A set of changes/proposals

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In light of the events of the past few days, we've decided to
implement the following changes:

1. As already announced by DEA in this thread, he will be leaving us as Trek BBS administrator, while he unfortunately will also be stepping down as General Trek Discussion moderator.

2. Another person will be coming in as fourth administrator. While LizardLaugh, Lisa and I already know who we're going to ask for this post, you'll understand that we will not be able to tell you who it is until we've actually talked with them

3. The Neutral Zone will be changed to a forum with a minimum amount of moderation. It will not turn into a completely moderated forum, and so it will still be possible to hold heated debates. However, as we've already been editing out porn and similar things for a long time now, that means we're legally bound to also moderate other illegal material - strong hate material and personal mail addresses could not be posted, for instance.

Before doing this, we'd like to have your input on what kinds of rules to have here. Please post your suggestions about this in this thread in Questions, Suggestions & Feedback.

4. In order to not stimulate an atmosphere where having alternate usernames is a normal thing, we have to stop continually attracting so much attention to that. Therefore, we would like to ask you to not accuse people of being another user posting under an alternate username anymore - this is one of the reasons for some of the paranoia which we have also witnessed. If you really feel someone is posting under an alternate username, please contact all admins personally - we will decide whether to act or not.

5. We are still reviewing the situation with the chat room. At the moment, it is a safe harbour for all those who have been banned, which is clearly not an ideal situation - a ban from the Trek BBS should also mean a ban from the chat room.

6. The moderators will be creating templates to be used when warning users in order to make the process less emotionally-charged.

7. Slarus and Che Guevara will receive a one-month ban, leading to their unbanishment on the 11th of November.

In addition, we will be implementing several technical measures:

1. People with less than X posts will not be allowed to post in the Neutral Zone. Suggestions on what X should be should also go in this thread in Questions, Suggestions & Feedback.

2. Users with less than 100 posts will be prevented from posting more than once every three minutes, and possibly also from posting new threads. Input on this would be appreciated.

3. Posts in the Officer's Lounges and TNZ will no longer count towards post count, under the rationale that this is a Star Trek discussion board.

Until these measures are implemented, registration will remain off.

I am convinced that with these measures we'll be able to maintain the BBS's friendly atmosphere. For a board of close to 10,000 members and with an age of more than 2.5 years, I'd say we're a remarkably clean board - I'm sure it'll be able to stay that for well into the future.

[This message has been edited by Christian (edited October 08, 2001).]
i leave the bbs to go play a game for a hour & the entire bbs goes to hell

sounds good to me
o & i dont know what day will do if he isent let in the chat room anymore

your source for all star trek music videos here

i am

"A man that does not know history is bound to repeat it"

[This message has been edited by a89ares (edited October 08, 2001).]
You know, if this had been done two months ago, I'd never resigned..


  • <A HREF="http://www.theonion.com/onion3734/hijackers_surprised.html" TARGET=_blank>JAHANNEM, OUTER DARKNESS—The hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon expressed confusion and surprise Monday to find themselves in the lowest plane of Na'ar, Islam's Hell.

    According to Hell sources, the 19 eternally damned terrorists have struggled to understand why they have been subjected to soul-withering, infernal torture ever since their Sept. 11 arrival...</A>

    DEAverification :P
Let me speak on this:

3. Good!

4. Thank you

5. Sounds good to me

7. I can't thank you enough for this one.

1. Make the X = 100

2. Don't let them post new threads, please!

3. Just those two forums?? Are you going to
include Misc. in that?? I don't think this is good idea. It might stop some trolls, but you're going to get some bad feedback on this overall.

Just my 2¢!
Originally posted by Christian:
4. In order to not stimulate an atmosphere where having alternate usernames is a normal thing, we have to stop continually attracting so much attention to that. Therefore, we would like to ask you to not accuse people of being another user posting under an alternate username anymore - this is one of the reasons for some of the paranoia which we have also witnessed. If you really feel someone is posting under an alternate username, please contact all admins personally - we will decide whether to act or not.

I'm sorry, but this is absolutely laughable. Your solution to people using an infinite number of user names to avoid a ban... is to cover it up? To have everyone keep quite about this gaping loophole?

That is a joke. It's not even close to a serious solution. You are literally advocating that we all stick our heads in the sand, rather than enacting a solution, IP tracking, that we know will work.

Originally posted by Christian:

3. Posts in the Officer's Lounges and TNZ will no longer count towards post count, under the rationale that this is a Star Trek discussion board.

Shouldn't that also apply to MISC? There's not much Trek conversation going on in there.
Users with less than 100 posts will be prevented from posting more than once every three minutes, and possibly also from posting new threads. Input on this would be appreciated.

now that i think about it i agree with the only be able to post every 3 min but the part where they can no longer creat threads
my friend is a member here & he does not get online much but he gets here every so often . he has mad 2 threads in gen trek asking some intelagent questions. how about if you are under 100 posts they cannot make threads in TNZ & misc but you can still start threads in say the series forums (ent,ds9,voy) & the gaming forum & art forum.i would like that alot better.
Originally posted by Jeriko:

I'm sorry, but this is absolutely laughable. Your solution to people using an infinite number of user names to avoid a ban... is to cover it up? To have everyone keep quite about this gaping loophole?

That is a joke. It's not even close to a serious solution. You are literally advocating that we all stick our heads in the sand, rather than enacting a solution, IP tracking, that we know will work.


No, that's not what we're advocating. We will act against alternate usernames. But the fact of the matter is that we will be acting against them, and not the membership in general. I'd say that 80% of the alternate-username-threads in QSF did not in fact deal with alternate usernames - this creates a lot of paranoia and chases of newbies.

If you suspect someone of having an alternate username, mail us. If we agree, we will act. As you may or may not recall, depending on how long you're here, we acted against the first case of someone abusing an alternate username long before anyone had ever complained in public, and that situation was dealt with quickly and rather well, I'd say.

now that i think about it i agree with the only be able to post every 3 min but the part where they can no longer creat threads my friend is a member here & he does not get online much but he gets here every so often . he has mad 2 threads in gen trek asking some intelagent questions. how about if you are under 100 posts they cannot make threads in TNZ & misc but you can still start threads in say the series forums (ent,ds9,voy) & the gaming forum & art forum.i would like that alot better.
That is a good point - your solution may indeed be better.
All great ideas! I especially like the TNZ and Lounge postings no longer affecting rank counts. Wonderful idea. Overall, I welcome the changes.
Christian! Try to make it possible for new members not to post new threads in Enterprise also. I'm getting a little tired of 15 new Klingon Blood threads everyday. Please take this into consideration.
Originally posted by Jeriko:

I'm sorry, but this is absolutely laughable. Your solution to people using an infinite number of user names to avoid a ban... is to cover it up? To have everyone keep quite about this gaping loophole?

That is a joke. It's not even close to a serious solution. You are literally advocating that we all stick our heads in the sand, rather than enacting a solution, IP tracking, that we know will work.


I second this sentiment.
So the Troll Slarus would be back after 1 month. His blatant use of alternate screen-names, calling people obscene names and voilating this BBS number one policy of not having any alaises and not posting while banned is going to be ignored. This is so funny, the less said the better. The said administrative action of ignoring obivious alter-egoes and emailing mods(like they reply and take action on emails), excuse me is plain pathetic, and a lame Joke of a administrative action. I guess there will be some good people leaving too with DEA. Why I am having a feeling of Deja-vu; Trekweb BBS collapsed after they started ignoring Trolls too, so history would repeat itself. I guess I should create 20 accounts for myself too to counter atleast 30 known slarus accounts since I know I would be able to get away with it under the auspices of a ignorant Administratrion ; a healthy trend I see developing soon.
Sad to say, with the departure of DEA and the current Troll friendly administration the glory days of this BBS may be gone pretty soon
Over and out

"Lets make sure that history never forgets, the name Enterprise"-Capt. Picard
"You can't be afraid of the wind, ensign"-Capt. Archer
"My God, what have I done?-Capt.Kirk
What you always do. Turn death into a fighting chance to live."-McCoy
"Its said that fortune favor the bold"-Capt.Sisko

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Thrawn (edited October 08, 2001).]
Comments on the suggestions:
1) I'm sorry to see DEA leave the board. I do agree that IP logging should not be implemented on this board.

2) For the new Admin, I'd recommend one of your current moderators.

3) I hope that TNZ will still allow heated debates (including those that may be contriversial in nature) in the future.

4) We should stop looking for double usernames so making alternate names won't be a big deal.

5) The chat room. If the chat room is part of trek nation, then policies for handling situations like the Smiley situation where a user spamms the room with dozens of clones. If it is not part of Trek Nation, just put a disclaimer on the link to the chat room saying something about banned members may be in the chat, but this does not condone their being banned.

6) OK

7) OK

Technical measures

1) Perhaps "junior members" shouldn't be allowed to post in TNZ. I don't know when this change occurs, maybe it is after 50 posts or maybe it is after 100 posts.

2) I don't think flood control should be implemented on the whole board. Flood control should only be implemented in the Enterprise forum on Wednesdays. I think new users should be allowed to start new threads since in some of the quieter forums there might not be relevent threads to add on to. If the BBS is being overwhelmed, I think you should get rid of the lounges. All they do is encourage spamming to get to the next lounge and slow down the server.

3) Good idea.

Will flaming be allowed in TNZ? I will be sorely disappointed if I can't belittle people there.

Seriously, while most of the new guidelines are improvements, have you ever stated here why you're unwilling to activate IP tracking? It seems like such a simple solution that'd I'd be interested in knowing why you have such an objection to it. You may have said in the past but I never caught it, and would at least be interested in knowing.


[This message has been edited by Jeriko (edited October 08, 2001).]
May I please have my 5000+ posts back please that I gave up during numerous demotions please?

Please again, and thank you ma'am.

*sigh* More of the same...

Christian, until you agree to assign an unique, or at least semi-unique, identifier to each user upon registration (i.e. ban the free e-mail domains), these measures will do zero to prevent the use of multiple user accounts. I realize that you are morally opposed to IP logging, but if you severely reduce the incentive to create multiple accounts, there's no need to implement such (in your opinion, apparently) invasive policies.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
--Friedrich W. Nietzsche
I can't fault any of those points listed above.

Provided that "Flood Gates" are not introduced, I'll be happy - untill Trek:X comes out.

The continuiing clamp down on spoilers relating to ENT & Trek:X is greatly appreciated!

On a note on forums - how about a science forum? Where we could talk about things like what modem should I buy, or about new scientific discoveries? I think this would be a great idea for a new forum.

There are also always millions of very similar threads, I've noticed at least one "should we update the sfx in TOS" post every bloomin' week I've been here.... These duplicate threads should be deleted - or set up in such a manner than clicking them will take you to the link that's already open.
Can I be a mod??

There is no word for perfection so I am forced to make one up:

Spam Man Sam
Originally posted by Reno:
May I please have my 5000+ posts back please that I gave up during numerous demotions please?

Please again, and thank you ma'am.

Sure, Reno. I'll take care of that right now.. Uhh..

  • <A HREF="http://www.theonion.com/onion3734/hijackers_surprised.html" TARGET=_blank>JAHANNEM, OUTER DARKNESS—The hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon expressed confusion and surprise Monday to find themselves in the lowest plane of Na'ar, Islam's Hell.

    According to Hell sources, the 19 eternally damned terrorists have struggled to understand why they have been subjected to soul-withering, infernal torture ever since their Sept. 11 arrival...</A>

    DEAverification :P
I understand that you have already chosen the new administrator, so my opinion probably won't amount to much.

While there are many moderators on this board that would make fine administrators, I think the most qualified would be label. If he is not your first choice, please consider him as a back-up.
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