's always confused me, it was had the biggest box office for quite a while, but yet nobody really seems to care about it. You'd think a movie that popular would have a lot of die hard fans out there.