I think Kevin Uxbridge said he’d been living in this galaxy for thousands of years…suggesting that he’s from another before that.Douwds and Tholians both probably quite old
Why do you think the Tholians might be older too?
I think Kevin Uxbridge said he’d been living in this galaxy for thousands of years…suggesting that he’s from another before that.Douwds and Tholians both probably quite old
The line in “Ensign Ro” is from the…
Captain's log, supplemental. I read about the achievements of the ancient Bajoran civilisation in my fifth grade reader. They were architects and artists, builders and philosophers when humans were not yet standing erect. Now I see how history has rewarded them.
At the time the episode was written it was thought that man first walked upright much later than has subsequently been discovered. Originally around 200,000 years ago…I think it might have been around 500,000 years ago at the time of the episode but don’t quote me on that.
Homo erectus was the first upright man and they existed around 1.9 million years ago.
More recently we’ve learned that our ape ancestor Sahelanthropus tchadensis stood upright as far back as 7 million years ago.
Interpret the “real” history of the Ancient Bajorans as you like. I’m tempted to take them to 7 Million years ago. Either way, I think it suggests a much more storied history than we gotten to explore so far and that’s rather intriguing to me.
I don't think we can really judge dialogue from an old episode by the discoveries since then. So in my opinion that means 200-500 thousand years ago.
But is the discovery of Homo Erection really more recent than that episode? That doesn't sound right.
It's called the Silurian hypothesis. Any direct evidence of a pre-human civilization would have long eroded away, so we'd be left with inferences and indirect evidence, at best.Lagrange points are Not entirely stable either. Look at the James Webb.. it's length of service is dictated by its fuel reserve. It's still has to station keep.
add in micro meteorite impacts etc. I would only give it maybe thousands of years before the sky is clear or shattered to dust.
As for cities.. could be they didn't do metal high rises, more eco friendly. Or even organic technology. The voth after so long have risen and fallen probably countless times.
So you either start ignoring more and more dialogue and episodes or you make your peace with not knowing what happened.
I guess for me I thought 200/500k was already incredible so in for a penny in for a pound at this point. The challenge and the intrigue lies in the mystery of what went on all that time. It's so mind-bogglingly long either way that you really have to come up with some amazing stuff.It's more that I would not twist the dialogue into something the writer didn't have in mind when they were writing the dialogue due to not having the information we do now. Yes 200/500 thousand years are long, but still a lot less long than 2-7 million years.
I think you have it right. In the distant past biological lifeforms treated artificial ones they treated badly, the artificial ones wiped them and everyone else biological out, and set up the unlikely astronomical phenomenon of the 8-star solar system to draw the curiosity of future artificial lifeforms to it, before they left this galaxy for somewhere else (unclear if to another galaxy or another dimension) only to return if so called by fellow artificials.I don't remember the details that well, but thought the admonition was misinterpreted as a message that synth life needs to be killed, or they'll kill us, and then reinterpreted as an invitation for other synths to join the robosquids and then they'll wipe out all bio life
(It was a mess anyway, that whole part of the story)
Why do you think the Tholians might be older too?
All of them are really long, and unless you’re okay with thinking they just hung out for all that time, you need to come up with something or put in a placeholder for what happened during all that time. And much more looking at the Voth and others—the Hirogen built their subspace communications network across 60k(!) light years 100,000 years ago!
So you either start ignoring more and more dialogue and episodes or you make your peace with not knowing what happened.
I’m not sure. Do you mean from the games or the books?Arpy, do you plan to expand your list with civilizations from beta canon?
Ah yes, the Chodak. I knew I missed one.Final Unity