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Spoilers AHSOKA series [Spoiler Discussion]

As for Mara Jade; as I've often stated, the problem with Mara Jade is that there's a fundamental difficulty in adapting her character for canon. She cannot be Luke's love interest, because that's not Luke's path.
She can, and be killed before TFA. Yes, it's a stretch and no, I think it's more likely an Emperors Hand character would be someone else. Barris is a possible choice, although TBH i'd rather not go back to TCW again.
The most obvious parallel here is the Emperor's Hands from Legends. I can see this being something Palpatine would want to run by himself; no intermediaries, They'd also be his means of keeping an eye out for a potential replacement for Vader. I tend to see the Inquisitorious as the reject pile. I mean it's not like he'd risk giving Vader command of a bunch of trained force sensitives if they actually had some Sith potential.
In Rebels and Kenobi we see the Inquisitors are no match for Vader. They're Vader's enforcers/knee-breakers (i.e. head choppers :D)
She can, and be killed before TFA. Yes, it's a stretch and no, I think it's more likely an Emperors Hand character would be someone else. Barris is a possible choice, although TBH i'd rather not go back to TCW again.
Again; that's not Luke's path. If Lucas was very clear on one thing it was this. This kind of haphazard pairing off and/or killing of characters for the sake of drama and little else is one of the many reasons the EU became such a mess. Mara was wasted in the EU once she married Luke. Even her death was largely done just for shock value, as was that whole tedious Caedus mess.

As for Barris; having her show up as an Imperial agent of any kind makes no sense whatsoever. The Empire, or rather the Republic's slide into empire and the Jedi's role in it was exactly what she was railing against. Why would she ever willingly serve that?
If Barris ever appears again, I'd say she's either going to be a prisoner, a hermit, or a mercenary like Baylan. Given that Filloni didn't use her in the show says he has something else in mind for her. Maybe season 2 . . .
In Rebels and Kenobi we see the Inquisitors are no match for Vader. They're Vader's enforcers/knee-breakers (i.e. head choppers :D)
I prefer the analogy of hunting dogs. They're there to track, to chase, and to flush. Nothing more, other than perhaps to pick off the occasional weak one. Doesn't matter if the Jedi they flush from cover cuts them down, because they're disposable and flushing the Jedi from cover was the whole point of it. Actually killing Jedi is what Vader is for.

Anyway, none of that matches what Sidious was describing. He wasn't after bloodhounds or springers, he was after indoctrinated spies and assassins. Whole other thing. If they use Emperor's Hands in canon, that's what they'll be. Force sensitives with control chips, serious psychological conditioning, armed to the teeth, and masters of stealth and infiltration.
Which still works fine for Mara's story; you just replace her internal battle with Palpatine's dying psychic command, with the programmed and conditioned compulsion to obey his final instruction (given the more mundane way), only in my proposed revision; instead of "kill Luke Skywalker" it would be "kill Galen Marek".
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In Rebels and Kenobi we see the Inquisitors are no match for Vader. They're Vader's enforcers/knee-breakers (i.e. head choppers :D)

The Inquisitors were trained by Darth Vader, and Darth Vader would only teach them what they need to know to their jobs, but not enough for them to supplant him. On the other hand, Anakin Skywalker taught Ahsoka Tano everything he knew, which is why she was able to go through no less than four Inquisitors without much effort.
Ahsoka killed two and basically fight two others with little effort. Constantly knocking Fifth Brother out of the fight and disarming Seventh Sister. Only the appearance of Stormtroopers, with artillery, forced her to flee. Otherwise she was going to interrogate Seventh Sister as much as possible.
As for Mara Jade; as I've often stated, the problem with Mara Jade is that there's a fundamental difficulty in adapting her character for canon. She cannot be Luke's love interest, because that's not Luke's path. You can have a character called Mara Jade who was one of Palpatine's personal agents/assassins, somewhat trained in the Jedi/Sith arts but not the deeper secrets. You can even have her cut loose with nobody to turn to after Endor, and have her fall in with a smug--ah, "legitimate trader" in the aftermath. So for so good right? Except that's not Mara Jade, because what defines her character is what happens when she meets Luke Skywalker.

You can have Mara. As soon as you dump that dogshit ST and excise it from the canon!

C'mon, Disney. I triple dawg dare ya!
You can have Mara. As soon as you dump that dogshit ST and excise it from the canon!

C'mon, Disney. I triple dawg dare ya!
Just like the prequel trilogy was never going to be excised, the sequel won't be either.

And that's fine.

Multiple shows have demonstrated how you can make them better by building up and around them.
Just have her die during the destruction of the Academy. It would be a little odd that they don't mention her death as an inciting factor in Luke leaving but not insurmountable. Perhaps they are a couple but not actually married.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Not a bad episode. A bit overly long in some places. I was curious what they would say about this new galaxy. i was curious if they were going to hint this was a galaxy the Vong have already hit or something along that line.
Ezra seems incredibly chipper for someone who has been stuck in what looks like to be the Scottish highlands for 10+ years.
Huh.. Dathomir witches from the great beyond! No wonder they were a diferent way with the force.

Hearing Thrawn in Live action.. CHILLLS!!!
I would have injected a bit more humor with Sabine and Thrawn, bit snarky or sarcastic :p

Ezra! yeah.. dont ask how I got here. you wouldn't be proud.

the Chimera is a bit worse for wear.. and who's the Roman Mask Trooper??
Funny; I felt, as I always do, that it was a bit too short. I was also half-expecting Sabine to come over a rise in the landscape and find the shattered, barely-recognizable remains of the Statue of Liberty, but I guess we’re not going there.
"Intergalactic travel within a star whale. Now I really have done it all."

(So says the droid who is a Time Lord in another universe where he did such a thing already...)

Well, I hope all of the naysayers are at last happy. Thrawn and Ezra have finally arrived. And they were both well worth the wait.

Perhaps it's just me, but the nature of a technologically-advanced group of people traveling from far (far) away to high-fantasy planet reminded me of Ursula K. Le Guin's Rocannon's World, complete with an individual traveling the desolate landscape on a local (albeit nonflying) steed in search of someone in particular.

With that in mind, in a longer season, I would've loved to have seen more of Sabine's travels in that wilderness, seeking Ezra out while experiencing mini-adventures along the way, a true epic journey not unlike Le Guin's tale. But I know that's not what this show is about and I don't hold it against it for not having any of my random imaginings (putting aside knowing that certain people would've hated such "pointless" divergences).

Either way, I greatly loved every second of this episode. From Lars Mikkelsen fully embodying Thrawn (right down to those perfect red eyes) to Sabine's internal struggle of the situation she has found herself in.

We only have two episodes left and I cannot see how this well all play out.
I loved this one.
The reveal that the Night Sisters came from this other galaxy was an unexpected reveal. From the way Baylan talked about that galaxy and the way the witches talked about the Jedi, it sounds like the people from both galaxies are aware of each other.
Thrawn and Ezra's appearances were both great.
The designs for the Enoch and the Night Troopers was really cool. I have to confess, at first I thought maybe Enoch was going to end up being Ezra, and I'm glad he wasn't.
I loved Sabine's howler, he was awesome. I'm curious how they filmed the scenes where she was riding him, if he was a horse they just replaced in post, or rig on an ATV or something. The way she moved a few times made it looked like he might have been horse, but it was hard to hell.
Ezra's friends were pretty cool too.
This one gave us some nice insights into Baylan's mind.
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