3D interiors in Blender

I am never going to forget SFRA. One of these years, I expect some of their people to actually show up to inspect the Cerritos on LDS!
Worked on this a bit more when time allowed, mostly back in December but as I wasn't entirely happy with stuff I didn't update here. I've added some further detail to the curved corridor walls, making the shape of the silver handrails a bit more interesting, and adding texture to the carpets. I've also added a cylindrical corner piece on the columns when the corridors intersect, to avoid having a big empty space there.

Other than greebling up the empty walls opposite the Jefferies tube access (third image) I think I'm done with the corridor, unless I'm forgetting something or someone has any suggestion.



Looks great! The carpet texture is a really nice touch! Is the texture an image texture, or generated via nodes?

Only thing I could think of would be a heavy cargo bay / holo deck door somewhere, but then you'd have to modify the layout that you have.
@batboy853: Yeah, that's something I've considered several times, but as I'm basing this one off of the Enterprise-E and Defiant, well there just wasn't any large heavy duty door on those corridors (other than Engineering blast doors, which are a separate thing). Even the holodeck had a standard door on the Enterprise-E.

The area that I mentioned is still to be detailed right now might have used such a door, but I decided instead to base it on this corner piece from Insurrection, though I'm planning on different greebles rather than those out of place teal vents it had on the movie.


Logically I say I'm almost done with a design and then immediately proceed to change it hahaha. Like I said before there was something about this corridor that never quite clicked with me, and those horizontal fabric panels were the key, I decided to remove the vertical metal bars breaking them up and to mirror their design on the smaller corridor, as well as on the new connecting corner piece.

I think the design is more cohesive now, thoughts?


@137th Gebirg: Hahaha, thanks very much!

@batboy853: Thanks!

@Jedman67: I'm afraid I'm not following?

I went back and forth on whether to have the large LCARS display I mentioned before on one of the corridor segments. I just didn't like the way it looked with the previous version of the design, but now with the revised fabric elements I think it works a lot better. I based the actual LCARS display on this wall panel from Insurrection, though it's actually quite a lot smaller on the Yeager, and I envision it as an interactive general map of the ship.

As for the remaining empty walls opposite the Jefferies tube access, I ended up using the awkward teal frames from Insurrection as a starting point after all (of course I did), but by reusing elements from other Yeager rooms I tried to make them look more like they belong in the design than they did on the Enterprise-E.


This really is giving me big Sovereign class vibes yet still being its own design. Love it.

Also have to say, I've been browsing through this topic again. And your Akira bridge is still the best thing you've designed if you ask me. I love that bridge.
@Mage: Thanks! You mean the Thunderchild bridge? I also think that's probably my best, it's all downhill from there. :lol:

@Jedman67: lol, definitely no, this is no Galaxy-Class luxury liner. :p

@Lt. Washburn: To me they seem to be the same blueish tone as the vertical lines on the doors from Insurrection, and those were definitely colored, not just reflecting light.

Added some subtle paneling around the frames at each side of the door, with the exact same style as the panels around the door at the end of the corridor, to keep it consistent; I really didn't want to overdo it, I feel like the rest of the corridor is already close to being overdesigned.


I always wondered what was going on with these things in the middle of the corridor? I'm guessing they were just a bit of set dressing to make the shot a bit more interesting. But they look pretty impractical, and you have to walk single file to get past them.

@Rory1707: Thanks mate!

@TOMFAN: They just needed something they could place there and then remove to make one corridor segment look like two different corridors, I stopped trying to come up with in-universe reasons for that sort of thing a long while ago. :lol:

@batboy853: Yes, CRITICAL, even. ;)

Here are a ton of renders of the finished corridor. I might still do a red alert version, but at this point I'm a bit burned out of this set, been staring at it for too long hahaha.












