3D interiors in Blender

Beautiful stuff! I'd love to walk through there and press every button, maybe fire a photon torpedo or two. I just love how minimal changes, like in the color scheme of the controls or the added screens, can make for such a different look.

Only one thing that looks weird to my eye, though: the reflecting glass in the viewscreen. Was this done on purpose or did this happen by accident?
Thank you! It is intentional, I added a reflection to it as well as to every other backlit glass on the bridge.

Continuing with the progress, I've finished the aft consoles. The ship is almost ready to get out of spacedock!

This looks amazing. The orange and purple LCARS are some of my favorite and it really works well with this version of the bridge.
@ashefivekay: Thank you! I'm not much of a fan of that color combination myself, but it does work on this design.

We tried several different colors for the carpets on the bridge, but in the end we choose to keep the TNG style carpets, so here are some finalized renders of the Quasar. More (including a cutaway) to come!




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This looks fantastic! This might seem weird, but my favourite details are the door stripes/livery/signage - the design feels a little retro compared to the rest of the bridge (I don't know if it is, or is intended to be) which I think gives the whole thing a more realistic look. Wonderful!
A lot of beautiful work here. Great stuff. Thanks.

But for such a image heavy page, it really slows down the browser. Maybe it's not just me, and I suppose many have faster connections than I. Still, it might help if images were clearly labeled and the images themselves were put under spoiler tags, alone or in groups. Then one could freely scroll anywhere in seconds, read the text, and only uncover each image as they came to them one-by-one without having to wait for dozens of other images to download first. It might help. But I'm not sure.

In any event, yeah, these are beautiful. I wish you had some populated with generic Federation personnel, too. Keep up the good work.
I love all the “Future Imperfect” influences in this. One of my favorite guilty pleasure episodes. I'll never tire of this.
@MadMan1701A: Thank you very much Ricky!

@JRTStarlight: Thanks! Hmm, I never realized that... I'll start using the spoiler tag for now, does this happen to anybody else?

@Matthew Raymond: The Andromeda? Now that's what I call a crossover! :lol:

@M: Thanks!

I've started a new commission, the bridge of the Cheyenne-Class USS Zodiac, so it's a little bit older than the TNG bridge yet very much in the same style. This bridge will be based mostly on the USS Brattain, with some elements from the Sutherland, Enterprise-C, Quasar and Defiant bridges.

The basic structure is up, but other than that there's a lot to do!

I've finished the general layout of the aft consoles, though a lot of details are still to be added there. I had to move the whole central area of the bridge forward half a meter in order to accommodate the tactical station behind the captain, which I still have to add.

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The need to step down and then back up to get from the center area to the rear feels a bit awkward, although I suppose its not worse than the various movie bridges.
Very cool. These cramped one-off bridge sets on the show always fascinated me. For some reason they look more real and utilitarian to me, because they don't have so much empty excess space like the larger hero bridges.
@The Librarian: Yeah, I guess it does, but that's the way it was on the Enterprise-C, I'm just following the same floor plan.

@M: Thanks! They definitively look more lived-in and used, because of the different bits used on the sets they look like old starships which underwent several upgrades on different moments.

I've started work on the ceiling, things are starting to get claustrophobic in here! :lol: The light levels will be adjusted once all the lights are in place, for now it looks a little dark.

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I'm mostly done modeling the aft section of the bridge, I've added the tactical station behind the captain. The black rectangles at feet level on the aft consoles will be isolinear chip bays.

The ceiling dome is a replica of the one from the Brattain, though with a standard white light rather than the orange it had on that ship.


I've added the Brattain style columns, and I've started working on the viewscreen area, which is based on the Sutherland bridge.

I've also changed the tactical console support to look like the TNG battle bridge tactical station. It gives the back area of the bridge a bit more open space.


If the captain is going to have those Defiant-style consoles, do they also still have the flip-open armrest controls? Or are those just greebles now?
@Rekkert, I like the Defiant side consoles on the Captain's chair, but why is the view screen so teeny-tiny? The captain might as well redirect the image to one of those side consoles, since the image would be about the same size from the captain's perspective.