3D interiors in Blender

Seeing these bridge variations makes me wonder if anyone has ever done the TOS bridge layout in TNG style. So essentially keep the dimensions and proportions of the TOS bridge, but style it with TNG bridge elements. I guess this would look very interesting.
@Mark Davies: Thanks!

@FormerLurker: Really? Huh, I didn't know that. It makes sense.

I've been working on the aft consoles. Still a lot to do here but the chair padding is done:


Love all the little details you're putting into this! Great work!

Seeing these bridge variations makes me wonder if anyone has ever done the TOS bridge layout in TNG style. So essentially keep the dimensions and proportions of the TOS bridge, but style it with TNG bridge elements. I guess this would look very interesting.

Vanishing Point has one up for poser and DAZ called Starship Bridge 15 that is very much the TOS bridge layout done with TNG style elements.
Seeing these bridge variations makes me wonder if anyone has ever done the TOS bridge layout in TNG style. So essentially keep the dimensions and proportions of the TOS bridge, but style it with TNG bridge elements. I guess this would look very interesting.
I'd imagine that some of the ship-of-the-week bridges might be close, since (I think) they redressed the movie bridge for those ships.
@M: Well, it's not exactly the same layout but the Soyuz bridge by MikeZ83 is pretty close. He definitively inspired me to begin doing 3D bridges.

@ashefivekay: Thanks! Oh, I didn't know those existed! Some are very cool designs!

@B.J.: I imagine the Ent-D Battle Bridge is what comes closer, but then again it's just a redress, using the same wall consoles with just added LCARS.

I've finished the bottom part of the chairs, as well as the rails on the floor. This area is full of little details like the small insets where the padding meets the wall at floor level, it's really a slow process. There's a reason why I left it almost for last.

Vanishing Point has one up for poser and DAZ called Starship Bridge 15 that is very much the TOS bridge layout done with TNG style elements.
@M: Well, it's not exactly the same layout but the Soyuz bridge by MikeZ83 is pretty close. He definitively inspired me to begin doing 3D bridges.
Both of these are very cool. Thanks for those links! (How quaint and naive of me to assume no-one on the internet had done this already. :lol:) The Soyuz bridge has more intricate and realistic modeling, but I prefer the color scheme of the VanishingPoint bridge, because it's an interesting mesh of TOS and TNG colors. The Soyuz bridge is also very reminiscent of the Final Frontier bridge, which come to think of it, looks rather like the TOS bridge in TNG styling already.
The Soyuz bridge is also very reminiscent of the Final Frontier bridge, which come to think of it, looks rather like the TOS bridge in TNG styling already.

Yeah, in a way that's the closest we got to the TOS in TNG styling, Zimmerman designed it specifically to be a bridge between the eras (no pun intended :lol:)

I've finished with the aft consoles, not as fast as I wanted to, but at least it's done now.

I had to remake the archways as the curves they had were too big, but now that I've done that I'm almost done with the first alcove.

These are really great.

I do have to ask if it's a happy accident or intentional: the grey surfaces. Are they supposed to be slightly convex or is it a smoothing groups issue? I like it the way it is. I just wanted to know if that was intentional. :)
Thank you all for your comments!

@Scribble: Oh it's definitively intentional. The shape itself is not convex but the edges have bevels on them, hence the smoothed look.

@uniderth: Shhhh ;)

I've finished this alcove. The texture for the door will change later on to more accurately reproduce the look of 'Future Imperfect', for now I just used the textures from the Anchorage to help me get the shapes right.

I've also added a small grid texture to the lights above the alcove and above the aft stations. It's a subtle effect but it's closer to the original now (which I'm assuming was a polycarbonate plate placed below the lights).

I've finished the door areas, so I'm done with the modeling. One particular detail which I hadn't noticed before doing this is that the Ready Room door is actually taller than all the other ones. I wonder what's the story behind that, as I bet they originally intended all doors to be of the same height.

I'll move onto UV mapping now and start with the consoles and labels next.




I've finished UV mapping the bridge and added the textures for the chairs, consoles and carpets. The effects are subtle so open the images in a separate windows to see them fully. They'll be a bit more noticeable once I do the high quality renders with less noise. It's the first time I try doing something like this so I'm than open to suggestions or comments on my technique.

As you can see on the door to the conference room, I've already started working on the labels and LCARS as well.


They had to make the Ready Room door taller because of the way Riker gets in and out of chairs. ;)

I actually had no idea that was the case. Interesting. This is looking great. Looking straight on with the widescreen shot I understand a bit more why they added the stations on the left and right sides of the bridge for Generations. It really does feel a bit empty. Works for a 4:3 television show, less so for a widescreen film. Not knocking your design at all, just realized. ;)

Great work on this. It's going to look amazing when you have it finished!
@ashefivekay: Thanks! I never thought about the modified Generations bridge in that way, but it does make sense, I wonder if that played a part into the decision to redesign the bridge...

@Matthew Raymond: Hahaha, it's the first time I do this kind of texturing work, so by looking at my previous work you could've thought I wasn't going to do it. :D

I've added the isolinear chips on the racks and on the Conn/Ops consoles, as well as the LCARS for said consoles.

The LCARS are using the colors from the Anchorage temporarily, as I'm just creating the panels for now, the final colors are still to be defined.

The side graphics added to the circuitry access panels were created by @JoeRalat. I've reproduced them on Inkscape in order to get the resolution I needed, but they're his design.

The viewscreen and the little window at the top got their textures as well. :P


I thought the tactical console would be a pain in the back to texture because of its shape, so I wanted to do the LCARS for it as soon as possible to get them out of the way.
I've also added some further details below it per my commissioner (client?) suggestion to make the area look less empty.

We've talked a lot about the LCARS and found the color combination he liked the most for this bridge, which is the late-TNG orange/purple combination, so now all LCARS use those colors.

The vertical panels are also done, inspired by the Voyager panels which use the whole vertical space, rather than the TNG ones which only use a small area when not in alert mode.

I've also changed the colors of the carpets to make them closer to the late-TNG carpets. We might change them completely after the LCARS are done, but for now, I wanted them to be as close as possible to the real deal.

