3D interiors in Blender

@Tomalak: Thanks! That's always something I try to keep in mind, keeps it grounded in what they could've done at the time. :)

@Jedman67: Heh, I fully agree with you, it's way too grey, but it's the way it was on Voyager and I'm going for that look, I'm not a massive fan of it myself.

@Bernard Guignard: Thank you so much!

@Bry_Sinclair: Yeah, I really like fleshing out these seldom seen ships :)

Finished the MSD for the front end of the room. Its layout is based on the Defiant engineering MSD, so it has the cutaway at the top with more displays below it.

In this case however, I replicated two elements from Voyager's LCARS for the bottom. And I took the chance to rework the cutaway graphic itself, adding more details (Voy-style warp core, type-6 shuttles on the bay, turbolift shafts, etc.) and more text entries around it. I'll replicate this on the bridge MSD next time I render it.
@Jedman67: Heh, I fully agree with you, it's way too grey, but it's the way it was on Voyager and I'm going for that look, I'm not a massive fan of it myself.

In this case however, I replicated two elements from Voyager's LCARS for the bottom. And I took the chance to rework the cutaway graphic itself, adding more details (Voy-style warp core, type-6 shuttles on the bay, turbolift shafts, etc.) and more text entries around it. I'll replicate this on the bridge MSD next time I render it.
The LCARS are pretty. :)
Thanks for the kind comments!

Finished the two remaining LCARS panels! These were something different than usual because they're vertical rather than horizontal, which we didn't see very often in this style.

Also, I slightly tweaked the MSD yet again, reducing the number of warp coils to match the graphic on the glass panel.


Glad you all liked the engineering set!

For a while I've been itching to do a location on a planet, an office at Starfleet Command or something like that. But adding an exterior is just SO MUCH extra work in order to make it look good.

Remember the USS Yeager ready room? Work on it was finished, but I was waiting for a 3D render I commissioned from Angelos Karderinis to be complete. In the meantime Blender 4.0 released so I tweaked the lights and materials with the new goodies, and rendered it with the new AgX View Transform rather than the old Filmic.





And here's Angelos' piece in full glory, I'm super happy with how it turned out!
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The color scheme is really relaxing and classy. Has a TMP/TNG influence, but with a little more class. The texture and lighting on those walls is so smooth!

Are you working with light objects or emissive?
Excellent images of the Norway-class starship's interior. I wrote a series called Star Trek: Fortitude and in the last season, the ship became a Norway-class. This was similar to how I imagined the interior of a Norway. There needs to be more stories with the Norway-class out there.
@Mr. Phreez: I work mostly with emissives, but for spotlights I do use light objects to accentuate their shadows. Often time when doing canonical sets I have to "fake" the lights all over because there's no other way to emulate how the sets were lit during filming (the TNG bridge shown below for example has a large elliptical light object over the whole thing to give it a warmer tone).

Finally started updating the Enterprise-D bridges to match the materials and lighting of my latest work. These are NOT the brand new models I did for The Roddenberry Archive using the actual set blueprints, just my 6 year old models, so there's a lot I know is wrong with them. But at least now they have better lighting, more realistic materials, and are rendered using the latest Blender 4.0 stuff, like AgX and the updated Principled shaders. I hope to do at least a few more of these before the end of the year.








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